
Death, Freedom: A 17-Day Review of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

author:Be realistic
Death, Freedom: A 17-Day Review of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Talk about less or more, the flower world, drunken gold confuses people's eyes, and watches college students turn into brittle sharks after war damage. LISTEN TO OLD SCHOOL AND WATCH MASTERS DEBUT.

Finally, I brushed to watch the female Internet celebrity jump subject three, I really couldn't sleep, opened the short video, watched the Ba Tie's axle, and fell asleep satisfied.

I feel that the world is very bitter. I don't want to sleep, I have to go to work the next day, my boss has work, there is movement in the market, there are updates on tasks. If you don't get it right, you will lose your job.

But not everyone in the world has the right to experience the suffering of this Chinese.

October 8, 2023, the second day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The Israeli defense minister spoke, saying that the past does not mean that the future will happen. Israel is about to change the face of Gaza. At the same time, Israel has cut off electricity to the Gaza Strip and cut off supplies of fuel and commodities. Emergency charter flights brought back 5,000 Israeli reservists from Greece.

Israeli forces stationed on the Lebanese border are on high alert. The Israeli air force raided and destroyed the Islamic State Bank in Gaza in the Gaza Strip, bombed two mosques in the south, and Biden could not hold back his speech, saying that Hamas is a terrorist and Israel has the right to defend itself.

Russia stood up, and Lavrov called for a ceasefire and statehood along the 1967 border. The Taliban sought permission from Iran, Iraq and Jordan to borrow it to attack Israel. The North Korean leader said that the Palestinian issue is a question of freedom, not of the Arabs. Allah forces in Lebanon announced their participation in Hamas.

Hamas penetrated deep into Ofakim and engaged the Israeli army in a fierce battle at Reyim.

Netanyahu issued a warning for Palestinians to leave Gaza.

October 9, 2023, the third day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

About one regiment of Hamas troops broke through the armistice line and hit Mefahim, Sderot. The Israeli ground forces were inept and furious, blowing up the Ansar complex in central Gaza.

Hamas says that if the Americans decide to participate in the conflict, American bases will become legitimate targets for resistance. Then the Americans drove the Ford carrier battle group to the coast of Israel. Hamas issued another warning, but the U.S. carrier did not withdraw. New aircraft carriers were also brought in.

Not only aircraft carriers, but also more than 20 F15 and F35 fighters came, and the Americans not only wanted to punch Hamas in the face to support Israel, but also threatened Iran.

So things got bigger.

The weapons left by the US military in Afghanistan mysteriously appeared in the hands of Hamas, which became more and more courageous in the war. Turkey had to urgently call for a ceasefire in accordance with the 1967 programme. But no one listened to him. Allah heavy artillery attack destroyed three Israeli radar stations.

Under Allah fire, Israel's Iron Dome system quickly ran out, and Israel asked the United States to replenish its stockpile of ammunition. Mass demonstrations in support of Palestine soon appeared on the streets of Canada.

Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps is also sending troops to the Golan Heights, announcing that if Iran is attacked, it will attack Israel from Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq.

The Syrian Air Force and Army are in combat readiness. The Pentagon continues to raise the level of security alert.

The Poles could not sit still and quickly sent planes to pick up more than 200 Poles who remained in Israel.

Britain finally came down and announced its support for Israel. As a result, Russia also came to an end, and Russian hacker groups attacked Israeli government websites on a large scale, once paralyzing the Israeli government's online office.

The Americans came, the conflict expanded, and Israel had to quickly mobilize in full, recruiting 300,000 army reservists to try to settle the Gaza Strip in one fell swoop.

October 10, 2023, the fourth day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The Israeli army suddenly attacked, the southern Gaza Strip was still scorching, and the Israeli army launched an attack on Lebanon. Air forces were also sent to destroy Iranian weapons convoys that entered Syria from Iraq.

