
More and more young people are being diagnosed with thyroid cancer? The doctor scolded: These habits should be changed quickly

author:Lao Li Health said

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Li Zi is a typical post-90s generation who just celebrated his 27th birthday.

Working from 9 to 5 every day, shopping and dating friends outside of work, life seems dull. But during a routine medical examination, her life trajectory seemed to be suddenly disrupted. Doctors told her that a small nodule had been found on her thyroid gland that needed further testing. The result of the examination: thyroid cancer.

Li Zi's experience is not alone. In recent years, more and more beds in the thyroid surgery ward of the hospital have been occupied by young people. They were young, but they were diagnosed with thyroid cancer. What's going on here?

More and more young people are being diagnosed with thyroid cancer? The doctor scolded: These habits should be changed quickly

First, we need to understand what thyroid cancer is. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the front of the neck of the human body that secretes thyroid hormones and regulates the body's metabolism. Thyroid cancer, on the other hand, is a malignant tumor of thyroid tissue.

So why are more and more young people being diagnosed with thyroid cancer?

More and more young people are being diagnosed with thyroid cancer? The doctor scolded: These habits should be changed quickly

Improvement of examination methods: With the advancement of medical technology, it is more and more easy for people to receive high-precision examinations such as ultrasound and MRI. These tests can detect tiny nodules in the thyroid gland, even early cancerous changes. As a result, some early thyroid cancers that might have been overlooked before are now being detected and diagnosed promptly.

Environmental factors: Environmental pollution, food additives, radioactive substances, etc., may be the reasons for the increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer. In particular, water sources are contaminated in some areas, and drinking such water for a long time may increase the risk of thyroid cancer.

More and more young people are being diagnosed with thyroid cancer? The doctor scolded: These habits should be changed quickly

Living habits: Modern people's accelerated pace of life, irregular diet, and decreased sleep quality may lead to endocrine disorders in the body. As an important endocrine gland, the function of the thyroid gland may be affected, increasing the risk of cancer.

Genetic factors: Studies have found that thyroid cancer has a certain family cluster. That is, if one person in the family has thyroid cancer, the risk of other family members is also increased.

More and more young people are being diagnosed with thyroid cancer? The doctor scolded: These habits should be changed quickly

Gender and age: The onset of thyroid cancer is related to sex and age. The prevalence is much higher in women than in men, and young people aged 20-40 years are at high risk. This may be related to hormone levels in women and growth and development in young people.

Overdiagnostics: This is a concern. Due to improved examinations, some tiny, benign thyroid nodules may be misdiagnosed as cancer. This not only leads to unnecessary panic in the patient, but can also lead to overtreatment.

More and more young people are being diagnosed with thyroid cancer? The doctor scolded: These habits should be changed quickly

Although the incidence of thyroid cancer is on the rise, it also has a relatively high cure rate. In early stage thyroid cancer, most patients can get a good treatment result after surgery and iodine radiation. Therefore, for young people, it is necessary not only to pay attention to the prevention of thyroid cancer, but also to pay attention to regular physical examination, timely detection and treatment.

More and more young people are learning that they have thyroid problems after going through a similar mental journey. So, what are the reasons and considerations behind this trend that are worth pondering?

More and more young people are being diagnosed with thyroid cancer? The doctor scolded: These habits should be changed quickly

Life pressure: The pressure of modern society is increasing day by day, whether it is studying or working, young people are under great psychological pressure. Prolonged stress may lead to endocrine disorders, which in turn affect the function of the thyroid gland.

As an important part of the endocrine system, the thyroid gland is very sensitive to changes in the external environment. Long-term mood swings and excessive stress may affect the normal function of the thyroid gland, thereby increasing the risk of cancer.

More and more young people are being diagnosed with thyroid cancer? The doctor scolded: These habits should be changed quickly

Radiation exposure: In modern life, we deal with electronics almost all the time. Mobile phones, computers, tablets, these devices are emitting certain electromagnetic radiation. Although there is no conclusive evidence to prove the direct relationship between electromagnetic radiation and thyroid cancer, excessive reliance on electronic products and long-term use of electronic devices may indeed cause some degree of harm to the human body.

More and more young people are being diagnosed with thyroid cancer? The doctor scolded: These habits should be changed quickly

Overnutrition and undernutrition: In the past, people were more concerned about malnutrition. But now, as living standards have risen, overnutrition has become a new problem.

Excessive intake of high-calorie, high-fat foods may lead to metabolic imbalances in the body, which in turn may affect the function of the thyroid gland. At the same time, in the diet of modern people, some trace elements that are beneficial to the thyroid gland such as iodine may not be insufficient, which may also increase the risk of thyroid cancer.

More and more young people are being diagnosed with thyroid cancer? The doctor scolded: These habits should be changed quickly

Hormonal disruptors: In modern life, we may be exposed to a variety of chemicals, some of which are called "endocrine disruptors." These substances may mimic or interfere with the body's hormonal activity, affecting the function of the thyroid gland. Prolonged and large exposure to these substances may increase the risk of thyroid cancer.

In addition, studies have shown that modern people's less outdoor activities and sun exposure may lead to vitamin D deficiency, and vitamin D plays an important role in the regulation of thyroid function.

More and more young people are being diagnosed with thyroid cancer? The doctor scolded: These habits should be changed quickly

The high incidence of thyroid cancer can be related to a variety of factors. From the environment to lifestyle habits, from diet to psychological stress, these may be the reasons for the increase in thyroid cancer rates. For the health of ourselves and our families, we should always pay attention to the changes in our bodies and actively take measures to prevent thyroid cancer.

What do you think about thyroid cancer? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

More and more young people are being diagnosed with thyroid cancer? The doctor scolded: These habits should be changed quickly