
"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

author:Small fishing essays

In 2023, everyone who loves food is already inseparable from the video of exploring the store.

Someone brushed TikTok and coded 8 stores in one night;

Someone accidentally brushed the video of visiting the shop of the sparkling cake shop eaten in elementary school, and was hit by childhood memories and hit the stomach;

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

Some people do not believe in evil, and they check in with the blogger who explores the store in Shenzhen, a food depression, and they really eat a good handful;

Some people went to school for two years, until they followed the evaluation of the school's shop blogger to order takeaway, only to find that "I seem to have gone to a fake college, and I have never eaten such delicious takeaway"...

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."
"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

When shopkeepers sprang up, countless foodies benefited deeply and went both ways with food.

The most obvious thing is that in the past, netizens only regarded Douyin as an entertainment tool, but now more and more people will open Douyin before going out to eat and find something delicious from local experts they follow.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

Detector on the tip of the tongue

Most of the Douyin netizens who live in Beijing have seen the review of @Special Chef Sui Bian.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

Sui Bian, whose real identity is special chef Sui Po, studied under the national banquet master Zheng Xiusheng and served as the executive chef of Intercontinental Hotels and Hilton Hotels.

After 30 years of experience, he was only famous in a fixed circle in the past, and later became interested in catering short videos, so he made a store exploration video at the suggestion of the director.

Netizens called him "absolute taste", because Sui Po can clearly understand the ingredient list and cooking methods of the dish on the table with only one bite.

For example, in a vegetarian restaurant known as the "originator of vegetarianism", he tasted a chopstick and knew that the old dish of stir-fried crab flour was made of carrots and potatoes, while the chestnuts in the chestnut braised pork were canned products.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."
"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

When he goes to a Chinese fast food chain to try a pork rib with fragrant sauce, he can report the seasoning with his eyes closed: tempeh, garlic, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce...

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

This professionalism makes the store respectful and afraid, and also makes the audience feel comfortable after watching it. And the most enjoyable part of Sui Po's comments is here.

He will point out the advantages and disadvantages of the dishes, and say that the color, heat, and ingredients are right and wrong, all of which are based on facts.

He said: "I can't fool people, and all the dishes made by the store can't fool my tongue." ”

For the shop or the chef, his detailed evaluation is instructive.

For many netizens who have problems but can't explain the reason, Sui Po is his high-end version of the mouth, and he will basically not step on the thunder to order according to his evaluation.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

And for Sui Po himself, doing what he likes can also make a name for a good store and fight fake publicity, which is of course a good thing.

Happier is that as a special chef who respects and loves his post, he also found happiness in the process of visiting the store.

It is precisely because he went out to explore the store, rather than sticking to the stove, that he found that there are many innovative dishes in Chinese food, which are new and delicious, and he has confidence in the development of Chinese food.

In the past, there was the plum sweet and sour oxtail in the old halal restaurant Hongbin Building, and then there was the preserved egg meatballs in the Hunan Fly House...

The happier he eats, the happier he will go back and recreate himself, which is why he has earned the nickname "Kakashi of the Visiting Class".

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."
"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

This kind of video content not only excavates the real food for the audience, but also promotes the progress of the business, and can also improve themselves, which can be described as killing three birds with one stone.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

Looking at other Douyin shop exploration videos, you will find that it is far more than this person who has entered the new world because of the shop exploration.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

There are cracks in everything,

Then there was light coming in.

@JiuGe, who has more than 200,000 followers, now excitedly explores Beijing's food map every day.

No one would have thought that he was actually an Internet product manager with "no light in his eyes" -

Stay in the cubicle every day, look up at the computer, look down at the mobile phone, can't see the surrounding scenery, life is two o'clock and one line, everything can be seen.

