
American troops B29 forced landing in the USSR, Stalin decisively detained: urgent imitation

author:Combined forces to strike at 35454

Author: military handsome guy

Statement: Soldiers say original, plagiarism must be investigated

H-6N: A historical milestone for the Chinese Civil Air Force

Does the People's Air Force today have strategic bombers? Yes! Although the range and bomb load of the H-6N are lagging behind those of Russian and American strategic bombers, it is of landmark significance in the history of the construction of our Air Force's strategic bomber fleet.

What is less known is that the People's Air Force was equipped with a strategic bomber 66 years ago, and it is the same equipment as the US military. During World War II, this bomber was the most powerful in the world. This is the Tu-4 bomber we imported from the Soviet Union, which is based on a copy of the American B29 bomber.

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Japanese army carried out three-dimensional air strikes on Chengdu, Chongqing, Kunming and other cities on the mainland, killing countless civilians. In response to the Japanese bombing and destroying Japan's war potential, the B29 bomber unit of the US Army Air Force was stationed in Chengdu. From then on, B29 bombers began to take off in Chengdu to carry out full-scale bombing of the Japanese mainland. This series of strategic air raids gave Japan real punishment for its aggressive atrocities and made an important contribution to ending World War II.

The bombing of the Japanese army made the Chinese people memorable, and the great power of the B29 made people marvel at the strategic bombing. This huge contrast directly translates into the driving force for New China to build a powerful air force. On November 11, 1949, the People's Air Force was formally established, and the construction of the Air Force entered a new era. After the establishment of the Air Force Command, General Liu Yalou, commander of the Air Force, attached great importance to the construction of bomber units. With Soviet support, he built two bomber flight schools and trained a large number of pilots. These pilots laid a solid foundation for the People's Air Force to build a strategic bomber fleet in the early days of its establishment.

However, with personnel, equipment is a problem. By the end of 1953, we asked the Soviet Union for support and purchased 10 Tu-4 strategic bombers. Since then, the People's Air Force has had its own strategic bomber.

The Tu4 bomber is a Soviet copy of the B29 bomber, and its performance is almost the same as the latter. The B29 had the strongest self-defense firepower in World War II, and its overall strength was the strongest in the world at the time. The arrival of the Tu4 bomber marked the birth of China's long-range strategic air force.

After the formation of the first strategic bomber regiment in China, the People's Air Force began to build a powerful long-range strike force. The Tu-4 bomber not only participated in part of the campaign, but also entered service as China's first AWACS carrier. Although the Tu 4 has since been retired, the People's Air Force's more advanced strategic bombers have supported the important task of defending the motherland. Therefore, we must never forget the brave "veteran" in Figure 4.

From the Figure 4 to the H-6N, the Chinese Air Force's strategic bomber fleet has grown and become stronger. They have made great contributions to safeguarding national security and national dignity. China's air force is moving towards a more brilliant future. Let us miss Figure 4, look at the H-6N, and pay tribute to the strategic bomber team of the Chinese Air Force!

[Deeply cultivate the history of war, carry forward positive energy, soldiers say that all parties are welcome to submit, and private messages will be replied]

American troops B29 forced landing in the USSR, Stalin decisively detained: urgent imitation
American troops B29 forced landing in the USSR, Stalin decisively detained: urgent imitation
American troops B29 forced landing in the USSR, Stalin decisively detained: urgent imitation
American troops B29 forced landing in the USSR, Stalin decisively detained: urgent imitation