
【Network China Festival • Chongyang】Gangu County: Hold a variety of activities to help the elderly to convey a strong sense of respect and love for the elderly

author:Gangu County Rong Media Center
【Network China Festival • Chongyang】Gangu County: Hold a variety of activities to help the elderly to convey a strong sense of respect and love for the elderly

Xingangu News [Reporter Xie Yingbo] Jiujiu Chongyang Festival, the most beautiful sunset red. On the occasion of the Chongyang Festival, Gangu County held a variety of activities to help the elderly, conveying a strong sense of respect and love for the elderly, and continuously improving the happiness and sense of achievement of the elderly people.

【Network China Festival • Chongyang】Gangu County: Hold a variety of activities to help the elderly to convey a strong sense of respect and love for the elderly

On the day of the event, the Gangu County Old People's Home and the Dashi Town Elderly Service Center were filled with laughter and applause, loud singing, wonderful dance, musical instrument solo and other programs were staged in turn, so that the elderly could not only feel the warmth of the Chongyang Festival, but also enjoy the cultural feast full of warmth, creating a good atmosphere of valuing the elderly, caring for the elderly, and treating the elderly kindly.

【Network China Festival • Chongyang】Gangu County: Hold a variety of activities to help the elderly to convey a strong sense of respect and love for the elderly

In the health free consultation session, medical volunteers explained disease prevention knowledge to the elderly, and for the elderly with past medical conditions, medical volunteers patiently inquired and provided reasonable suggestions and professional health guidance in terms of diet and living habits. According to the different needs and physical conditions of the elderly, Tuina therapists carry out targeted acupressure massage on the head, shoulders, back and other parts, and their skillful and exquisite massage techniques allow the elderly to relax their body and mind. Grandma Li said happily: "Now I feel transparent and comfortable, and the government has delivered free services to our doorstep, which meets our various needs and is very caring." ”

【Network China Festival • Chongyang】Gangu County: Hold a variety of activities to help the elderly to convey a strong sense of respect and love for the elderly

Through the holding of this event, not only a warm and harmonious atmosphere of respecting the elderly was created, but also the elderly could truly feel the warmth and holiday care of the big family of the nursing home. Let the wind of respecting, respecting, loving and helping the elderly spread to every corner around us.

【Network China Festival • Chongyang】Gangu County: Hold a variety of activities to help the elderly to convey a strong sense of respect and love for the elderly
【Network China Festival • Chongyang】Gangu County: Hold a variety of activities to help the elderly to convey a strong sense of respect and love for the elderly

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