
Discord must also be "combined"! The Kuomintang wanted to push Han Yu out of the mountain, and Hou Youyi passively announced a formal apology

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On Taiwan's political stage, power struggles and strategic adjustments within the Kuomintang have always been the focus of attention. Recent interactions between Mr. Hou and Mr. Han have been particularly striking, involving apologies, electoral tactics, and changes in the attitude of party supporters. In this analytical article, we delve into the motivations behind these events and the possible political consequences.

Discord must also be "combined"! The Kuomintang wanted to push Han Yu out of the mountain, and Hou Youyi passively announced a formal apology

First, Hou Youyi confronts not only Han Yu's growing influence, but also deep-seated contradictions within the Kuomintang over the choice of future leaders. Against this backdrop, Hou Youyi publicly apologized to Han Yu for the first time on July 9, an act that appeared to be an attempt to repair relations between the two sides, but in fact concealed deeper political calculations. Mr. Hou's apology appeared to be a low gesture, but it actually left room for it, revealing his caution toward Mr. Han and his supporters.

Discord must also be "combined"! The Kuomintang wanted to push Han Yu out of the mountain, and Hou Youyi passively announced a formal apology

On further analysis, Hou Youyi's apology is clearly inextricably linked to the upcoming election season. If Han Han Yu announces his candidacy, the pattern of primary elections within the Kuomintang will inevitably change drastically, and Hou Youyi's chances of winning will be greatly reduced. His apology can therefore be seen as a tactical adjustment to try to ease tensions with Mr. Han and his supporters.

Discord must also be "combined"! The Kuomintang wanted to push Han Yu out of the mountain, and Hou Youyi passively announced a formal apology

Han Yu's attitude is particularly critical in this process. He did not only pursue a formal apology, but paid more attention to Hou Youyi's sincerity and decisiveness. Judging from past experience, Han Yu has repeatedly given Hou Youyi opportunities, but Hou Youyi has failed to make full use of these opportunities, showing a bureaucratic passivity and hesitation. Han Yu believes that a true leader should show strong leadership and decisiveness, which is exactly what Hou Youyi lacks.

Discord must also be "combined"! The Kuomintang wanted to push Han Yu out of the mountain, and Hou Youyi passively announced a formal apology

In addition, the different strategies of Zhu Lilun and Hou Youyi in dealing with internal party issues also affected the internal stability of the Kuomintang to a certain extent. Zhu Lilun tends to complicate the problem, and Hou Youyi's poll problem has not been effectively improved. Against this backdrop, if Hou wants to achieve better results in the upcoming elections, he needs to show more decisive and aggressive action, and at the same time, handle his relationship with Han Yu and his supporters more sincerely.

Discord must also be "combined"! The Kuomintang wanted to push Han Yu out of the mountain, and Hou Youyi passively announced a formal apology

To sum up, although Hou Youyi's apology is a step forward, the issue remains open until Han Yu receives a positive response. The interaction between the two politicians and the way in which they solve problems will have a significant impact on the future direction of the KMT. It is not enough to rely on unilateral apologies and tactical adjustments, what is needed is sincere dialogue and joint efforts between the two sides. Finally, it should be emphasized that the above analysis is based on publicly available online materials and is intended to provide an in-depth interpretation of the current political situation in Taiwan, rather than support or opposition to specific individuals or political positions. The author of this article is not responsible for the truthfulness and legality of the content and does not represent any political position.

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