
The speed of shipbuilding is still accelerating, with a French navy launched a year, and a total of more than 4 million tons in five years

author:Be the moon

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In today's world, when talking about powerful naval forces, we often refer to Hanhai Wolf Mountain and Xiongnu Wolf Mountain. However, to truly understand how strong a navy is, we need more metrics. One of the basic criteria is the French Navy today. Why should the French Navy be the benchmark for international naval units? The reason is that the comprehensive strength and fleet configuration of the French Navy are quite complete, with nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, nuclear-powered submarines, modern destroyers, supply ships and amphibious assault ships. France has always seen itself as a global deployable maritime power, so it is fitting to use it as a unit of reference.

Let's explore how to assess the naval power of other countries against the French Navy. If a country's total naval tonnage is lower than that of France, or there are obvious deficiencies in comprehensive equipment, it is difficult to claim to be a global maritime power, or even a regional maritime power. But if a country's navy is much larger than the French navy and the ship configuration is quite diverse, then we can consider measuring its naval power in terms of the number of French navies. That is, we can estimate by comparison how many French naval units a country's naval strength is equivalent to.

The speed of shipbuilding is still accelerating, with a French navy launched a year, and a total of more than 4 million tons in five years

Assuming a French naval unit has a tonnage of 300,000 tons, the superpower's naval power may be equivalent to 12 to 13 French naval units, with a total tonnage of about 4 million tons. This means that the superpower has 11 nominal aircraft carrier battle groups, and although they cannot all be sent to the far ocean zone at the same time, the configuration and number of the fleet is still impressive. But there is another country whose naval strength already exceeds 8 French naval units. The country's navy is not only large, but also has relatively young ships, which gives it a competitive advantage in naval strength.

The speed of shipbuilding is still accelerating, with a French navy launched a year, and a total of more than 4 million tons in five years

However, both navies have some shortcomings. In particular, there are still significant deficiencies in the number of large maritime aviation platforms. This problem can be compensated for by other weapons systems in the periphery of the home country, such as super anti-ship ballistic missiles and powerful land-based air forces. But once they leave home for the global ocean, the strength of these naval units is limited, and only a part of them can be used normally. Therefore, the construction of large maritime aviation platforms must be accelerated to improve the Navy's global deployment capabilities.

We have talked many times in the past that having a 3 million ton navy is the threshold for entering the global navy. At present, one country is gradually approaching this threshold, but to really gain a foothold, it needs to develop to the 4 million ton level. In recent years, the country's annual launch rate has been considerable, even surpassing the record high at the height of the Cold War. This is reflected not only in the number of warships launched in the year, but also in the increase in the tonnage launched in the year. In addition, the country is accelerating the development of talent to meet the needs of naval development.

The speed of shipbuilding is still accelerating, with a French navy launched a year, and a total of more than 4 million tons in five years

However, to achieve a large navy of 4 million tons, there are still some challenges to overcome. One of them is to build an economic base sufficient to support large-scale shipbuilding and maintain the operations of the Navy. In this regard, the military budgets of these two countries are already strong enough, but better use of resources is needed to ensure that the construction of new ships can be fully supported. In addition, there is a significant gap in the cost of building ships between the navies of the two countries, which is a problem that needs to be addressed.

Finally, to build a large navy of 4 million tons, it is necessary to have a sufficient talent echelon. At present, there are still some challenges to this problem, but based on the maturity of high-end naval technology, the two countries are accelerating the development of a new generation of naval talent. Therefore, we will not have to wait long, and it will be possible to witness the emergence of a powerful surface fleet and return to the hands of the king. This will have far-reaching implications for the entire world, both military and economic.

The speed of shipbuilding is still accelerating, with a French navy launched a year, and a total of more than 4 million tons in five years


The above article mentions the elements of a strong navy and maintaining a large navy. This leads to several key revelations:

The strength of the Navy depends not only on tonnage: while the total tonnage of the Navy is a key indicator, the mix of packages, the diversity of ships and the level of technology are also crucial. The state should consider these aspects holistically, and not just pursue tonnage growth.

The economic base is the key to maintaining a large navy: Building and maintaining a large navy requires a strong economic foundation. The allocation and management of the budget is critical for the development of the Navy, since the construction of new ships, maintenance and upgrading of the existing fleet require huge investments.

Talent echelon building is critical: Developing and possessing high-level naval professionals is essential to maintaining the Great Navy. The nation needs to invest in personnel training and education to ensure that there are enough skilled professionals to support the operation and development of the Navy.

The speed of shipbuilding is still accelerating, with a French navy launched a year, and a total of more than 4 million tons in five years

Naval construction is part of national security: the strength of the navy is not only a symbol of international political status, but also the security of the country. Therefore, the state should make naval construction part of its national security and ensure that it has sufficient strength to safeguard the country's territory and interests.


The article proposes several factors that make the Navy strong, including tonnage, support, economic base and talent echelon. It identifies the challenges and opportunities of maintaining a large navy. In order to maintain a globally competitive navy, countries need to consider these factors holistically, invest in naval construction, and ensure a rational allocation of budgets. At the same time, it is essential to develop and possess high-level naval professionals to support the operation and development of the Navy. The strength of the navy is not only a symbol of international status, but also related to the security of the country and the life of its citizens. Therefore, building and maintaining a strong navy should be one of the country's top priorities.

In addition, the article points out several important aspects that need to be further emphasized and considered:

International Competition and Cooperation: The article mentions international competition for naval power and emphasizes the importance of maintaining and building large navies. However, in this era of globalization, international cooperation is equally important. The State should actively participate in international naval exercises, joint missions and technical cooperation to promote peace and stability.

Technological Innovation and Military Modernization: Maintaining a modern navy requires constant technological innovation. States should encourage research and development of advanced military technology to ensure that navies have the necessary capabilities to face new threats and challenges.

Marine Protection and Environmental Responsibility: The Navy is not only the guardian of national security, but also the protector of the marine environment. Maintaining a large navy should come with a sense of responsibility for the marine ecosystem. States need to take measures to reduce the negative impact of naval activities on the marine environment.

International Law and Conflict Resolution: International law and rules should be the foundation of international maritime activities. States should actively abide by international law and advocate the settlement of disputes and conflicts through peaceful means to ensure maritime security and stability.

Finally, maintaining and building a large navy is a complex and long-term task that requires a strong commitment and long-term planning from the nation. It is not only a symbol of military power, but also reflects the comprehensive strength and international status of the country. Nations should manage resources wisely, balancing domestic and international needs to ensure the strength and durability of the Navy. In the context of globalization, international cooperation and compliance with international rules are equally important in order to maintain peace and prosperity in the global oceans and seas.

In short, the development and maintenance of the navy is not only a matter of national security, but also of international cooperation, environmental protection and international law. States should take these factors into account holistically to ensure a strong, modern navy that plays an active role in global affairs. This is a complex and important task that requires long-term commitment and determination.

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