
Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

author:Wise Jean 3F0

The development of history is often full of twists and turns, and sometimes what we think is reasonable is ignored by the parties; Sometimes what we think is unreasonable is accepted by most people. History is not simple, it follows objective laws. In the process of reading history, we need to pay attention to the "anomalies" in history. So, why did the weakened Zang Da take the lead in opposing Liu Bang, the emperor with rich wings? What kind of person is Zang Dian? By analyzing his behavioral logic and personality traits, we may be able to find some answers. Zang Xuan is not a high-profile figure in history, and he appeared on the stage of history as a general of Han Guang, the king of Yan.

Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

His origin is not important, we analyze his behavioral logic and personality characteristics from his identity after his debut. At that time, the situation was chaotic, and the nobles of the original six countries ushered in the opportunity to establish themselves again. Han Guang sent Zang Xuan to pass through the Yan Land, and Zang Xuan was fortunate enough to witness the battle of the giant deer, which allowed him to see the power of the most powerful man at that time, Xiang Yu. Attracted by Xiang Yu, Zang Xuan decisively joined Xiang Yu's camp, looking forward to Xiang Yu taking him to see the prosperity of the world. Xiang Yu really did not disappoint him and took him all the way to Xianyang. Because of his face-changing technique, Zang Xin escaped the liquidation after Xiang Yu's defeat, and looked at the struggle between Liu Bang and Han Xin.

Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

After Liu Bang ruled the world, he retained most of the original princes, including Zang Xuan. However, Zang was not satisfied with his position, and he coveted Han Guang's Liaodong region. Therefore, when Liu Bang divided the princes, Zang saw the opportunity and desperately seized the eastern Liaoning region. His actions raise questions about why he risked seizing eastern Liaoning while Liu Bang turned a blind eye to it. What kind of inevitable logic does Zang Dian's rebellion exist? Through some details, we may be able to find some answers. First of all, Zang is a refined egoist who pursues the maximization of his own interests.

Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

He was not a loyal and righteous man, and he rebelled against multiple benefactors throughout history. There is an inevitable connection between his actions and the collapse of his personality. Second, Zang captured the eastern Liaoning region before rebelling, in order to open up the troop transport channel that he helped behind him. This help is the Xiongnu from the north. After the Xiongnu unified the steppe, they were able to support Zang Xuan's rebellion. In addition, Zang chose to rebel in the autumn, because autumn is when the horse is fat, and can play the advantage of cavalry. This also shows that Zang Xuan made full preparations before rebelling.

Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

However, Zang's rebellion did not last long, as the Xiongnu did not come to the support in time, and Zang was easily defeated by Liu Bang. His son fled to the Xiongnu and was reused by the Huns. From this series of details, we can conclude that Zang is a restless person who is not satisfied with his status and has been pursuing the maximization of his own interests. His actions violated some basic moral principles, such as not colluding with foreign races. This is one of the reasons why his personality collapsed. History tells us that human behavior is often subject to various implicit constraints. When the personality collapses, the routine often reverses itself.

Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

Zang Xuan's rebellion is a typical example. Although he pursued his own interests step by step, he did not achieve long-term success in the end. This is also because he does not consider the overall situation and moral issues. A similar situation exists in our lives. Some people will stop at nothing for their own benefit, regardless of the interests of others and society, but in the end they often do not succeed for long. Therefore, while pursuing interests, we should also consider the overall situation and moral issues, and do not ignore the constraints of human nature. In general, there is some inevitable logic behind Zang Bang's rebellion against Liu Bang.

Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

He is a refined egoist who pursues the maximization of his own interests. He chose to rebel after Liu Bang stabilized his foothold because he coveted the interests of eastern Liaoning and found the help of the Xiongnu in the north. However, his rebellion did not last long, and he was eventually defeated by Liu Bang. This series of details shows Zang Xuan's personality characteristics and behavioral logic. In the process of reading history, we should pay attention to these "abnormalities" and think deeply about the moral and human issues in them. So, do we have similar problems in today's society? Do we also have situations where we pursue the maximization of our own interests like Zang Xuan, but ignore the overall situation and morality?

Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

As individuals, how should we balance personal and social interests? Please leave a message to share your thoughts and opinions. Power and survival: how to deal with people like Zang Xuan? Liu Bang, is he really afraid that you will rebel? Maybe your rebellion will give him a feeling of being in the middle! The mechanism is calculated, but why are you not in the calculation of others? All this, it is better to say less, because the road is simple, in fact, most people understand these principles of life and survival. Historically, there are many people who say that Liu Bang does not talk about martial virtue and likes to unload grinding and kill donkeys, but this pot should not all be buckled on Liu Bang's head. At least, Liu Bang really can't be blamed for clearing the Yan Kingdom forces of Zang Xuan.

Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

People like Zang Da are actually people who are born against the bones, have no faith, no bottom line, and everything is profit-oriented. The point is that he is still more impulsive and confused, and he can't figure out the difference between small favors and big gains and losses. If we encounter people like Zang Da in our lives, then what should we do? In short, there are several principles that can serve as references. First, if you can use it, you can use each other. People like Zang Da are mercenary, so everything you talk to him is for nothing.

Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

You talk to him about feelings, and he may talk to you about benefits; You talk to him about interests, and he may talk to you about morality; You talk to him about morality, and he may talk to you about routines... In short, he will always find a reasonable reason for his actions. Therefore, getting along with this kind of person, there is no need to have too many concerns and limitations, can use each other, from the beginning to get along with each other in the way of villains, maybe there will not be too many expectations, the result is all dependent on their own means, everyone is at ease. Second, stay away as much as possible.

Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

Sometimes, we are born with our own shackles, and the so-called locks can only prevent gentlemen and not villains, and the best way to prevent villains is to "can't afford to provoke but can hide". A person like Zang Dian, who only has interests and has no morality and bottom line, is actually just a pawn in his eyes. In other words, any relationship and contact we have with it is infinitely risky. If we don't have a strong need and ability to do it ourselves, try not to contact such people. Whatever you want, I'll keep my distance. Not intersecting with villains is actually a way to protect yourself. Third, if you can hold it, you can hold it hard.

Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

Sometimes, we can't choose whether there are villains like Zang Da around us, after all, we can't choose to avoid the world because of people like Zang Dian. When we are in a certain high position, there will be some villains like Zang Da who sniff the smell and rush over, then for such a person, do not be soft-hearted, do not have illusions, in short, since he is disguised as a dog, then treat him as a dog, should be fed and fed, should be beaten, the key is to beat him to death. Don't be like Xiang Yu, be fooled by its apparent obedience, you must know that dogs can't change eating.

Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

Such a person, do not feed him too much, otherwise he will definitely get an inch and betray his master at the right opportunity. Therefore, to deal with this kind of person, if you can hold it, you must pinch him hard, and you must not let his wings harden. History is a mirror of human nature, which allows us to see all kinds of bizarre human nature. When we see "anachronistic" people and things like Zang Da in history, don't think there is anything incredible. The forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, the vast history is thousands of years, isn't it also what kind of story can happen?

Zang Xuan, who can be a family slave with three surnames for the sake of interests, why would he be the first to jump out and create Liu Bang's rebellion?

Treating a gentleman with a gentleman's heart and treating a villain like a villain may be the way of life we should learn from history! In the face of the challenges of power and survival, we need to clarify our own positions and values, and at the same time learn to deal with the villains that may exist around us. When dealing with such people, we can make the most of them, but be vigilant and avoid getting hurt. If we are able, we must deal with them decisively and avoid letting them betray themselves.

Stories from history tell us that in the face of the game of power schemes, we must not be fooled by trivial calculations, keep our own independent thinking and action, survive in our own way and pursue a better future. Finally, I would like to ask readers, how do you deal with people like Zang Dian? Do you have any other suggestions or opinions? Welcome to leave a message to share!