
The son has a rare tumor, and the mother secretly said that it is difficult to say, doctor: fortunately, it is not a terminal illness

author:Lao Li Health said

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In a quiet corner, a middle-aged woman bowed her head and cried.

Her name is Li Ting, and her 10-year-old son, Xiaojie, was recently diagnosed with a rare tumor. In the face of the concern of family and friends, she always pretends to be calm, but at this moment, she is a true portrayal of a mother worried about her son's health.

After learning the diagnosis results, Li Ting has always had an unspeakable secret, which is about Xiaojie's father. She hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to find the attending doctor, Dr. Liu, and tell the family secret.

The son has a rare tumor, and the mother secretly said that it is difficult to say, doctor: fortunately, it is not a terminal illness

Dr. Lau is an experienced oncologist, who has been facing various complex cases and emotional changes of patients' families for a long time, so he is able to face Li Ting's anxiety with a peaceful mind.

"Dr. Liu, Xiaojie's biological father died before he was born, also because of a rare tumor." Li Ting bit her lip, and her voice trembled to say this unspeakable secret.

The son has a rare tumor, and the mother secretly said that it is difficult to say, doctor: fortunately, it is not a terminal illness

Dr. Liu was silent for a moment, and then said slowly: "I understand your concerns, but you need to know that medicine has developed very rapidly, and many diseases that were once considered terminal diseases now have cures. As for Xiaojie's case, although it is a rare tumor, it is at least not a terminal illness. ”

This phrase "at least not a terminal illness" seems to have injected a shot of strength into Li Ting and made her regain hope.

The son has a rare tumor, and the mother secretly said that it is difficult to say, doctor: fortunately, it is not a terminal illness

Rare diseases, usually those with low incidence, are relatively neglected in medical research and clinical treatment because of their small number of cases. However, with the advancement of modern medicine, there are corresponding treatment options for many rare diseases, especially rare tumors.

The son has a rare tumor, and the mother secretly said that it is difficult to say, doctor: fortunately, it is not a terminal illness

The progress of modern medicine is not only reflected in the treatment technology, but more importantly, the in-depth understanding of diseases. With the development of gene technology and molecular biology, scientists have revealed the pathogenesis of many diseases, which provides new ideas for the treatment of diseases.

For example, for some rare tumors, despite their low incidence, scientists have identified their disease-causing genes, which makes targeted treatments possible. Targeted therapy targets specific molecules or pathways of tumor cells, and compared with traditional chemotherapy, it has fewer toxic side effects and better efficacy.

The son has a rare tumor, and the mother secretly said that it is difficult to say, doctor: fortunately, it is not a terminal illness

Of course, for some specific familial diseases, as mentioned by Li Ting, scientists are also working hard to study. Familial disorders are caused by specific genetic mutations that can be passed between family members.

Although these diseases have a higher incidence within families, they are still rare in the population as a whole. Early screening and intervention are particularly important for these diseases because they carry a high genetic risk.

The son has a rare tumor, and the mother secretly said that it is difficult to say, doctor: fortunately, it is not a terminal illness

For familial tumors, several innovative strategies are being developed and applied. For example, gene-editing technologies, such as CRISPR/Cas9, have been shown to be effective in some cases.

This technique allows scientists to precisely modify specific gene sequences in cells, thereby correcting or eliminating disease-causing mutations. Although this technology is still in its infancy and there are many technical and ethical challenges, it offers a completely new direction for the treatment of familial diseases.

The son has a rare tumor, and the mother secretly said that it is difficult to say, doctor: fortunately, it is not a terminal illness

In addition to gene editing, genetic testing is also an effective tool. By genetically testing family members, individuals with disease-causing mutations can be identified in advance and targeted prevention and treatment recommendations can be provided. This not only prolongs the lives of patients, but also improves their quality of life.

The son has a rare tumor, and the mother secretly said that it is difficult to say, doctor: fortunately, it is not a terminal illness

For Jie's case, Dr. Lau recommends comprehensive genetic testing to determine if his tumor is related to family inheritance. If this is indeed the case, then the treatment of Xiaojie can be more individualized and targeted.

At the same time, for Li Ting and other family members, genetic testing is also recommended to determine whether they carry the same genetic mutation. In this way, they can be provided with personalized health management advice, such as regular medical check-ups, lifestyle adjustments, etc.

The son has a rare tumor, and the mother secretly said that it is difficult to say, doctor: fortunately, it is not a terminal illness

In addition, psychological support is very important. Faced with the double whammy of rare and familial diseases, patients and families often feel very anxious and fearful. At this time, they need to receive enough care and support to help them get through this difficult time. Hospitals often provide psychological counseling services to help them adjust their mindset and better cope with the disease.

The son has a rare tumor, and the mother secretly said that it is difficult to say, doctor: fortunately, it is not a terminal illness

Although both rare and familial diseases pose great challenges, as medicine advances, we have more and more ways to address these challenges. Whether it's genetic technology, medication, or psychological support, we strive to provide the best medical care for our patients. Above all, we must always believe that there is always hope, as long as we do not give up.

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The son has a rare tumor, and the mother secretly said that it is difficult to say, doctor: fortunately, it is not a terminal illness