
Amanda and Shengneng in dialogue: China-Europe Culture and Arts Festival – a journey to find yourself

author:Liberty steamer FJM

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"Identity and Literature": The CEIBS Literature Festival explores contemporary identity

The theme of the 8th CEIBS Literature Festival, "Voices of Today: Contemporary Literature", is dedicated to presenting the diverse beauty and commonality of today's Chinese and European literature. This article takes you back to the opening dialogue of the festival, moderated by Greek writer Amanda Michalopulu and Chinese writer Sheng Ke, focusing on "identity and belonging".

Amanda and Shengneng in dialogue: China-Europe Culture and Arts Festival – a journey to find yourself


In this dialogue, the two writers explore the relationship between identity, self and writing from different perspectives, and through literary works, they provoke deep thinking about the removal of labels, social change and identity.

Amanda and Shengneng in dialogue: China-Europe Culture and Arts Festival – a journey to find yourself


Amanda Michalopoulu emphasized how geographical transformation affects identity, arguing that identity is both a cage and a key. She sees identity as multi-layered and multi-dimensional, with each person being a multi-identity person who can switch freely between different identities. For her, writing fiction is a way of understanding herself and dealing with identity, reinventing her identity in parallel worlds through fictional stories and characters to better understand real life.

Amanda and Shengneng in dialogue: China-Europe Culture and Arts Festival – a journey to find yourself


Sheng talked about the different changes in identity during his upbringing, and the anxiety that these changes bring. She sees writing as a way to connect with herself and the world, a place where she finds her home. In writing, she feels most at right with herself, being able to express and explore the changes of multiple identities.

Amanda and Shengneng in dialogue: China-Europe Culture and Arts Festival – a journey to find yourself


The two writers agreed that literature is not only a creative act, but also a tool for processing and understanding identity, which can help them explore and express their identity and the meaning of life in literature.

Amanda and Shengneng in dialogue: China-Europe Culture and Arts Festival – a journey to find yourself


The writers also expressed a desire to tear off labels, arguing that identity should not be defined by simple labels, but should be seen as constantly changing and evolving. They encourage people to actively explore and experience different identities in this evolving identity process to better understand themselves and find meaning in life.

Identity is an unfolding journey, not a static state. Literature helps people find their identity in fictional characters, providing space for identity choices. This literary dialogue provokes deep reflection on identity and the role of literature in exploring identity belonging and social change.

These two eminent women writers emphasize the power of literature and the importance of tearing away labels and identities, and encourage readers to find themselves in literature, viewing identity as an ever-expanding journey.

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