Netanyahu threatens that the war has just begun and will change the Middle East as we know it. The situation escalated further. So the Mexicans also hurriedly chartered flights to pick up their own nationals.

Hamas has officially begun a reciprocal response against civilians, saying that it will kill Israeli civilians in response to any Israeli strike against civilians without warning.

Hamas attacked fiercely, hitting Kafasayad, and the Israeli army had to organize a blockade near Nachar Oz.

The intensity of the war allowed the Americans to quickly begin transferring weapons shipped to Ukraine to Israel. Biden gathered the United States, France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom as allies to formally come to Israel's aid.

More countries are involved in the conflict. The Colombian president said that Israelis were Nazis because they said they were fighting human animals. Advise them to imagine how the Nazis treated the Jews.

Saudi Arabia informed the U.S. Secretary of State that it wanted to end all negotiations to normalize relations with Israel. After all, Israel is too Nazi.

The European Union initiated a motion to end financial aid to Palestine, and Spain, Denmark, Ireland and Luxembourg stood up against it. The reason is that Israel is too Nazi.

While they were arguing, Hamas broke down Ashkelon's power plant. Now the Israelis also live in Gaza.

Although no one is in Gaza, Ashkelon has no water, food or electricity. Why is Hamas so strong? Medvedev lost no time in jumping out and saying that you don't understand the people of NATO, but we understand, because the weapons you are assisting Ukraine are now in the hands of Hamas.

Hamas also spoke, saying that if it wants to fight, it will fight, and now it has naval drones sold by Ukraine. Not afraid of the American aircraft carrier fleet.

October 11, 2023, the fifth day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

After a bitter battle, the Israeli army finally took control of the southern community. About 1,500 Hamas were killed. It also bombed the crossing point in Rafah on the Egyptian border. Egypt was also informed that any further convoys bound for Gaza would be blown up.

The Americans said that if they entered a multi-front war against the Allah, the US aircraft carrier fleet would definitely fight side by side.

So Israel felt like it was doing it again.

Hamas immediately opened a second front, the West Bank, where Lebanese militias, Hamas and Israeli forces fought. Israeli forces discovered the entry of unidentified drones in the Golan Heights. Immediately afterwards, the Qassam Brigade said that it had Tufan missiles in its hands and would send missiles at Israel if it did not stop bombing civilians.

Israel did not believe in evil and began bombing Syria. Kadyrov of Chechnya finally spoke, declaring support for Palestine and his intention to send Chechen troops into Israel.

October 12, 2023, the sixth day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Israel's defense minister has declared an unprecedented all-out war. We can't be sure if this person is normal. But he said 2,300 Hamas targets had been blown up since the war began. Shelling of the Gaza Strip is also being intensified.

Israel has also informed Egypt of its intention to engage ground forces in Gaza for several months of ground warfare. The Houthis also stood up and said that if the Americans were directly involved, the Houthis would fight Israel.

In response, Israel destroyed the third oldest church in the world. Allah destroyed two Israeli personnel carriers in response.

The only power plant in the Gaza Strip lost its energy source. No more electricity can be generated. The Gaza Strip was completely without electricity.

Erdogan looked at the results and finally stopped vacillating, declaring that Israel was carrying out the massacre. The Iranian president and the Saudi crown prince had a groundbreaking first phone call that lasted about 45 minutes, arguing that Muslim nations should unite in the face of Israel.

Zelensky finally realized that something was wrong and began to worry that the attention of the international community might be diverted from Ukraine during the Israeli war.

October 13, 2023, the seventh day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Qatar joined the Great Muslim Unity. Announced that if the bombing of Gaza does not stop, the supply of gas to the West will stop. Israel has fought-for-tat, saying it will not supply electricity and fuel to Gaza until the Israeli hostages return.

Iran's Foreign Minister visited Lebanon and Iraq. At the same time, the warships of Turkey and Britain entered the Mediterranean Sea separately, they did not know who they were going to fight, and who they were going to fight was at random.

