
Sweet Pet Fantasy vs Court Love: Which Do You Love More?

author:Hei Hei has something to say

Two overhead costume romance dramas "A Thought of Blossoms" and "Years of Green Lotus" were launched on the same day, which triggered heated discussions and comparisons among netizens. Although the two dramas presented four episodes when they premiered, the audience reputation was polarized. Some people love to look at it, while others don't look at it. This is not surprising, because any film and television work, as long as the plot is empty and the characters are not grounded, will make the audience feel uncomfortable. Especially for costume themes, the story of fantasy and sweet pets is not liked by many audiences. But the netizens who can stay to watch these two dramas are all die-hard fans and hardcore costume drama fans. First of all, the TV series "One Thought Blossoms" tells the hilarious journey of Cui Chen (played by Fang Yilun), a genius master brother of the Qingyuan Sword School, and Zhao Tantan (played by Huang Riying), a junior sister of the belly black, to find the "seven-leaf fanlian". The story of the two pitting each other and frequent moths all the way, but also growing up and harvesting love all the way, and finally joining forces to revive the story of Shimen. The storyline of this drama is lighthearted and humorous, full of energy, suitable for the audience to relax and enjoy some sweet love stories. Secondly, the TV series "Years and Years of Qinglian" takes the treacherous capital crisis as the starting point of the story, telling the emotional development of He Lianxin and Luo Qinglian.

Sweet Pet Fantasy vs Court Love: Which Do You Love More?

In Quliang City, King An's fief, the strange woman Luo Qinglian (played by He Hongshan) was involved in the battle between the sons of King An because she looked like the deceased Princess Xian, and became the concubine of the third son He Lianxin (played by He Rundong). Qinglian initially wanted to escape, but after going through ups and downs with Helianxin, he saw the story of Helian's faith and benevolence of the people, and decided to stay by his side to help him fulfill his ambitions, strive for the well-being of the people, and seek peace for the world. The storyline of this drama is compact and emotionally delicate, which is suitable for the audience to enjoy some sincere love stories. Although these two dramas do not have popular traffic stars to join, nor do they have the blessings of high-end light luxury and exquisite service, this does not affect the audience's love. I believe we should still start from the story itself and enjoy the plot of the TV series and the performances of the actors. After all, the meaning of TV series is to provide viewers with the opportunity to relax their minds, experience positive energy, and feel a good life. Therefore, whether we like "A Thought of Blossoms" or "Years of Green Lotus", we should appreciate the emotional experience and value significance brought by TV series. In short, these two costume love sweet pet dramas have their own highlights, and the audience can choose which one to watch according to their own interests.

Sweet Pet Fantasy vs Court Love: Which Do You Love More?

After all, the audience's preferences are diverse, and TV series provide people with a rich and colorful cultural and entertainment life. We should respect everyone's choice and enjoy the wonderful experience brought by TV series. TV dramas have always been one of the favorite entertainment methods of audiences, and the two recent hit dramas "Chen Qingling" and "Qing Yu Nian" have attracted a large number of viewers' attention. Both shows have their own highlights and appeals, but their audiences are different. First of all, in terms of theme and style, "Chen Qingling" is a costume drama with a fantasy theme, which tells the story of the brotherhood between the protagonists Wei Wuxian and Lan Yuji and their fight for justice. "Qing Yu Nian" is a business war drama set in history, which depicts the legendary story of how the protagonist Lin Chong fought wits and courage in the mall and eventually became a business giant. It can be seen that the audience of "Chen Qingling" is more inclined to audiences who like fantasy, costume and pure love themes, while "Qing Yu Nian" is more suitable for audiences who like business wars, history, workplaces and other themes. Secondly, there are also certain differences in the audience groups of the two dramas.

Sweet Pet Fantasy vs Court Love: Which Do You Love More?

The main audience of "Chen Qingling" is young audiences and female audiences, which is due to the beautiful graphics and soulful emotional lines, and the character of the protagonist Wei Wuxian is also very much in line with the aesthetics and values of today's young audience. "Qing Yu Nian" is more popular with middle-aged audiences and male audiences, because the play has real and cruel business war scenes, and the image of the protagonist Lin Chong is more easily recognized by male audiences. In addition, the marketing strategies of the two dramas are also different. "Chen Qingling" released the original novel and animated version through the online platform before the broadcast, thus attracting a group of loyal fans, and the show also strengthened its own topicality through star promotion and online interaction. "Qing Yu Nian" pays more attention to the detailed plot and scene presentation, attracting the audience's attention through the wonderful scenes and soundtrack of the business war in the play. On the whole, although the audiences of the two dramas "Chen Qingling" and "Qing Yu Nian" are different, they both have their own advantages and highlights. "Chen Qingling" has exquisite pictures and soulful emotional lines, while showing the fantasy and beauty of the fantasy world; "Qing Yu Nian" is more realistic and cruel, depicting the cruelty of business war scenes and the ingenuity of shopping mall characters.

Sweet Pet Fantasy vs Court Love: Which Do You Love More?

Both dramas are interesting, each has its own audience, which is also a reasonable performance of existence. Finally, we should also find our own aesthetic orientation and interests from the differences between the two dramas, after all, green vegetables and radishes have their own love. At the same time, as a form of literary and artistic expression, TV dramas should also be able to guide the audience to think and reflect, and cannot be just a simple entertainment pastime. Therefore, we also expect more excellent TV dramas to appear, and to make breakthroughs in innovation and artistic expression, so as to bring a richer and more meaningful viewing experience to the audience. Which TV series do you prefer? What do they inspire and think about you? Welcome to leave a message to share.