
Makinono: There are reasons and consequences for hysteria, and they can be used when Taiwan returns to China

author:Yingqiu Meiwen

The Power of Jewish Capital: How Much Power Is Secret World Capital Made by Capital? This is a thought-provoking question. He had discussed this topic with respected colleagues, and he did not believe that capital had that much power. However, when we learn about the history of international capital, especially the parasitism of early Jewish capital in Europe and its development in the United States, we will find that this is a hidden and thrilling world. It is a miracle that many books on Jewish capital have survived the stranglehold of Jewish capital to this day. We often see World War II movies such as "Schindler's List" and are deeply moved, but we never think about how these came about. This is another layer of the world, only if you have experienced it in real life, you can understand and sigh. Capital, especially Jewish capital, is able to create a barrier where all the secrets loom, true and false. However, behind these secrets, there are really some special eyes that will manipulate, which is where the power of capital lies. After World War II, Jewish capital donated a lot to universities, literary and artistic circles, and academic circles to solidify the Nazi behavior. Fueled by this capital, films such as Schindler's List won seven awards. Hollywood itself is Jewish-controlled.

Makinono: There are reasons and consequences for hysteria, and they can be used when Taiwan returns to China

These are the forces of capital at work. We are actually unclear about the details of the military-industrial complex, pharmaceutical interest groups, energy interest groups, etc., which is also because the yellow race simply cannot enter in that circle. Even chatting with friends who work on Wall Street, we can only feel a little. Behind these industries, there are really some special eyes manipulating. Take the pharmaceutical industry, from the very beginning of lard is harmful, to today's joint replacement surgery, how did these concepts come about? Have we ever thought about the truth behind these ideas? The power of capital is everywhere. The Boston family may be a simple term, but it would be unimaginable to tell you that all the lands, estates, and islands in your sight belong to a family for seven generations. This is a world isolated from ordinary people, we ordinary people, why ordinary, believe because we see it, and even see it and can't believe it. Capital, especially Jewish capital, is able to create a barrier and make all the secrets loom, true and false. However, behind this world, there are really some special eyes that will manipulate, and they have great power to influence and change the direction of the world.

Makinono: There are reasons and consequences for hysteria, and they can be used when Taiwan returns to China

Today's society is full of the power of capital. Each of us feels like an ordinary person, but our lives are influenced and constrained by capital. The power of these capitals is hard to see, but they do exist. We need more opportunities to understand the power of capital, to understand the industries controlled by capital, and the social phenomena affected by capital. Only in this way can we better face reality and better choose our future. In short, the power of capital is everywhere. The power of Jewish capital is even more amazing. It can create an isolated world where all the secrets loom, true and false. However, behind this world, there are really some special eyes that will manipulate. We need more opportunities to understand the power of capital, to understand the industries controlled by capital, and the social phenomena affected by capital. Only in this way can we better face reality and better choose our future. Jewish capital manipulates the medical industry and destroys health in the United States, and pharmaceutical interests spend money on training doctors, funding academic institutions, media propaganda, etc., in specific ways, resulting in joint replacement becoming a common practice.

Makinono: There are reasons and consequences for hysteria, and they can be used when Taiwan returns to China

Even some patients did not reach the point of replacement and were fooled into surgery. In addition, painkillers are very popular in the United States, but excessive use can cause kidney damage, and these problems have not received enough attention. In addition, in the United States, capital is behind chemical plant pollution, poisoned train accidents, and the proliferation of sugar and trans fatty acids. Most of these problems are obscured by capital, and it is difficult for ordinary people to access this information. In China, we have long been brainwashed by Jewish-controlled literati, and all kinds of information have been "processed". But this time, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has led to a shift in the world's perception of Jews, exposing the humanitarian tragedy caused by Israel. The control of public opinion by Jewish interest groups was completely broken. The masterminds behind the blockade-friendly Palestinian message are the same people behind the frenzied smearing of China around the world. Jewish capital manipulates the cultural industry and influences ideas, and Jewish interest groups also have great influence in the cultural industry. There are almost no articles and information about the Jewish ethnicity, right? This is not normal, and the information we receive is processed. These influences permeate our lives through various means, such as various propaganda slogans, mainstream media, and film and television works.

Makinono: There are reasons and consequences for hysteria, and they can be used when Taiwan returns to China

These means were controlled through Jewish capital. Although China is not against the Jews, we also need to maintain our independence and critical thinking ability, and not be swayed by external information. The actions of the Israeli Government have been condemned for Israel's long history of creating the greatest humanitarian tragedy in the world, creating realistic versions of concentration camps and preventing people from fighting back. The heinous attitude and the heinous cruelty of the means are genocide and have lasted for decades. Although condemned by the United Nations, no strong voice was heard. Compared to Japan, Israel's behavior is more egregious. This time, around the world, the condemnation of Israel has completely broken through the control of public opinion by Jewish interest groups. We need to realize that the people behind the blockade's message in favor of Palestine are the same people behind the frenzied smearing of China around the world. Although the interest groups involved are different, they all serve different purposes. In such a situation, we need to be more vigilant. In conclusion, we need to recognize the manipulation of Jewish capital and its various activities around the world. We need to maintain the independence and critical thinking ability of external information, and not be swayed by external interference.