The Israeli army bombed the airports in Damascus and Aleppo, and the Israeli army said that our attack was pre-emptive and that it was to prevent them from attacking us.

Then the news broke online about Israel's use of chemical weapons against Gaza.

Blinken finally came forward, saying he did not think a major war could break out in the region. The Americans believe that whoever drives the outbreak of the war will make a big mistake.

But the Israelis did not listen.

October 14, 2023, the eighth day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

As a result of Hamas's massive attacks on Israel proper, polls for Israel's prime minister have plummeted. Netanyahu then spoke, demanding that civilians in the Gaza Strip be evacuated within 24 hours.

But in the Gaza Strip, there are still a million civilians. The International Committee of the Red Cross sounded the alarm that things could be catastrophic. At least 30 children and 11 United Nations staff members were killed by Israeli shelling.

The Norwegian Foreign Minister began by saying that Israel was too Nazi.

The Germans know land warfare best, and the Germans say that the Israelis are slow to attack from land, and the main reason may be that the Israeli army does not have this ability. After all, the last offensive was in 2014 and only a few kilometers were hit.

The German's speech ended the chat, a day the world spent condemning Israel's Nazi behavior.

October 15, 2023, the ninth day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The Israeli army flooded the temple of the dragon king, and the police arrested and beat the BBC, the most pro-Israel media reporter. So global public opinion and action turned.

After all, Israel looks crazy.

The United Nations says 2,000 children in Gaza were killed or injured in a week. The Syrian president condemned Israel's Nazi behavior, Jordan denounced, and the Germans began marking buildings inhabited by Jews.

The Turks began to provide aid to Gaza. As a result, armed forces in Gaza destroyed an Israeli helicopter carrying 50 people.

More than a million Iranians volunteered to fight in Palestine and began a petition. Saudi Arabia rejected Washington's demands to condemn Hamas and condemned Israel.

Egypt has been watching from the sidelines, and finally condemned Israel.

October 16, 2023, the 10th day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The Germans took advantage of the fire and began to stop the supply of weapons to Ukraine. But not to mention when to supply weapons to Israel, after all, the German population once again began to mark Jewish buildings.

All sides were involved in the battle and chaotic fighting began. But nominally, the number of parties to the conflict was suddenly reduced to two. All forces are either Israel or Hamas.

As a result, Hamas went from having only rifles to having everything.

October 17, 2023, the 11th day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.


In the Sabah farms, Israeli troops and Hamas with tanks shelled each other, visually identified as Allah party tanks. Syria fired at least one missile at the Golan Heights in retaliation against Israel, and Israeli forces were angered to attack anywhere in the Middle East if necessary.

Iraq has begun to mobilize, South Africa has begun to show solidarity with Palestine, Hamas and the Allah Party cooperation has been upgraded to the war room level, I have you.

No one paid attention to Blinken's warning. Except for the Israeli army, all parties were overwhelming, and the Israeli army seemed to show weakness and did not move.

October 18, 2023, the 12th day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Israel shelled Gaza for eight hours.

The Israeli Army, as the Germans say, stood still.

50,000 pregnant women do not have access to basic health services. International opposition to Israel grew louder, and Blinken's visit to Saudi Arabia to try to repair relations was snubbed for hours by the crown prince.

October 19, 2023, the 13th day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Israel has again shelled Gaza on a massive scale. Even bombed a hospital.

So more Iranian weapons were shipped to Syria.

The Israeli army remains on hold.

October 20, 2023, the 14th day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Things have finally become military and political issues for the whole world.

The Spaniards came first, and the Minister of Social Welfare advocated severing diplomatic relations with Israel.

The Americans ended with the second fanfare, but the way to end was sanctions. First of all, within NATO, a large number of people in Turkey are happy to mention sanctions. So Turkey found the problem, and the Americans never used them as allies.

Turkey has increased its defense industry budget by 240%.

