
The true sign of a strong state: the dignity of the people at the bottom

author:Half summer LAS

When we look at a country's strength, the traditional perspective tends to focus on its economic growth, the number of high-rise buildings, or technological progress. However, with the changes of the times and the sublimation of human values, more and more people realize that the true strength of a country is not only reflected in the material level, but more importantly, whether the people at the bottom have the dignity they deserve. There is a deep basis for this view.

The true sign of a strong state: the dignity of the people at the bottom

1. High-rise buildings do not represent the overall prosperity of the country

As we all know, high-rise buildings often represent the level of economic development of a country or city. However, this does not mean that everyone behind these buildings enjoys economic dividends. In fact, the gap between rich and poor is widening in many countries, with some people living in fertile conditions while others still live below the poverty line. This unbalanced development model is unsustainable.

The true sign of a strong state: the dignity of the people at the bottom

2. The dignity of the people at the bottom is the cornerstone of social harmony

If a society only focuses on the interests of the top people and ignores the basic rights and interests of most of the people at the bottom, then the society is unstable. Discontent and disappointment among the people at the bottom can lead to social unrest. Countries that ensure that all their citizens enjoy their basic rights tend to be more stable and harmonious.

3. Dignity is a better expression of civilizational progress

Progress at the material level is easy to see, but true civilizational progress is reflected in the relationships between people and the attitude they have towards others. True civilizational progress is when a State ensures that every one of its citizens, regardless of their social status, can enjoy dignity.

The true sign of a strong state: the dignity of the people at the bottom

4. Lessons learned

Historically, many countries have neglected social balance while their economies have developed rapidly. These countries have all ended up suffering from some social unrest, which provides us with valuable lessons.

True national strength does not simply depend on material development. Only by ensuring that every citizen, especially those at the bottom, can enjoy dignity that the country can achieve long-term and stable development. It is also an important task and challenge of our time.

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