
ChatGPT Advanced Cheats: Ten Tricks to Make Your Instructions More Accurate and Your Generated Content Higher Quality!

author:Party of dumplings

ChatGPT is an AI-based natural language processing model that understands human natural language input and generates meaningful responses in a grammatical and logical way. ChatGPT can be used in various scenarios, such as chat, Q&A, writing, creation, etc. However, in order for ChatGPT to produce high-quality content, we must not only master some basic input formats, parameter settings and feedback mechanisms, but also learn to give instructions to ChatGPT more accurately so that it understands our needs and expectations. This article will introduce you to ten tips and methods to make your instructions more accurate and generate higher quality content. Introducing ChatGPT

ChatGPT Advanced Cheats: Ten Tricks to Make Your Instructions More Accurate and Your Generated Content Higher Quality!

1. Use clear subject words or keywords.

For example, if we want ChatGPT to generate a news story about Apple, we can type "Apple releases iPhone 15" instead of "Apple releases new products."

2. Use specific indicators or prompts.

For example, if we want ChatGPT to generate a five-word sentence, we can type "write a five-word sentence, the theme is spring, the rhyming word is flower" instead of "write a poem".

3. Use appropriate introductory or connecting words.

For example, if we want ChatGPT to generate a review about the movie Titanic, we can type "I just finished watching the movie Titanic, and I think...", instead of "How was the movie Titanic?" ”。

4. Use proper grammar and punctuation.

For example, if we want ChatGPT to generate a business email, we can enter "Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to you regarding the contract we signed last week." I have some questions and suggestions for you. ...... Sincerely, John Doe", not "Hi Smith, I want to talk to you about the contract. I have some things to say. ...... Bye, John”。

5. Use appropriate salutations and polite language.

For example, if we want ChatGPT to generate a thank you note to a teacher, we can type "Dear Professor Lee, I am very grateful for your guidance and support during my study at your university." You have taught me a lot of valuable knowledge and skills. ...... Yours sincerely, Alice Wang", not "Hey Lee, I want to thank you for your help. You are a good teacher. ...... See you, Alice”。

6. Use reasonable assumptions and premises.

For example, if we want ChatGPT to generate a story about aliens invading Earth, we can type "suppose one day, a group of aliens suddenly appear on Earth, they claim to be from a distant galaxy, and their purpose is...", instead of "Suppose one day, a group of aliens suddenly appear on Earth who claim to be from a parallel universe and their purpose is...".

7. Use clear distinctions and classifications.

For example, if we want ChatGPT to generate a list of fruit types, we can enter "Fruits can be divided into the following categories by color: red fruits: apples, strawberries, tomatoes, etc.; Yellow fruits: bananas, lemons, pineapples, etc.; Green fruits: pears, grapes, kiwis, etc.; ...", instead of "fruits can be divided into the following categories according to color: red fruits: apples, strawberries, tomatoes, etc.; Yellow fruits: bananas, lemons, pineapples, etc.; Yellow-green fruits: pears, grapes, kiwis, etc.; Other color fruits: orange, blueberry, longan, etc. ”

8. Use orderly steps and processes.

For example, if we want ChatGPT to generate a tutorial on how to make a cake, we can enter "The steps to make a cake are as follows: 1. Preparation materials: eggs, milk, flour, sugar, butter, etc.; 2. Beat the eggs: Beat the eggs into a bowl and stir well with a whisk; 3. Add milk and sugar: add milk and sugar to the bowl in a certain proportion and continue to stir well; 4. Sift the flour: after sifting the flour, add it to the bowl in parts, and gently stir it with a spatula to form a batter; 5. Add butter: heat the butter in the microwave until melted, then pour it into a bowl and mix gently; 6. Pour into the mold: pour the batter into the oiled cake mold and smooth the surface; 7. Preheat the oven: preheat the oven to 180 degrees; 8. Bake cake: put the cake mold into the oven and bake for about 25 minutes; 9. Take out the cake: insert a toothpick into the center of the cake, if it is not stained with batter, it means that the cake is cooked, you can take it out and put it on the rack to cool; 10. Decorate the cake: According to your preferences, you can decorate the cake with cream, fruit, chocolate, etc. Instead of "making a cake is as simple as mixing everything together and putting it in the oven." ”

9. Use an appropriate amount of detail and description.

For example, if we want ChatGPT to generate an introduction about ourselves, we can type "My name is Zhang San, I am a college student, I like reading, traveling, and music." My favorite book is The Three-Body Problem, my favorite place is Paris, and my favorite music is rock and roll. Instead of "My name is Zhang San, I'm a human being, I have two eyes, a nose and a mouth." I eat, sleep and breathe every day. I don't have any particular hobbies and interests. ”

10. Use the right tone of voice and emotion.

For example, if we want ChatGPT to generate a message about birthday wishes, we can type in "Dear Bob, happy birthday to you!" You are my best friend and you always bring me joy and warmth. I wish you sunshine and happiness every day. I give you a special gift that I hope you enjoy. Instead of "Hey Bob, is today your birthday?" Then I wish you a happy birthday! You are a nice person, although sometimes annoying. I hope you have less trouble and more luck. I bought you something, I don't know if you'll like it. ”

11. Use innovative ideas and perspectives.

For example, if we want ChatGPT to generate a poem about love, we can type "express love in a novel way, such as using scientific knowledge such as mathematics, physics, or chemistry as a metaphor for love" instead of "expressing love in a traditional way, such as using romantic elements such as flowers, moons, or stars."

In summary, when using ChatGPT, we can improve the accuracy of our instructions to ChatGPT and improve the quality of the content it generates by using ten tricks, such as appropriate subject words or keywords, specific indicators or prompts, appropriate leading words or connectors, correct grammar and punctuation, appropriate salutations and polite words, reasonable assumptions and premises, clear distinctions and classifications, appropriate details and descriptions, appropriate tone and emotion, innovative ideas and angles, etc. And get a better user experience and satisfaction. Of course, ChatGPT still has many shortcomings and limitations that require our continuous attention and improvement. We believe that with the continuous development and advancement of artificial intelligence technology, ChatGPT will become more intelligent and powerful, providing us with more help and fun.

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