Until one day, Brother Jiu and his friend Brother Jiao wanted to jump out of the predicament and find a side business that they could live on, and according to their usual habits of reading food recommendations, they discovered the public's demand for the content of the store.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

However, the start of the side hustle was not smooth. The cost and energy of the posting, coupled with the busyness and inadequacy of the two jobs, once made Brother Jiu feel confused.

When he was worried and difficult, it was the support of his friend Brother Jiao, who made Brother Jiu insist on continuing to improve his creative level.

They learned from their previous work experience and learned to use the data analysis they are good at to do store exploration content.

Finally, a month later, Brother Jiu was recognized by 600,000 netizens with his sincere works.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

And it is this experience of being helped that makes Brother Jiu's creation more warm, and he always remembers that "what saves you, you use it to save others".

In the most difficult period of Beijing's catering industry in the late epidemic, Brother Jiu and Brother Jiao turned their account into a "living map of Beijing cuisine" to help people find cost-effective stores.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

More significantly, they also achieve both consumers and merchants.

Brother Jiu and Brother Jiao, who make use of product thinking, took advantage of the traffic opportunities given by Douyin to small and beautiful stores to find a new life for nearly a thousand small shops in the local area that were on the verge of bankruptcy.

From the hotel next to Tsinghua University to the beauty and wellness shop in Fangshan... One by one, no one knows about the store, realizing the miracle of increasing revenue of more than one million yuan for several months from "closing the store the next day" to a long queue.

The evaluation of a shopkeeper's eldest sister was tearful: "You two have changed us, on the edge of life and death, you are the noble man of my family." ”

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

In fact, in the field of shop exploration, it is not only the store that is saved, but also the vulnerable groups who are out of touch with society.

On Douyin, there is an Anhui Baoma Shop Exploration Group with more than 200 personnel, and their identities are the "full-time Baoma" who rarely pay attention.

@Liu Xiaohua (Tan Life), who lives in Linquan County, is one of them.

Her real name is Liu Yueyue, she is 35 years old this year and takes care of 5 children with her husband.

Two adults, with their 2 children, plus 2 children left after his brother died of illness, and his nephew who went to study at the county high school, the family of seven has a difficult life in the county.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

Liu Yueyue has a hard time finding a job because of her age limit and the need to take care of her family at all times.

She has set up stalls, moved bricks to construction sites, swept streets late at night... She tried every opportunity she could get her hands on.

However, no matter how difficult and tiring life is, she never thought of giving up raising so many children.

As her Douyin profile writes: "Not only is life making you taste bitter and sweet, but also learn to smile and face." ”

And the shop exploration is a ray of light that she tries to catch in her life full of cracks.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."
"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

Liu Yueyue and Douyin became involved in a skills training course organized by the local government.

She was introduced by a friend and entered the training course to learn to make shop exploration videos and live broadcasts.

After finishing her studies, she dropped off her children to school every day, and then went with her sisters to the agreed shop to start her part-time job.

They helped each other to raise words, shoot, and saved fans from zero, and after 3 years, the number of fans finally exceeded 4000+.

Although the number is not large, Liu Yueyue cherishes it.

She said that making a store visit video not only made her forget the pressure of life, earn some more money, but also helped netizens find good products, and also helped some merchants bring customer flow, which has made her feel her value.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

In the Anhui Baoma Exploration Group, Baoma, who is holding her breath like Liu Yueyue, and Cheng Xueyan, who raised 3 children.

She wakes up at 5:30 a.m. every morning, cooks, takes her children to school, and then finds time to cut videos; Go out to explore the store in the afternoon, and shoot 3 in one breath when you are more; In the evening, I pick up the children and go home, and then record the narration while cooking the dishes.

Even on weekends with her children, she cuts videos.

Compared with the hard work of continuous rotation, Cheng Xueyan cares more about the choices that the previous generation of mothers did not have brought about by the shop visit.

She is already satisfied with having a job, taking care of her children, earning money, and having flexible and free time.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

Not to mention that today, she not only earns enough for the family's large and small expenses such as firewood, rice, oil and salt, but also expands her horizons, becomes a better version of herself, and sets an example for her children.

