
What is the essence of "involution"? - The ultimate in exploitation and oppression

author:Tieyun said

Special note: All discussions in this article do not deal with China under socialism.

Professor Guo Heiji said: The essence of the volume is competition; The essence of lying is rest.

And the internal volume is a failure of competition with the outside, and can only be consumed internally.

And some rhetoric is more serious, saying that the essence of the volume is vicious competition without a bottom line, and lying flat is helplessness after the struggle for vicious competition.

1. Vicious competition

The essence of vicious competition is elimination, and it is you who die or live. Similar to Go, it is about who can last until the last moment. It is the extreme embodiment of the law of the jungle.

Ancient Chinese wars paid attention to benign competition, such as not engaging in half-crossing and attacking; "The gentleman is not seriously injured, and he does not capture the second hair. Ancient for the army, not to block also. Although the widow dies in the country, he does not drum, he cannot be listed. The injured Song Guojun insisted while stroking his injured leg.

Some people denounced Song Xianggong as a "stupid pig-style benevolence and righteousness", who was begging for hardships and seeking his own death; Some people praise him as an ancient style and moral model.

Later, the king was defeated, and victory became the only criterion.

The so-called human society of higher animals has once again been reduced to a member of the jungle birds and animals.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is raging. The Jewish community has remained small for thousands of years, and some believe that this is the reason: to go the way of others and leave others with nowhere to go. These long-standing mercenary usurers and opium dealers who seek benefits and interests by excluding and crowding out other peoples will eventually put themselves in trouble.

Therefore, the essence of "volume" is vicious competition, and the essence of vicious competition is unscrupulous mercenary.

Moral decay and money-worship materialism prevailed.

2. Eat dry and squeezed clean

Capitalists love rolls.

Southeast Asia has low labor costs, so they rush to build factories there; Including India; The profit-seeking nature of capital makes them transfer it instinctively.

After full competition, the competition between enterprises is to "tap potential and increase efficiency", desperately reducing costs.

It is two means of strengthening exploitation: prolonging working hours and increasing labor intensity.

So, labor laws are only on paper; Local minimum wage standards are only "guidance".

In the case of oversupply in the labor market, capitalists should do everything possible to squeeze out the last ounce of strength of laborers, which is what capital wants.

There is no bottom line, which is the ultimate bottom line.

It can be said that the "volume" is not only a competition in which laborers do their best, but also a competition in which capitalists do everything they can.

It is about the survival of the fittest of the capitalists, you die and I live. And the tool of competition is these workers.

Therefore, you who are desperately are no different from the soldiers who are dyed red and wear flowers.

What is the essence of "involution"? - The ultimate in exploitation and oppression

3. The harder you work, the less money you can't make

Capitalists really like to see everyone's efforts, especially those who work hard to the extreme.

Because these people are able to "drive" others to work as hard as they do. In the end, striving to the "extreme" became the general standard. (Working hours and labor intensity)

Society thus "progresses", but the distribution mechanism is the law of twenty-eight. Most people are still only able to live in the very small part of society to ensure their own survival, and they are rich and rival.

There are even people who are replaced because of the efforts of others. Lie down and flat. Biological "elimination" is achieved.

This is the essence of the "involution" of the underlying human beings.

4. What is the result of the volume?

On the surface, the volume is the result of competition. In the competition under the market economy, the gap between the rich and the poor is the final result. Volume means concentrated wealth, insufficient social purchasing power, and relative overproduction.

So encouraging the rich to consume, the poor to "spend the future money", overdraft the future becomes an abnormal "normal" social phenomenon.

And overdraft is also limited, is to bet on the next few decades of the bottom workers, according to the law of 28, in the process of repaying debts, there are still those who are eliminated in the competition, so there is a wave of defaults.

- The capitalists finally played these people to death.

This pattern of early consumption has created most people to become "losers", which is a historical inevitability.

Form a crisis in the true sense of the word – manifested as an economic "economic crisis", essentially a social crisis under the private system.

The result of the extreme divide between the rich and the poor is that the people at the bottom lift the table.

Redistribution of social wealth through violence.

This is the cyclical rate of human history.

It is nothing more than that nowadays it is mostly manifested in the economy, market, and free competition; And dwelling often manifests itself as oppression under political power.

The essence is no different. Totalitarianism and capital, a hill of rivers.

5. The "inner roll" of the United States - zero yuan purchase

"Zero dollar purchase" in the United States has become popular. Even robbery under $950 is only a misdemeanor.

In 2014, California introduced a law that stipulates that theft of less than $950 is considered a misdemeanor, and the sentence cannot exceed 6 months. When it comes to implementation, prisoners are often released in less than 6 days.

Because there is also a social cost to the detention of prisoners.

What is the essence of "involution"? - The ultimate in exploitation and oppression

The abacus of the American capitalists crackled, and the gains and losses were clearly calculated.

What is the essence of "involution"? - The ultimate in exploitation and oppression

The gap between rich and poor in the United States is very serious.

What is the essence of "involution"? - The ultimate in exploitation and oppression

Therefore, for these Americans who are desperate to stay alive, it is a top priority to open the net without letting these people break the net, and to maintain social stability under the control of vested interests.

6. The reason why the United States "involves" and does not die

There is also a "trap" in the United States, that is, the labor unions in the United States are quite powerful. These pot-bellied capitalists can spit out some scraps to ensure the basic living conditions of American workers.

The developed capitalist countries have also created the opposite of the "developed" bourgeoisie - the trade unions.

There are only two kinds of people in capitalist society, capitalists and workers.

In the eyes of capitalists, however, workers are merely appendages to the machinery that produces commodities. Materialized tool man. It is a tool for creating value. And not people who are equal to capitalists.

Therefore, since the emergence of the capitalist system, the contradictions and conflicts between the two have never ceased. This is especially true in the United States.

In October 1884, eight international and national workers' groups in the United States and Canada held a rally in Chicago, USA, and decided to hold a general strike on May 1, 1886, forcing the capitalists to implement an eight-hour workday.

-- The eight-hour workday worldwide, with a large contribution from American workers.

It can be said that the "developed" American unions have played a major role in safeguarding workers' rights. But more importantly, it is also an important force for the preservation of the United States under capitalist rule.

- American labor unions are indispensable in maintaining the balance between the overall interests of society in the capitalist system. If the mercenary capitalists under the domination of capital are urinated, the goal is to exploit American workers to the bone.

Without the united American workers and their organizations, the unions, the United States might not have become the hegemon of the world.

7. Removal of involution

Under full competition, most of the wealth belongs to a very small number of people; Most became the standard "proletariat".

They can only live by selling their labor power, which has become the only portrayal of the majority of the people at the bottom of the world.

"The proletariat loses only the shackles, and what they gain is the whole world. Proletarians of the whole world, unite! These are the last three sentences of the Communist Manifesto.

It can be said that since the birth of capitalism, the proletariat's resistance and introspection have never stopped. And Marxism-Leninism became the standard answer.

In the jungle world, the weaker side relies only on numbers and unity to survive under the claws and fangs of the strong eaters.

The essence of the volume is the result of exploitation and oppression.

Exploitation is the work of capital; Oppression is the work of power.

To rebel against capital and power under private ownership is to resist exploitation and oppression.

Uniting to resist is the only way out for the people at the bottom of the capitalist system.

Lying flat is just passive resistance. The mercy of the capitalists may require the death of countless flocks to awaken. Just like the logic behind the United States' permission to buy zero dollars.

What is the essence of "involution"? - The ultimate in exploitation and oppression