
Diarrhea non-stop, it may be that the large intestine is calling for help! The disease is becoming more and more common in China

author:Dr. Lee of the respiratory department said healthy

With the changes in modern lifestyles and the adjustment of dietary structure, many people have experienced or are experiencing diarrhea. In recent years, the frequency of non-stop diarrhea seems to have increased in China, and more and more people are troubled by the large intestine. So, why has diarrhea become such a high incidence of disease? What exactly is the large intestine calling for help? This article will answer it for you in detail.

First of all, we need to understand the causes of diarrhea. Diarrhea refers to a digestive disease in which the frequency of fecal excretion increases, is watery or semi-thin, and is accompanied by diarrhea, abdominal pain and other symptoms. The disease is often associated with intestinal infections, in which pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites are common triggers. In addition, poor eating habits, digestive disorders (such as inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome), and long-term use of certain medications may also lead to diarrhea.

Diarrhea non-stop, it may be that the large intestine is calling for help! The disease is becoming more and more common in China

As an important part of the digestive system, the large intestine undertakes the important task of absorbing water and nutrients. It is not only a place for the bacterial community of the digestive tract to gather, but also participates in the interaction between the intestinal immune response and the internal and external environment. However, when invaded by pathogens or subjected to other stimuli, the normal function of the large intestine is disrupted, resulting in diarrhea.

Diarrhea non-stop, it may be that the large intestine is calling for help! The disease is becoming more and more common in China

In response to the high incidence of diarrhea, experts have put forward a series of solutions and suggestions. First, establishing healthy eating habits is key. We should try to avoid excessive intake of spicy foods, fried foods and foods containing pathogenic bacteria, increase the intake of dietary fiber, improve intestinal peristalsis, and supplement enough water. This helps maintain the normal physiological function of the large intestine.

Diarrhea non-stop, it may be that the large intestine is calling for help! The disease is becoming more and more common in China

In addition, maintaining good personal hygiene is also one of the important measures to prevent diarrhea. Proper handwashing, before meals and after using the toilet are the first requirements to prevent the spread of pathogens. In addition, irregular bowel cleansing is also an effective way to maintain the health of the large intestine. Intestinal cleansing can effectively remove bacteria and toxins accumulated in the intestines, reduce the growth and spread of pathogens, and reduce the risk of disease.

Finally, when diarrhea lasts too long or is accompanied by other serious symptoms, be sure to seek prompt medical attention. A professional doctor can determine the cause of diarrhea and give a corresponding treatment plan through examinations and related laboratory tests. During treatment, we should strictly follow the doctor's instructions and avoid the abuse of antibiotics and other drugs that may harm intestinal health.

To sum up, diarrhea is a common digestive disease, and its high incidence is related to factors such as poor eating habits and intestinal infections. As a key digestive organ, the health and function of the large intestine has an important impact on diarrhea. Therefore, we should pay attention to cultivating good eating habits, maintaining personal hygiene, performing intestinal cleansing, and seeking medical attention if necessary. Only in this way can diarrhea be prevented and treated, and the health of the large intestine can be maintained.



1. Zheng W, Tsilimigras MC, Boeckxstaens G, Zhu Q, Huang H, Gu L, et al. Role of Intestinal Microbiome in American Gut Project. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2020;1238:201-211.

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