Cheng Xueyan's interview answer is always full of hope, but also with a hint of perceptible sadness:

"I've said to kids that the world is big and they can fly out and see. Because of their limited knowledge, Mom and Dad see a small outside world, while they have a broader life. ”

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

Explore the store, maybe not only the store, but also a small person who carries a lot like a snail, stretching out his tentacles to explore the world.

And this world is not only about food, but also about unforgettable scenery.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

Exploring the shop is also exploring the heart

@Putuoshan Xiaoshuai, who has more than 20 million followers, is a "shop explorer" who takes people to understand another scenery - cloud tour guide.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

Xiaoshuai's real name is Dai Shuai, and he has been a full-time tour guide of Putuo Mountain for 7 years before becoming a cloud tour guide.

He yearns for the tranquility of the mountains, is also happy to introduce Putuo Mountain to strangers, and sincerely loves his profession.

Until 2020, when the epidemic came, the tourism industry was depressed, and the deputy marshal fell into the dilemma of having no group to bring.

At that time, the reports on the identity of tour guides on the Internet were relatively negative, and the deputy marshals who needed to find a new way out saw that the "cloud tour guide" was an opportunity to not only reverse the public's perception, but also continue to spread the scenery of Putuo Mountain.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

He spent 4 years telling famous historical sites and famous anecdotes about Putuo Mountain.

Later, his footsteps walked from Putuo Mountain to Guangxi Hundred Magic Cave, and from the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing to the National Defense University and other places around the world.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."
"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

In addition to the beautiful scenery, in his hundreds of "shop exploration" videos that take people to visit scenic spots, there are also humanistic stories told by him, which enrich netizens' cognition of attractions.

From the life of Master Hongyi, the dai shuai can talk about his views on social news, and even because the emotional conversation is too infectious, he has the nickname "Women's Director".

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."
"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

His explanation is not greasy at all, nor is he deliberately worried about giving new words.

For example, in his video about Gen-la Hongyi's experience at the top of Yuputuo Mountain, he talks about the parting of the master from the word "farewell".

With a calm tone and elegant narration, intertwined with heartfelt emotions, this video has nearly 2 million likes, and 30,000 netizens commented: "This is in Duhua, not a tour guide." ”

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."
"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

Just like under his other "shop exploration" videos, some people praised him not only as a tour guide, but also as a guide.

The acting marshal of "Exploring the Shop is also Exploring the Heart" undoubtedly refreshed the perception of all audiences on tour guides.

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

It is not difficult to find that like Dai Shuai, as well as Baoma Tuan, Brother Jiu, Sui Po, these active shop explorers on Douyin all have different identities and life stories, and because of this experience, they have walked out of a unique road to explore shops.

Whether it is celebrity chefs, Internet workers, ordinary mothers, or tour guides who want to transform, the different identities they represent have converged into a huge group——

They could be you, it's me, everyone who wants to change their lives.

In fact, as long as you have shared videos of checking in restaurants & stores and recording attractions on Douyin, you all have more or less "shop exploration genes".

At an inadvertent moment, everyone lit up the "planting grass" skill and were all doing "shop explorers".

"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."
"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."
"I suddenly saw my mother visiting the shop for me..."

According to the "2022 Douyin Life Service Shop Exploration Data Report", there are currently more than 18.5 million Douyin life service creators and 1.27 billion videos related to shop exploration.

These works have been shared more than 10.4 billion times, commented on more than 20.9 billion times, and received more than 119.4 billion likes.

To use an inappropriate analogy, it is equivalent to almost every Chinese has made 1, shared 6, and liked 79 shop exploration videos.

These contents not only enrich our daily lives, but also help merchants increase their income by 72.9 billion yuan, allow 580,000 people to obtain stable income through shop visits, and save many people who are in distress and desperate.

It turns out that shop exploration can also change the world.
