
The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

author:Three-foot green hahaha

The rise and fall of the Soviet Union seemed to reveal the iron law of a society's destiny: the emergence and expansion of a privileged class doomed a country. Marx said in the Communist Manifesto: "All history is the history of class struggle. "In Russia during Tsarist Russia, the imperial power and aristocracy enjoyed the privileges brought by the system. The revolution overthrew the feudal rule of the emperor and these classes and established a new socialist state. Unexpectedly, the country also collapsed in the "special" life of the privileged class. So why do socialist countries produce privileged classes, and what is their life like? In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Soviet Union practiced the dictatorship of the proletariat, and all people should enjoy public welfare equally. However, over time, the privileged class gradually rose. They have different living conditions than ordinary people and enjoy a different sense of superiority.

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

They have not only material privileges, but also unique spiritual experiences. The emergence of this privileged class, like a cancer, eventually led to the demise of the Soviet Union. The "death" of the USSR did not come from external pressure, as one might think. The cause of its death was its own "cancer": the "special" life of the privileged class. This kind of life not only makes the gap between them and ordinary people bigger and bigger, but also makes them gradually lose their sense of responsibility to society. Their lives are no longer comparable to the lives of ordinary people, and their "special" lives make them more and more distant from the reality of society, and also make them forget their commitment to society. The life of this privileged class became the culprit of the Soviet Union's demise. The "special" life of the privileged class is a cancer of society.

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

Once this cancer appears, it will continue to expand like a cancer, and eventually wear out the entire society completely. Around us, there are also such privileged classes and special providers. So, how can we prevent the spread of this cancer, how can we avoid the collapse of the whole society? After the October Revolution, the rule of the Russian Tsar was overthrown, and the Bolshevik Party established the proletarian revolutionary regime, establishing the Soviet Union. Although the state emancipated the workers and peasants, in practice the class form remained. The Soviet regime adopted a party cult system, in which the heads of posts were appointed by the party, resulting in ordinary people being unable to participate in politics, and class solidification had emerged. However, the Soviet class in this period mostly worked for the life of the people and the stability of the country, so there were not too many class contradictions. So, will class solidification in the USSR lead to division and instability in society?

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

How should we view the impact of this political system on the country and the people? There was such a special period in the history of the Soviet Union, when people needed to survive, officials needed for work, and the government maintained basic and stable operation, a special subsidy system such as "sanatorium canteens" appeared. However, this special treatment was not abolished after Lenin's death, but became a means of enjoying life for some privileged groups, which led to the phenomenon of separation from the masses and from the life of the masses. So, how exactly should this special treatment be treated? How can we make it work? Hangovers, luxurious villas, expensive wine and food, which seemed alien to the Soviet "socialist system", became the norm in the life of the Soviet Union's top leaders during the Stalin era. Even the French writer Romain Rolland was puzzled and puzzled by these privileged lives.

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

And the families of "heroes of the Soviet state" depicted by Stalin's daughter in "Just One Year" are even more eye-opening. How do these top leaders live this luxurious life? What is their day-to-day work? Let's find out. Stalin, as the head of the Soviet Union, lived a luxurious life, but he himself did not know how much his salary was, how many villas he had, and how many cigarettes he smoked every day. These seemingly incredible details are unimaginable to ordinary people. And the daily work of the leadership seems to be very relaxed, usually starting work in the afternoon, because they often sleep after a hangover and do not get up until the next afternoon. This way of life is alien to the Soviet "socialist system" and makes one wonder: how is such a way of life accepted? What kind of political, cultural and historical background is hidden behind this?

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

In Stalin's time, the lives of top leaders seemed to be very different from those of ordinary people. Seemingly inconspicuous details such as the luxurious villas owned by Marshal Voroshilov, the chairman of the Soviet Presidium Mikoyan and others, expensive wines and food, and even piles of porcelain in gardens, stables, and conservatories, show their wealth and status. How did these privileges come about? Is it related to their political status? Where is the fairness of this society when ordinary people are struggling for food and clothing, and the life of the leadership is so superior? Perhaps, this phenomenon of privilege and inequality in the Soviet Union at that time was not only a phenomenon among the top leadership, but also a common phenomenon in the whole society. We can imagine how privilege and inequality spread in the political, economic, cultural and other fields of the Soviet Union at that time.

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

How can we solve these problems and achieve fairness and justice in the "socialist system"? Perhaps, we need to think about similar questions today. In short, the privileged life of the leadership of the Stalin era makes one wonder and wonder. Is this privileged life related to the political, economic, cultural context of the Stalin era? And does it reflect the inequities of Soviet society at that time? We need a deeper understanding of the history and culture of the Stalin era in order to better reflect on these issues and provide reference and inspiration for our social development today. What was the life of the privileged class of the Soviet government like? What benefits do they enjoy? At the same time, what was the living situation of ordinary people in the USSR? This is a thought-provoking question. In this society, the privileged class lived in luxury, while ordinary people lived in conditions of extreme deprivation.

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

This huge contrast became a major feature of the society at that time. High-intensity work by the privileged class became commonplace. They are examined daily by a private doctor because their bodies are overdrawn. The government also began to increase the "welfare benefits" for this special class. On the streets of Moscow, shops for the privileged class have begun to appear, imported caviar, salmon, red wine, cigarettes, belts, chocolate, perfume, televisions, radios, luxury goods in the early 80s of the last century, have become a regular item in the life of this privileged class. At the same time, the life of ordinary Soviet people was far from that. They often face shortages and long queues. The great contrast between their living conditions and the privileged class makes people constantly pursue "self-improvement", hoping to change their fate through their own efforts.