Makinono: There are reasons and consequences for hysteria, and they can be used when Taiwan returns to China

Under such circumstances, we should actively promote world peace and development while protecting our own interests. In addition, we need to learn more about Jewish culture and history and respect the cultural heritage of each people. Finally, we need to ponder the question: how can we maintain our independence and sovereignty in the era of globalization? A recent conflict between Israel and Hamas shows us how the nations of the world are playing in the war of public opinion. However, we should also be aware that we should think more from multiple angles when looking at various issues, so as not to be biased by personal emotions and the limitations of information sources. At the same time, we should not overly mythologize the strength of leaders and countries, because times are constantly changing, and the power of countries is changing with it. This conflict between Israel and Hamas shows us that Israel is no longer the heroic and warlike country it once was. Over the past few years, anti-war sentiment among young people has grown and their combat effectiveness has weakened. Moreover, Israel's domestic population is relatively small, with a growing number of Haredi Jews and less than half secular. All of this suggests that Israel's power is gradually declining. At the same time, the United States is not as powerful as it used to be, so Israel cannot get more support from the United States.

Makinono: There are reasons and consequences for hysteria, and they can be used when Taiwan returns to China

However, this conflict is not only due to Israel's own weakening of its own power, but also to Israel's need to maintain its hegemonic deterrent position in the Middle East. If Israel does not teach Hamas a hard lesson, it will make Middle Eastern countries feel that "Israel is no longer working" and thus lose its prestige. This is undoubtedly a more fatal blow for Israel, as it could bring more unity within Muslim countries. As a result, Israel feels so "humiliated" that it has to lay down its dead hand to assert its position. However, Israel should not be blinded by its own anger. Although Israel's hard power is not as good as it used to be, its soft power far exceeds its hard power. Especially with the development of the Internet, information is being talked about in the world. The world is no longer the information closed era of the past. The emergence of social media such as TikTok has changed the public opinion landscape of the entire world. China's Belt and Road Initiative and the Community of Shared Future for Mankind have also had an important impact on the world. So if Israel reacts too drastically, it could backfire. In addition, we should note that Hamas's actions have shattered the myth of the invincibility of the Israeli army.

Although Hamas has a large number of rockets, 5,000 rockets have not been fired in one of the past four conflicts. Therefore, Hamas must have a deeper intention behind this operation. My personal understanding is that Hamas feels that if there is a reconciliation between Saudi and Israel, there may not be many opportunities in the future. Therefore, if Hamas wants to kill it, it can fire all the rockets and attack them indiscriminately. In this way, the Iron Dome could not intercept them all. And the cost of each interceptor missile is as high as $60,000, which also has a great impact on Israel's economy. In short, we need to look at this conflict from multiple perspectives, not being blinded by personal emotions and limitations in sources of information. At the same time, we cannot overly mythologize national leaders and national strength. We should realize that times are changing, and so is the power of nations. While Israel's hard power is declining, soft power far exceeds hard power. We hope that Israel can respond calmly and not overreact out of anger, so that it can protect its position and interests.

Israel-Gaza conflict: Anger, blood, and history cycle Since the escalation of the conflict between Israel and Hamas on May 10, nearly 200 people, mostly Palestinians, have died in Gaza and Israel. Behind this attack is a blood sacrifice, and most likely a backhand. If Israel continues down the path of anger, particularly into Gaza, it may face condemnation and pressure from the international community, as well as carefully designed resistance. Israel has been crafting its image for decades, but now that image is crumbling. Even if Gaza were razed, it would be meaningless. 2.2 million people, potential Hamas fighters, if one falls, tens of thousands will also stand up. Those orphans who were killed could later become human bombers. The Israelis are not ignorant of this, but are simply carried away by panic and hysteria. Jewish interests on Wall Street put pictures of Harvard pro-Palestinian students on the wall, online violence, and industry-wide rejection. This practice only makes people more disgusted with them. In fact, Biden is calm, he went to pressure and dissuade, a series of plans would have benefited Netanyahu, but in the end may not be useful.

If Hamas is not eliminated this time and drags down the Israeli army, Israel's national strength will inevitably decline. Internal divisions will also hamper Netanyahu and Likud. History goes on and on and on and on and The issues behind this conflict are not just religious and territorial disputes, but historical and political issues. For thousands of years, the region has been at war because it is a major transport route connecting Asia, Africa and Europe. It was the center of many great empires, such as Egypt, Persia, Greece and Rome. Every empire wanted to leave its mark here, but all ultimately failed. Today's conflict is only part of the cycle of history. We should watch and learn, because the cycle of history is not complicated. When Taiwan returns to China, we can also learn something from it. Don't be fooled by one-sided statements, you should use your own judgment and logical thinking to understand the truth of the matter. At the same time, we also need to see that behind this conflict are deep-seated issues that require in-depth political, historical and cultural exploration.

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