
Lingqiu County held the 2023 Chongyang Festival Cultural and Art Show of "Empowering Rural Revitalization and Helping Happy Elderly"

author:Mountain and water spirit hills

On the occasion of the Golden Autumn Festival, on the occasion of Chongyang, in order to enrich the content of cultural activities for the elderly and create a cultural atmosphere of respecting and respecting the elderly in harmony and beauty, on October 20th, the 2023 Chongyang Festival cultural and artistic performance of "Empowering Rural Revitalization and Helping Happy Elderly" was held in Cunxiao Apartment by the County Civil Affairs Bureau, organized by the County Elderly Service Center, and co-organized by the County Cunxiao Apartment and the County Luoluo Theater Troupe. Zhang Hongyu, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and deputy county magistrate, attended the event and delivered a speech, and some retired old leaders watched the cultural and art performance with the masses.

Lingqiu County held the 2023 Chongyang Festival Cultural and Art Show of "Empowering Rural Revitalization and Helping Happy Elderly"

Zhang Hongyu pointed out in his speech that respecting, loving and old-age care is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and a symbol of social civilization and progress. Attaching importance to the cause of old-age care has always been the focus of the Party and the government. The county party committee and the county government will continue to improve the elderly care service system, continue to promote the implementation of preferential treatment policies for the elderly, vigorously carry forward the fine tradition of respecting the elderly, loving the elderly and helping the elderly, and strive to create a good environment of "caring for the elderly, treating the elderly, teaching the elderly, learning for the elderly, doing something for the elderly, and enjoying the elderly", and jointly promote the vigorous development of the elderly care cause in our county.

Lingqiu County held the 2023 Chongyang Festival Cultural and Art Show of "Empowering Rural Revitalization and Helping Happy Elderly"
Lingqiu County held the 2023 Chongyang Festival Cultural and Art Show of "Empowering Rural Revitalization and Helping Happy Elderly"
Lingqiu County held the 2023 Chongyang Festival Cultural and Art Show of "Empowering Rural Revitalization and Helping Happy Elderly"

Accompanied by a cheerful melody, the performance kicked off with the dance "Colorful and Prosperous", followed by the sitcom cheongsam show "Golden Autumn Sunset - The First Love in the World", children's dance "Chongyang Festival", dubbing poem recitation "Answer to Aging", song and dance "Honor Parents", crosstalk "Lingqiu Place Name Like" sketch "Mother's Wish" and other programs have appeared on the stage, the actors' beautiful dancing posture, high-spirited spiritual outlook, brought an ultimate audio-visual feast to the audience, and won the applause and applause of the crowd.

Lingqiu County held the 2023 Chongyang Festival Cultural and Art Show of "Empowering Rural Revitalization and Helping Happy Elderly"
Lingqiu County held the 2023 Chongyang Festival Cultural and Art Show of "Empowering Rural Revitalization and Helping Happy Elderly"
Lingqiu County held the 2023 Chongyang Festival Cultural and Art Show of "Empowering Rural Revitalization and Helping Happy Elderly"

This care activity, while carrying forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation of respecting, loving and helping the elderly, also enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly, improved the sense of life, happiness and security of the elderly, further advocated the civilized trend of respecting, loving and helping the elderly, and created a harmonious social atmosphere.