
The secret of the old manor

author:Han Shao variety show coffee

The young couple, Jack and Lucy, have recently moved into an old manor. This estate has a long history and is full of mysteries and legends. They don't believe in ghosts and gods, they just think it's a romantic adventure.

The secret of the old manor

However, as soon as they moved in, they began a weird experience. Whenever night fell, they could hear strange noises coming from inside the house. Their dogs, always barking in the middle of the night, seemed to see something terrible.

The secret of the old manor

At first, they thought it was their delusion. However, things became weirder and weirder as time went on. They begin to see strange phenomena in the house, such as the cutlery moving on its own, and the figure in the mirror disappearing when they are not looking.

The secret of the old manor

As their uneasiness grows, they discover a terrifying legend about the estate. Legend has it that the former owner of this manor was an evil witch who was cursed for her evil deeds, and her ghost has been trapped in this manor.

The secret of the old manor

They approached the local priest in the hope that he could help them solve the problem. The priest tells them that the only way is to find the witch's grave and unlock her curse.

The secret of the old manor

So, they began to search for the witch's grave. In the process, they experienced more horrors. Finally, they find the witch's grave and unlock her curse.

However, they did not expect that the greatest horror was yet to come. Just when they think everything is settled, the witch's ghost appears in front of them and tells them that they have only lifted a curse on her and that she will return for revenge.

The story ends here, but Jack and Lucy's adventure has just begun. They decided to stay and fight the ghosts to the end. Their courage and wisdom will be their greatest weapons.