Russia and Iran reached an agreement that missile cooperation between the two countries would no longer be governed by a U.N. Security Council resolution. The collapse of the ritual begins. Then Putin reminded the US military that American aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean are within the strike range of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Iraqi militias launched attacks on American bases. The Allah Party also began large-scale attacks on US military bases. The Houthis also joined in, directly attacking the military base of the world's largest superpower.

There were explosions in Syrian oil fields where U.S. troops were stationed. The attack seems to have succeeded. The U.S. Central Command quickly confirmed the news, saying that several U.S. troops had suffered casualties.

But the U.S. military has nothing to do, only the U.S. State Department issued a global warning travel alert to the Americans.

On this day, the U.S. Army stood still with the Israeli Army.

October 21, 2023, the 15th day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas. 22 October, the sixteenth day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Internationally, the wind is calm. In the war zone, flesh and blood are in the sky. After all parties expressed their positions, they filled their lives into the cause.

October 23, 2023, the 17th day of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Israel decided to withdraw diplomats from Turkey. Blinken returned from the Middle East and came to the conclusion that Israel had the right to defend itself, but not to harm civilians. Blinken urged nations hostile to Israel not to enter the war.

It seems that there is a bit of a détente meaning.

Uncharacteristically, Biden said Hamas's attack on Israel was only intended to disrupt the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

It seems that there is also a sense of relaxation.

Biden's budget office finally treats Israel and Ukraine equally, and in the budget table, aiding Israel has become as important as aiding Ukraine. That adds up to $106 billion. A drop in the ocean.

It seems that détente means a lot.

India has also begun to condemn Israel and stand with the Palestinian people. For the first time, India and Pakistan gave up hostility on one thing and worked hand in hand.

Only Israel does not want to détente, and the Israeli defense minister says it may take one to three months, after which Hamas will cease to exist.

The main thing was that they were punched in the face, the ground forces understood, broke through the wall in Gaza for several meters, and then the tanks were destroyed.

Israel is also shelling Gaza.

This is the full review of the 17 days since the beginning of the war.

But can Israeli bombs really destroy the spirit of the Palestinians?

No, not only will it not destroy the spirit of the Palestinians, but it will even beat the people of the whole world to the side of Palestine.

We have also had the experience of struggling to survive under power.

At the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, China was the victorious power, but the privileges of the Shandong Peninsula were given to Japan. Gu Weijun, a representative of the Beiyang government, spoke: China cannot lose Shandong, just as the West cannot lose Jerusalem.

At that time, Chinese, like the Palestinians, we were obviously the owners of the land, but the powerful ignored all this, and they cut our country according to their own wishes.

Just like Palestine now, the territory was forcibly cut by Israel, the United States, Britain and other countries. Had it not been for the bloody fighting of the revolutionary martyrs for three decades, we might have been like the Palestinians.

We have even had the bitter experience of being massacred.

During World War II, the evil Japanese imperialists carried out the inhuman massacre in Nanjing and the extremely brutal 731 experiment in the northeast. The three-light policy has been pursued in many places on the mainland.

Now the Palestinians are also experiencing the same tragedy, we are lucky, we have the Sichuan Army War of Resistance, we have the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army, we have the Great Wall War of Resistance, we also have the Jin and Sui Army, armed one by one, throwing their heads and spilling blood, knowing that advancing is nine deaths, but also must still set out.

But the Palestinians did not have enough guns to resist, not even enough supplies, or even to ensure that they would grow up alive.

We do not sympathize with the terrorists, we only sympathize with the miserable Palestinians. Lihua remembered the little warrior that Snow met after arriving in Yan'an.

Snow asked him, do you think China can win, and the little soldier said that China will definitely win. So Snow asked, what are you going to do when China wins?

The little warrior thought for a while and said: At that time, I was already dead.

Didn't Hamas think about this question? What if I can't come back?

I think, I thought about it, and I thought it through. So, the parachute warriors of Palestine, without looking back, embarked on a journey. This is death.

Also freedom.