
Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

author:Ruyu who eats melons
Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

Recently, the Korean entertainment industry has once again become the focus of many people's attention, this time the focus is Kwon Ji Ryong, a high-profile Korean star. This is not the first time that the Korean entertainment industry has been plagued by drug abuse. In fact, there have been many drug scandals in this industry, including celebrities such as Yoo Ah Jen and Lee Sun-kyun. This phenomenon has sparked widespread discussion about the inner workings and issues of the Korean entertainment industry.

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

Kwon was exposed to drug use during a 2011 tour of Japan, however, his agency came up with an explanation, claiming it was an accident and he didn't know he was using drugs. This explanation has raised questions from many as to whether this is just an excuse to cover up the truth. Then in 2014, he fell into drug use again, this time after he shared a photo on social media with the word "MOLLY" in it, which raised concerns about whether he was falling into drug use again. However, he subsequently deleted the photo and the incident did not develop further.

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

These drug abuse incidents did not lead to Kwon Ji-ryu being severely punished, which raised questions about whether there are special treatment and black box operations in the Korean entertainment industry. This also makes people start to think about why there are frequent outbreaks of drug abuse in the Korean entertainment industry, and the deeper problems that may be behind these incidents.

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

There may be many reasons for the frequent drug abuse in the Korean entertainment industry, but one possible reason is that some capitalists and brokerage companies use drugs to control artists and thus better control them. The entertainment industry is a highly competitive field, and artists are under tremendous pressure to deal with heavy work schedules, which can lead to fatigue and anxiety. In this case, some aides or close associates may offer drugs to help the star alleviate these problems in the short term. However, this behavior often leaves long-term physical and psychological sequelae.

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

Agencies and capitalists are usually aware of these problems, but they may choose to use these handles to control artists and make them more obedient and submissive. This is actually a dark means of control, keeping artists under the control of capital. The entertainment industry is full of pitfalls, every artist is given a price tag, and their success and status depend on their "value".

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

When capitalists and brokerage firms take back these handles, stars can quickly lose their aura, making them more vulnerable. Their shiny surface masks the confusion and fragility inside, and viewers often only see their exterior without understanding the story behind them.

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

These drug abuse incidents in the Korean entertainment industry reveal the dark side of capital control and manipulation of artists. Celebrities experience tremendous pressure and control beneath their glamorous exteriors, and success doesn't mean eternal brilliance. This field is full of uncertainty, and every artist can fall victim to the capital game at any time.

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel
Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

The problem in the Korean entertainment industry is not just drug use, it also involves deeper power and control. Stars are treated as part of the capital game, and their aura is only instantaneous. The audience is also engaged in the game, and we shouldn't be surprised when the stars hit the trough. It's a complex field, and every character can be changed at any time, and stars are just part of it. The Korean entertainment industry is both glamorous and undercurrent, and this is its true essence.

There is also news: Xiaotianci's 4th birthday! The 72-year-old father cooked 20 dishes, his brother and sister were absent, and 3 general managers attended

Huang Weiping and Tian Xinju, a couple in their nearly seventies, made a shocking decision four years ago when they decided to raise the Internet celebrity Xiaotianci, who is now 4 years old. The family's later years were filled with laughter, and their decisions and current state of life are thought-provoking.

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

Xiao Tianci's 4th birthday celebration is different. Without the participation of many relatives, only elderly parents, brothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, and some brand general managers, this scene seems a little out of place, but it is full of family and career emotions.

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

On this day, we have to sigh that the 72-year-old Huang Weiping is getting younger and younger, not because he has to take care of his grandson, but because of his own mental state and health. He is energetic, with a straight waist, a smile on his face and a quick mind. He even stir-fried a table of dishes himself, and although some were prepared in advance, the workload was not easy for a septuagenarian man.

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

Tian Xinju also remains healthy, and her black hair makes her look young. Her tenacity and vitality make people sigh. The couple's health and living conditions are one of the important factors in their ability to raise little Godsend.

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

Xiao Tianci, the child who grew up in an online environment, is 4 years old, she is becoming more and more cute, and she seems polite when interacting with strange guests. This reflects the excellent education of Huang Weiping and Tian Xinju as parents.

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

The presence of three brand general managers is mentioned in the article, which hints at Xiaotianci's popularity and attractiveness. She may not be as good as other big influencers, but her growth has aroused the interest of many netizens, which is called "traffic".

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

Huang Weiping and Tian Xinju's decision meant giving up more family affection, including their children, and even missing on their sister's birthday. This decision may feel complicated, but at least for now, Xiaotianci is happy. Huang Weiping also accumulated enough wealth for her to secure her future.

Star "Kwon Ji Ryong"... The insider broke the news: He was incontinent in the hotel

The story is emotional, it shows the persistence and parental love of an elderly couple, as well as the growth and popularity of their influencer daughter in the online world. The family lived a fulfilling and meaningful old age in their characteristic way, while also leaving a deep mark on the online world. This story teaches us that love and sacrifice are selfless, and that happiness is not always defined in the traditional way.

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Note: Original article, infringement must be investigated, the picture comes from the Internet, for reference only!

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