
Another sin! The boy, who said he would take care of his sister for his deceased parents, and both his sister were killed today

author:Wisdom Xiao Li has something to say

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This report is deeply heartbreaking. In the distant Gaza Strip, full of war and misery, two poor little lives have died. They are the older brother and the younger sister, who is covered in blood but does not hesitate to protect his sister. However, despite their bravery and tenacity, fate took their lives. They were too young to know this wonderful world before they could get to know it, and they were robbed by the flames of war.

Another sin! The boy, who said he would take care of his sister for his deceased parents, and both his sister were killed today

Israeli military operations have brought widespread suffering, especially to children. Many children lost their lives and families were destroyed. But these children showed amazing strength and optimism. Even when they were injured, they kept smiling, high-fived reporters, showed their wounds, and showed resilience to life. Their strength and fearlessness are touching and make people think that in the face of suffering, human strength is infinite.

Another sin! The boy, who said he would take care of his sister for his deceased parents, and both his sister were killed today

However, the conflict has also provoked deeper reflection. Since the end of the Second World War, the international community has yearned for peace and civilization, but fighting and killing still seem to be continuing. The United Nations was established to maintain peace, but in some cases the idea of peace seemed to have lapsed. We must think about how such barbaric killings can be stopped and how the idea of peace can be realized.

Another sin! The boy, who said he would take care of his sister for his deceased parents, and both his sister were killed today

With regard to the bombing of the Gaza hospital, this is a shocking incident. In any case, kindergartens and hospitals should be protected places, not targets for bombing. Innocent civilians, especially children, should not fall victim to conflict. This incident has aroused widespread concern in the international community, and in any case, the truth cannot be erased.

Another sin! The boy, who said he would take care of his sister for his deceased parents, and both his sister were killed today

Finally, the report reminds us that Chinese, especially the older generation, that we have experienced hardship and war. We should resonate with the people of Gaza and understand their suffering, while reflecting on the value of peace. We hope that the people of Gaza will be able to emerge from their suffering and achieve peace and stability at an early date.

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The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

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