
How good are Jiang Xinlin's parents? Four children and three college students, astronauts have to farm when they return home

author:Qin Fangshi
How good are Jiang Xinlin's parents? Four children and three college students, astronauts have to farm when they return home
How good are Jiang Xinlin's parents? Four children and three college students, astronauts have to farm when they return home

October 26 is a memorable day, Shenzhou 17 successfully launched in Jiuquan, Gansu!

There were three astronauts flying into space this time, among which Wajiang Xinlin, a rural village from Qi County, Henan Province, caused heated discussions.

Because his past is so wonderful.

From driving tanks to fighter jets, and now to spaceships, Jiang Xinlin has completed the "triple jump of life".

What is even more incredible is that Jiang Xinlin is from a rural village in Henan, and his parents are farmers who can't read a single word.

How good are Jiang Xinlin's parents? Four children and three college students, astronauts have to farm when they return home

So how fantastic is Jiang Xinlin's life?


Jiang Xinlin was born in 1988 in Qi County, Kaifeng, Henan Province, and his family has lived facing the loess with their backs to the sky for generations.

Jiang Xinlin's mother has not attended a single day of school, and although Jiang Xinlin's father was once elected to go to high school, because the expenses of the four children in the family are too large, Jiang's father spends most of his time working outside the home.

However, the couple knew that only reading could change their destiny, and they smashed pots and sold iron to provide for their four children.

Fortunately, the four sons and daughters of the Jiang family were very contentious, and there were three college students!

How good are Jiang Xinlin's parents? Four children and three college students, astronauts have to farm when they return home

There are five college students in the village, and the eldest daughter of the Jiang family is the first undergraduate student and is admitted to a university in Wuhan. And Jiang Xinlin has always regarded his eldest sister as a goal to surpass.

Although Jiang Xinlin has done well in school since he was a child and won many awards, he never shows off to the outside world, nor does he let his parents stick it on the wall, and every time he hides it in books.

Perhaps Jiang Xinlin told himself in this way: these are floating clouds, and they are still far from their goals.

Jiang Xinlin eventually succeeded, he overtook his eldest sister, and at the age of 18, he was admitted to a university in Beijing, the former PLA Armored Forces Engineering College.

In college, Jiang Xinlin became a tank driver, and he fulfilled his staged dream.

How good are Jiang Xinlin's parents? Four children and three college students, astronauts have to farm when they return home

College time passed in a hurry, and the year of graduation, the Air Force came to the military academy to recruit pilots, and this time, Jiang Xinlin had a higher pursuit.

In fact, according to Jiang's mother's recollection, Jiang Xinlin had a flying dream when he was a child, and like all rural children, he once put a cloth bag on his body and ran down from the mound, fantasizing that he could fly.

When Jiang Xinlin saw the Air Force recruitment propaganda, his former dream was called again.

"Wider than the land is the ocean, wider than the ocean is the sky, and wider than the sky is the pilot's feelings and ideals."

In this way, Jiang Xinlin was selected to enter the Air Force Aviation University after layers of selection.

How good are Jiang Xinlin's parents? Four children and three college students, astronauts have to farm when they return home


Coming here, Jiang Xinlin's eyes turned black, he changed from an armored soldier to a pilot, facing more challenges than his classmates.

When he saw that his former classmates had successfully graduated and became officers, each contributing their own strength, Jiang Xinlin also envied, but he never regretted it.

Jiang Xinlin immersed himself in learning flight theory and practicing flying skills, and he paid more time and sweat than others.

Fortunately, the result will not disappoint you, and of the 67 students recruited by Jiang Xinlin, only 20 remained, and Jiang Xinlin was naturally one of them.

How good are Jiang Xinlin's parents? Four children and three college students, astronauts have to farm when they return home

In the following ten years, Jiang Xinlin experienced many dangers, but he survived them with his super high ability, and he was also rated as a first-class pilot in the Air Force and successfully promoted to the deputy captain of the flight group.

I thought that Jiang Xinlin's career road had reached its peak, but I never thought that in 2018, the country launched the third batch of astronaut selection plans, and Jiang Xinlin was moved again.

In 2020, Jiang Xinlin was successfully selected as the third batch of astronauts, but his training was not excellent at the beginning, and the assessment results were only level two.

Jiang Xinlin, who has been competitive since childhood, practices for 20 minutes every day to "hit the ground and spin", that is, one hand grasps the ear on the other side and rotates in place.

It is difficult for ordinary people to stick to three minutes, Jiang Xinlin practiced every day, and finally his results improved from level two to level one.

How good are Jiang Xinlin's parents? Four children and three college students, astronauts have to farm when they return home

Of course, in addition, Jiang Xinlin also has to face the training of survival in the wild, and he and two other colleagues have to live for two days and two nights in the northwest desert without external supplies.

On the first night they encountered a sandstorm, and for fear that the tent would be blown away, everyone slept with their arms to the pillars.

These difficulties are big for us just by listening to them, and what should we do if we really encounter them.

However, for Jiang Xinlin, he enjoyed the hardships of work and was willing to ponder the mystery, he only made an electronic flight card, which was unanimously praised by the crew; Some body language was also studied to make the crew more closely coordinated, and so on.

How good are Jiang Xinlin's parents? Four children and three college students, astronauts have to farm when they return home

In the mouths of colleagues, lovers, and parents, Jiang Xinlin is a wooden person.


When he was a child, Jiang Xinlin would go to work in the fields as soon as he finished school.

"A few points of sweet potatoes, Xinlin will finish pulling in a while." Mother Jiang is very proud every time she mentions her son.

Although Jiang Xinlin is the youngest of the brothers in the family, his family has never pampered him, even if Jiang Xinlin later went to college and became a pilot, every time he returned home, Jiang Xinlin had to go to the field to help work.

How good are Jiang Xinlin's parents? Four children and three college students, astronauts have to farm when they return home

Once, Jiang Xinlin came home from vacation, just as the family was shavinging peanuts, Jiang Xinlin hurriedly went to the field to work, and his hands and feet had to finish the work with blisters.

However, Jiang Xinlin is too busy with work now, and he has not returned home for three or four years, and his family is even more ungathered.

Jiang Xinlin's parents also said that they only learned yesterday that their son was selected as an astronaut, and it seems that the confidentiality work is in place.

In addition, some media went to Jiang Xinlin's hometown, only to find that there was no Internet in the village, or installed an Internet cable for the Jiang family's old house overnight, so that parents could see the successful Shenzhou 17th to the sky!

How good are Jiang Xinlin's parents? Four children and three college students, astronauts have to farm when they return home

Jiang Xinlin's parents applauded excitedly after seeing their son's successful flight into the sky, and the old man would not use gorgeous words, but just said: "When my son comes back, I must steam his favorite steamed buns." ”

The child is worried, the hearts of the old couple should be both excited and sad!

How good are Jiang Xinlin's parents? Four children and three college students, astronauts have to farm when they return home

As the first batch of space pilots to carry out the mission, Jiang Xinlin will stay in space for half a year, hoping that he can return safely and eat his parents' steamed buns!

Jiang Xinlin flew from rural Henan to outer space, his unremitting efforts are worth learning from everyone, since there is no background, it can only be a storm!
