
The smell of gunpowder in the Middle East is undiminished, and the United States is busy

author:Dignified and elegant squirrel 1QY

In the current global environment, the United States faces enormous challenges and pressures. On the one hand, the Middle East issue is like an egg that can never be cooked, and the United States handles it carefully, for fear of screwing up. On the other hand, the situation in the Indo-Pacific region is like a chessboard, and the United States fears that it may make a mistake at one point and cause the situation to spiral out of control. The United States is like a passenger on a roller coaster, sometimes rising and sometimes falling, making people palpitate.

The smell of gunpowder in the Middle East is undiminished, and the United States is busy

There seems to be no end to the Middle East problem. America is like a firefighter, there are fires everywhere, but the fires are always expanding. Especially now, whenever the United States wants to take a break, a bunch of new problems arise in the Middle East, causing headaches.

The smell of gunpowder in the Middle East is undiminished, and the United States is busy

The biggest headache for the United States is the situation in the Indo-Pacific region. The United States has deployed many pawns in the region, but now it feels like it is stuck in a maze and cannot find a way out. Sometimes, the United States really wants to ask itself, is it playing chess or is it being manipulated by someone else to play chess?

The smell of gunpowder in the Middle East is undiminished, and the United States is busy

Recently, the situation in the Middle East has heated up again. For the first time, Israel has struck Syria on such a large scale, including high-tech weapons like the F-35I stealth fighter. The conflict is like a live broadcast, demonstrating the strength of Israel's military might.

The smell of gunpowder in the Middle East is undiminished, and the United States is busy

This incident has unnerved other countries in the Middle East, after all, no one wants their home to be blown up. There are fears that Israel's actions could further destabilize the entire region.

The smell of gunpowder in the Middle East is undiminished, and the United States is busy

Syria is also an important force in the Middle East, with close ties with both Russia and China. Especially for countries such as Palestine and Syria, China's clear support is like a reassurance for them.

The smell of gunpowder in the Middle East is undiminished, and the United States is busy

Israel's attack on Syria complicates matters. The United States claimed: "We are in self-defense, against Iran!" But Syria and some other countries think: "You are violating our territory!" "It's like a pot of stew, and the interests and relationships involved are very complex.

The smell of gunpowder in the Middle East is undiminished, and the United States is busy

But it's not enough just to strike at aircraft, go to war, there is bigger news! The United States sent aircraft carrier battle groups to show muscles. Everyone is thinking, "What does the United States want to do?" "Many people worry that such a large-scale operation will direct the flames of the Middle East to other regions, causing more trouble around the world."

The current situation is very chaotic, all kinds of news, events, bombs, aircraft, aircraft carriers, people are overwhelmed and scared. I hope that all countries can calm down and work together to turn this chaotic world back into a time of peace.

The smell of gunpowder in the Middle East is undiminished, and the United States is busy

Hamas has shown determination and tactical competence. The reality is relatively awkward. Although many Arab countries pay lip service to them, they choose to wait and see when it comes to providing military assistance. It's like you're fighting, and your friends around you are shouting "Hit him, I support you!" "But no one really came to help you, you had to fight alone. Hamas faces a situation where they can only confront Israel on their own, even if they desperately want substantial support.

The smell of gunpowder in the Middle East is undiminished, and the United States is busy

Many countries in the Middle East have expressed sympathy for Palestine, but in reality their support has been limited to rhetorical statements. When Hamas really needs help, these countries are like the kind of friends who will only say they will not do. It can be said that Hamas now feels isolated, and despite their own fighting spirit, no one has really given them substantial support.

The current situation is very sensitive, and we all hope that we can calm down and not let things get worse. In this land, there is not only war and conflict, but also peace and dialogue. The best way to resolve disputes between States is not through war, but through diplomacy, to find a mutually acceptable solution.

The world's problems are very complex, but as long as all parties are willing to sit down and negotiate, they can always find answers that are satisfactory to both sides. I hope that the world can be more peaceful, and every country can find a win-win way to create a place where everyone can live and work in peace.

Not long ago, the Syrian president visited China! Bashar's visit to China is not the first time, he did so in 2004. It was the first visit by a Syrian head of state to China since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Syria in 1956. The visit was markedly different because he was in China for a particularly long time, the longest he has visited abroad in recent years.

Interestingly, since the Syrian civil war that began in 2011, President Bashar al-Assad's international visits have also been quite frequent. China is the sixth country he has visited, having previously traveled to Russia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Saudi Arabia. It seems that Bashar al-Assad is a president who loves to travel.

Speaking of Sino-Syrian relations, Bashar's favorable impression of China has increased significantly in the past decade. He started out only politically with China, but now he wants to work with China to rebuild post-war Syria. After all, China has always been a country that pursues peace, friendship and cooperation, and who doesn't like such a partner?

As we all know, in the United Nations, China sometimes stands up for Syria and gives strong "no" votes, many times. Syria interpreted these choices as "China helps us resist the United States." For such a friend, who is not grateful! This has also brought Syria's Bashar closer and closer to China.

Speaking of Bashar's views on China, he once said something profound. In a 2016 interview with Russian media, he bluntly said: "As long as China becomes stronger, small countries like ours will feel safer." Doesn't that sound very touching?

I still remember the time Bashar visited China, which coincided with the opening of the Asian Games, and he specially attended the opening ceremony with his wife. When the Syrian delegation entered, the audience broke out into warm applause, which was heartwarming. Bashar himself was deeply touched by this enthusiasm. Later, he specifically mentioned this in an interview with our CCTV.

"In fact, sometimes we may wonder if we are not familiar with China and Syria being so far away." But the welcome that day let me know that we and Chinese are very close emotionally. He also especially thanked Chinese netizens: "I really thank everyone, thank you for caring about us so much." ”

The recent escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has led to tense tensions, with more than 4,900 casualties. It's really worrying. China stood up in the hope that they would calm down and find a peaceful solution, such as the two-state solution, and that Palestine would have a homeland of its own.

Unfortunately, Israel does not seem to accept China's goodwill. Not only did they not stop, but they expanded the battlefield, even with Syria. On the afternoon of 13 October, Israel reportedly bombed the airports in Damascus in Syria and Aleppo in the north, rendering the runway unusable.

Why is Israel doing this, you may ask? Their military leader, Khalevi, said: "We bombed these two airports to tell Iran and Bashar not to underestimate us." He spoke loudly, as if to let other countries know that they had the strength and should not act rashly.

It's not over yet, and Israel doesn't seem to be planning to stop. On 14 October, when it was thought that the situation would calm down, Israeli aircraft attacked Aleppo airport again, causing another round of attacks. The airport had to be closed. Although Aleppo airport reopened on the evening of the 13th, Damascus airport remains closed.

The current situation is very complex and all parties need to calm down, otherwise they really do not know how this conflict will end. It is hoped that all countries will move towards peace and minimize the harm of ordinary people.

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