
Don't think too well

author:Mado and bird knife

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The phrase "We think too well of you" is not just an emotional expression, but a cold statement of reality. In this world of uncertainty and surprises, things don't always go the way we expect. But let's dive into these seemingly intricate events and phenomena to see if we can find some clues or even some deep connections.

First, let's talk about Hollywood screenwriters who seem to have found new jobs in Washington. It's an ironic statement, but it provokes us to think about the political and financial system. There is no doubt that finance capital plays a vital role in this world. How they use various means to obtain benefits is a thought-provoking question.

Don't think too well

Next, let's talk about finance capital, Puritanism, and the Anglo-Saxon nation. It may seem like a strange combination, but in fact, there is some kind of connection between them. Thanksgiving was seen as a holiday worth celebrating, but it was also accompanied by the extermination of the Indians. The connections and influences behind such historical events should trigger a profound reflection on morality and power.

When talking about financial capital, we cannot ignore their tools and strategies. In its pursuit of profit, financial capital uses a range of means, including the so-called "magic flute", which aims to make money the greatest belief of people. There is also leverage, a means of borrowing, and complex models and one-sided lenses, which are at the heart of the operation of financial capital. They are able to penetrate all areas, create situations, harvest resources, and even manipulate markets.

Don't think too well

Marx once warned us, saying: "If there is a 100% profit, the capitalist will take a risk; If there is a 200% profit, the capitalists will flout the law; If there is a 300% profit, then the capitalists will trample on everything in the world! This quote accurately reveals the ills in capitalism, where capitalists, regardless of their pedigree, are chasing profit, which is often accompanied by moral decay.

When looking at the world from a financial perspective, we should also pay attention to the cooperation between science and financial capital. Science has become a sublime superstition, and people believe that it can solve all problems. But sometimes, science is misused as a tool of finance capital to cover up unfair activities. Many financial models are built by "scientists" with mathematical and physical backgrounds, which makes regulation extremely difficult.

Finally, let's return to reality and face the unprecedented changes in a century. No matter what happens, we need to be vigilant, deeply aware of major events and trends, and always keep a clear head in case of the unexpected. In this complicated world, only by adhering to the right path and high vigilance can we survive the storms.

This series of events and perspectives, which may seem complicated on the surface, all point to a central question: the interrelationship between finance capital and power, and how they affect our world. On this issue, we need more in-depth thinking and deep discussion to find a better way out.

The Rise of Financial Capital and the World Pattern

"We think too well of you", this is not an emotional expression, but a statement of facts. This sentence seems to be an accurate annotation of today's world pattern. In an era, capital, religion and ethnicity seem to be intertwined and take on new characteristics. This article will explore the rise of financial capital and how it has changed the world.

First, let's go back in history. Thanksgiving, which was supposed to represent gratitude and reunion, became an ironic celebration because of the callousness of colonialism and the extinction of the Indians. This shows the role of finance capital in history, profit-oriented and unscrupulous. The 2012 "accidental" death of a high-ranking pro-China political official in Japan sparked the dispute over the Senkaku Islands, a clear example of how finance capital operates behind the scenes. And the early warning script before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic also makes us wonder about the control of financial capital in world affairs.

Second, the characteristics of financial capital are worth exploring. Capital knows no borders and money never sleeps, and they use ingenious strategies, including the clever use of financial instruments, the expansion of leverage risk, and the construction of information asymmetry, to make themselves stronger. This allows financial capital to penetrate all areas to maximize returns. As Marx said, when the higher the profit, the more willing the capitalists are to take risks, trample on the law, and even trample on everything. The evils of finance capital seem unfathomable.

Now, let's dive into the rise of contemporary financial capital. Europe, one of the earliest regions with a mature financial system, is vulnerable to the rise of finance capital. Many sovereign states seem to have become puppets of finance capital, losing their autonomy. The dual citizenship of the Ukrainian top and the phenomenon of naked officials of the EU presidency all show the influence of finance capital. Science has also become an ally of financial capital, and through the superstition of science, financial capital has successfully escaped regulation and carried out various operations in the name of financial innovation, making regulation almost impenetrable. It also casts doubt on the authority of traditional regimes.

Based on the above views, the rise of financial capital has changed the world pattern. They permeate various fields in a unique way, influencing international politics, economy and culture. In a profit-oriented world, financial capital has become a powerful force shaping our reality. Whether we like it or not, the influence of financial capital is deeply entrenched, and we must remain vigilant to respond to a changing world.


The rise of financial capital is a complex and profound phenomenon that has changed the world pattern. In this process, financial capital makes itself stronger and stronger through various means, including the use of financial instruments, the expansion of leverage, and the construction of information asymmetry. This trend is not limited to the financial sector, it has penetrated into international politics, economics and culture, becoming a powerful force.

Historical examples show that finance capital is unscrupulous and seeks to maximize profits. The irony of Thanksgiving and the "accidental" deaths of top Japanese political officials both shed light on the impact of finance capital. In addition, finance capital has also freed itself from regulation by controlling scientific superstitions, challenging the authority of traditional regimes.

In this day and age, we must remain vigilant and constantly analyze events and trends in depth in order to better understand the rise of financial capital. As Marx said, the more profit-seeking capitalists are, the more willing they are to take risks, and the easier it is to trample on law and morality. Only through vigilance and systematic thinking can we meet the challenges of finance capital and uphold fairness and justice. In the midst of changes unseen in a century, we must be prepared to do so.

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