
Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago


Photos from the 50s, when New China was founded less than 10 years ago! First, in 1951, during the May Day parade, a team of female athletes passed by the rostrum in Tiananmen Square. In 1955,

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

In the waiting room of a train station, people sit on long wooden chairs and wait. In 1959, a group of female members of a steel mill were smashing things with tools. In 1956,

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

Workers in the Yumen oilfield walk around the square and play basketball after work. In 1950, on the streets of Hong Kong, a fashionable woman was waiting for her friend. In 1958, in a cooperative,

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

Members celebrate the newly purchased tractor. In 1959, in a kindergarten in Wuhan, children learned to sing children's songs with their teachers. In 1959, an actress in London took a photo after rehearsing a show.

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

In 1958, two women were counting the number of sparrows because they were listed as one of the four pests. Staff at the airport tower in 1953. In 1954, local farmers were working in the fields of Hunan.

In the 1950s, in a women's dormitory inside a factory, young girls tried on new dresses and noted areas for improvement. In the 1950s, college students in Beijing's university library study hard.

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

In 1956, in a tea house in Hangzhou, people drank tea. In the 1950s, at the Summer Palace in Beijing, people rowed on the lake. In the 1950s, a large agricultural cooperative in a certain area conducted a year-end review.

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

In the 1950s, a theater in Beijing was performing a puppet show. In the 1950s, on the Badaling Great Wall in Beijing, young people played cards at the head of the city. In 1958, on the roof of a resident's house,

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

People beat gongs and drums, which is an activity to eliminate the four evils. In 1954, in a conference room in a department store, a customer representative was speaking.

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

The photographs show the lives and activities of people of that era. They enthusiastically participate in parades, wait for trains, busy in factories and farmlands, enjoy leisure time, study hard, celebrate new achievements,

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

Participate in social activities. The photos give a warm and authentic feeling that makes people deeply interested in the past times. On the Internet, some netizens commented on the photos.

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

Some say that the photos remind them of their own childhood, when life was simple but full of joy and carefree. There are also comments that the photos are precious historical artifacts,

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

It records the style of that era and the struggle of the people. Others said the photos made them more aware of China's history and culture and amazed at China's development.

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

These photos bring us memories and reflections about the past, and also make us cherish our present life more. By looking at these historical photos, we can see the great changes in China's development,

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

It is also possible to draw strength and inspiration from it. For me, these photographs are not just static images, they are witnesses to history, a window into a bygone era. By viewing these photos,

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

We can feel the breath of that era and understand people's lives and moods. At the same time, these photos also stimulated my interest in history and desire to study, and I wanted to learn more about the history and culture of that era.

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

For our current society, these photos also offer some inspiration. They tell us that past efforts have paved the way for our lives now. We should cherish everything now,

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

And strive for the future. At the same time, these photos also remind us that history is constantly evolving and changing, and we should maintain respect and humility towards history in order to better face the challenges ahead.

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

Through these photos, we can see the development and changes in China, and we can also feel the efforts and struggles of people. They give us a deeper understanding of the past.

Old photos in the 50s of the last century, when New China was just founded less than 10 years ago

It also reminds us to cherish our present life. At the same time, these photographs also stimulate our interest in history and desire for research. By studying history, we can draw strength and inspiration from it and prepare for the future.

Finally, I would like to ask a question, how do you feel and think about these photos? What do you think these photos have inspired and influenced you? Please leave your comments and opinions.

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