
"Ordinary World" reading sharing meeting ppt


"Ordinary World Is" is a novel by writer Lu Yao, which began in 1975 and was published in December 1986.

"Ordinary World" reading sharing meeting ppt
"Ordinary World" reading sharing meeting ppt
"Ordinary World" reading sharing meeting ppt
"Ordinary World" reading sharing meeting ppt

Starting from the lives of the two brothers, Sun Shaoan and Sun Shaoping, the novel portrays the lives and images of ordinary people from all social strata in the 80s of the 20th century with complex and ordinary contradictions and entanglements.

With delicate and peaceful brushstrokes, the author starts from the words and deeds and psychological activities of the characters in the novel, blends work and life, love and friendship, happiness and grief, and the million-word narrative allows readers to deeply understand and feel the life of the times at that time.

In the stage of preparing to write the novel, Lu Yao spent three years collecting, reading and sorting out the relevant materials, including the relevant novels and newspapers and periodicals of the past ten years, etc., prepared, and spent another three years to start creating, during the creation of the novel, his eating life was irregular and his body also had problems, but in the end he still overcame many difficulties and completed the creation of this novel, and this excellent novel was also successfully published and became a masterpiece.

This courseware focuses on "Ordinary World" and is mainly divided into six parts:

1. About the author; 2. Brief introduction of the content; 3. Background of creation; 4. Character introduction; 5. Appreciation of works; 6. The influence of the work.

The courseware manuscript has a total of 6766 words, and the production PPT has a total of 25 pages. The courseware was originally designed and produced by HIPPTX.

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"Ordinary World" reading sharing meeting ppt

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