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

Class stability in the government has formed a kind of more and more precipitation at the bottom, the middle layer desperately wants to "progress", and the top wants to stabilize and normalize their official positions through their own rights. The privileged class enjoyed government-provided villas, landscaped houses, and food subsidies according to the administrative hierarchy. The future of children is not a problem at all. In general, the huge contrast between the welfare and living conditions of the privileged class of the Soviet government and the ordinary people became a major feature of the society at that time. This phenomenon has also triggered deep thinking about social fairness and the distribution of rights. If you were in such a society, would you choose to strive for "improvement" or choose to adapt to the status quo? How do you think social equity and the distribution of rights can be rationalized? Let's leave a message in the comment area to share our opinion.

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

The Soviet Union's economy was once a world leader, but the standard of living of the population did not improve significantly. They have to spend a lot of time queuing up for basic necessities, and in some places even drainage facilities are not sound enough. The reason is not that the government is unwilling to care, but that the leadership has been intoxicated with excessive self-aggrandizement, self-paralysis, overconfidence in the country, and the pursuit and addiction to a luxurious life. Brezhnev was one of them. He added as many as 110 titles to himself, allowing him to truly achieve a luxurious life and enjoy the wealth of the world. This behavior has caused the privileged class, who could still do some work for the government, to gradually give up their jobs and pursue a stable, comfortable, and luxurious life. However, this short-sighted behavior led to a rapid decline in the Soviet economy.

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

Brezhnev's "new economic system" reforms, although somewhat successful economically, more problems were obscured. This is why the gross domestic product of the country is constantly rising, but the living standards of the people have not improved significantly. At that time, most of the Soviet people lived in slums, lacked basic living facilities, and needed to find their own ways to solve their living problems. Governments turn a blind eye to these conditions, causing the economy to be overly inflated and overshadowed by false prosperity. People began to covet comfort and stopped contributing to the country. The consequence of such short-sighted actions was the collapse of the Soviet economy. In 1985, the new leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, came to power and began reforms. His proposed "Project Treasure" was intended to solve the problems of the Soviet economy. However, the implementation of this plan was not successful. The Soviet government had a lot of problems with the perestroika. In the end, the Soviet Union collapsed and became history.

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

We can take a lot from the history of the USSR. Brezhnev's mistakes taught us that the state needs to pay attention to the standard of living of the people, not just to economic development. The government needs to pay attention to the daily life of the people, improve the construction of basic living facilities, and let the people truly enjoy the benefits of economic development. At the same time, the government should also be wary of the expansion of the leadership and the phenomenon of indulging in luxury life, keep a clear head, and safeguard the long-term interests of the country. Finally, we need to think about the question: how should the government balance economic development with the improvement of people's living standards? Welcome to leave a message to share your thoughts. The collapse of the Soviet Union was not a one-day effort, but a series of historical events. Under Lenin, all violations of the law were punishable by death, but under Gorbachev, corruption, bribery, etc. became the norm in the Soviet government.

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

Gorbachev claimed to want reform, but in his actual actions he completely rejected Marxist-Leninist socialist thought, copied the Western model, and introduced parliament, president and other systems. This has transformed the privileges and enjoyment that could have been obtained through government distribution into privileges that need to be approved by others and resolved by parliament, causing those who already enjoy privileges to find ways to obtain more direct enjoyment by more affordable means, that is, public ownership becomes private. It can be seen that the impact of the reform of the government system on society is far-reaching and complex. So, how should we balance the reform of the government system with the interests of society? From world giants to "capitalism without taboos", the fall of the USSR triggered deep thinking about socialism and the capitalist system. The once mighty Soviet Union is now a thing of the past, eroded to the bone by the cancer of capitalism. However, none of this happened overnight.

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

The rise and fall of the USSR was a long historical process in which rotten internal problems played a key role. The Soviet Union once had economic power that shocked the world, but since Gorbachev introduced liberal economic policies, state-owned enterprises have become a tool for a privileged class to usurp state capital, and the state has always adhered to this system. However, this privileged class no longer cares about the honor of the state, and they pursue only personal enjoyment and interests. Looking back at history, the rise and fall of the Soviet Union was a long and painful one. In its nearly 70-year history, it has defeated the aggression of Western fascists and struggled hard in difficult years. However, internal decay eventually led to the "death" of the USSR. So, which system of socialism or capitalism is more suitable for the development of the country? Why did the USSR finally collapse? How to avoid history repeating itself? These are questions that require us to think deeply.

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

Perhaps, we should reflect on our own systems and management and find a path more suitable for national development. Both socialism and capitalism have their advantages and flaws, and no system is perfect. The key is how we properly apply and manage these systems to avoid corruption and abuse. We need to establish sound systems and regulatory mechanisms to protect the interests of the country and the people and avoid manipulation and erosion by individuals and privileged classes. Finally, we need to think about the question: in finding a path suitable for the development of the country, how should we balance the interests of socialism and capitalism to achieve the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people? Welcome to leave a comment and share your views. The formation of a privileged layer of the Soviet bureaucracy was one of the important reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union. Because of its special status and treatment, this privileged stratum gradually broke away from the masses of the people and became a completely self-enclosed class.

The Luxurious Life of the Privileged Class: The Truth of the Soviet Offering

They pursue enjoyment and capital, but they lose their principle, become moths, cancer cells, and erode national interests for their own interests. The antagonism between these two classes turned the Soviet Union into a crumbling "hollow building" that could not consolidate the foundations of the country, and eventually led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. So, how to avoid the formation of a privileged layer of bureaucracy and ensure the stable development of the country? We need to pay more attention to system building and the fight against corruption, strengthen supervision and review, protect the people's right to know and supervise, let power operate under the sun, and let the privileged stratum hide everywhere, so as to ensure the long-term peace and stability of the country. What other issues do you think we need to pay attention to on the road to avoiding the formation of a privileged bureaucratic stratum? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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