
22-year-old woman, tried it at the request of her boyfriend, and the boyfriend said that only a third of it went in?

author:Luo Xi emotions

The experience in love is important, but it should not come at the expense of one's own dignity. At the age of 22, I tried it at my boyfriend's request, but he thought it was too disappointing for him to go in only a third. I decided to teach him a lesson and teach him that a woman's worth is never just about her body.

Today I would like to share with you a real story about me and my boyfriend. I am a 22 year old girl from an ordinary family and now work as an administrative assistant in a company. I considered myself a normal and happy person until one day, my boyfriend made a request that I couldn't refuse.

22-year-old woman, tried it at the request of her boyfriend, and the boyfriend said that only a third of it went in?

That night, my boyfriend and I were watching TV when he suddenly said to me, "Honey, we've been dating for two years, would you like to try to go further?" "I was a little surprised, but also understood his expectations. After all, our relationship has reached this stage, and sometimes it's okay to give it a try.

So, I acceded to his request. We were ready for all this and then tried to get into that field. However, just as everything began, the boyfriend suddenly stopped and showed a disappointed expression. He said, "How come only a third of it went in? I was really disappointed. ”

At that time, my heart was very uncomfortable. I felt completely denied, and the most intimate moment of my life became a laughing stock that I couldn't look back on. I began to doubt my worth and my place in his eyes. This experience made me feel ashamed and inferior to me like never before.

However, I decided not to indulge in negative emotions anymore. I told myself that no matter what happened, I couldn't let anyone judge my worth and self-esteem. I realized that a person's worth should not only depend on her body, but also on her inner strength and uniqueness of personality.

22-year-old woman, tried it at the request of her boyfriend, and the boyfriend said that only a third of it went in?

So, I began to re-examine myself, thinking about my dreams and goals. I pursued knowledge, improved my skills, and gradually grew into an independent and confident woman. I told myself that I was no longer bound by the judgments of others, but to look for what my heart really longed for.

Time flies by, and two years later, I've achieved something to be proud of. I was promoted to Senior Executive Assistant at the company, gaining recognition from colleagues and superiors. Importantly, I learned how to live independently, how to treat myself, how to stick to my principles.

And the boyfriend, too, gradually became mediocre and inconspicuous during this time. He never understood my decision and thought I should feel guilty and guilty about his disappointment. However, I was no longer swayed by his words, because I knew that I had found my worth.

So, I decided to teach him a lesson. One day, we were sitting in a café and he blamed me for not living up to his expectations, and I said to him, "You should understand that a woman's worth is not just about her body. I have learned how to live independently, how to pursue my dreams, how to stick to my principles. You, on the other hand, have been stuck in the past, unable to accept the process of my growth. ”

He was stunned, his face embarrassed. Perhaps, in that moment, he really realized how superficial and wrong he had judged me. I resolutely stood up and left the café. I haven't contacted him since.

This experience taught me that no matter what happens, we cannot give up our dignity and pursuits. Everyone has the right to pursue what their heart truly desires, without sacrificing their dignity in order to meet the expectations of others.

22-year-old woman, tried it at the request of her boyfriend, and the boyfriend said that only a third of it went in?

So, even if we experience hesitation and confusion, believe in our own strength. When faced with negative evaluations and blows, do not beat yourself up, but work harder to pursue your dreams and goals. Trust me, when you stand in your own strength, you will find yourself stronger and braver than you ever imagined.

The story is complete, and this is the real story between me and my boyfriend. I hope that my experience will give some inspiration and courage to those who are going through similar confusion and struggles. Remember, no matter what happens, your worth is not only determined by the eyes of others, but more importantly by your own recognition and respect for yourself.

Thank you all for reading, and if you liked this story, please give me a like and share. Also welcome to leave a message to discuss with me, let's grow together and pursue happiness and dreams together!