
China has no friends? More than 90 countries in the Human Rights Council support China, and Western-centric theory urgently needs to be abandoned


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In today's tense Sino-US relations, the United States and its Western allies have carried out a series of accusations and hostile actions against China, which is annoying. Many people have said on the Internet that China is isolated in the international community. However, a meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council revealed the truth.

At the UN Human Rights Council's General Assembly in Geneva on March 5, the US representative criticized China's implementation of the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, but instead of receiving the expected echo, it was overwhelmingly reprimanded.

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Belarusian speakers, speaking on behalf of more than 70 countries, spoke together at the conference and unanimously supported China's handling of the Hong Kong issue. They believe that the implementation of the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law has shaken Hong Kong society out of turmoil and restored stability, and there is no so-called "human rights violations". In addition, more than 20 countries made separate statements criticizing the fallacies of the representative of the United States and accusing him of interfering in China's internal affairs.

China has no friends? More than 90 countries in the Human Rights Council support China, and Western-centric theory urgently needs to be abandoned

The United Nations Human Rights Council, which has 191 member states, can only participate as an observer state and has no right to vote because the United States has withdrawn from the human rights council. The number of countries that explicitly support China is close to half of the total number of members, almost hundreds, while only about 20 countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia support the United States, and most of the other countries remain neutral.

In stark contrast to China's broad support at the United Nations, the West is effectively becoming isolated. Recently, the Canadian government and 58 countries issued a Declaration Against Arbitrary Detention to try to force China to release two Canadian citizens arrested by Chinese state security in 2019 for espionage. However, ironically, after the issuance of the Declaration, the foreign ministries of Ghana, Benin and many other countries, which were originally listed as members, quickly clarified that they had not signed the Declaration, and some countries were even included in the list of Member States without participating in the discussion of the content of the Declaration. After the incident was exposed, the Canadian government secretly removed these countries from the list of member states, although there was no official response.

China has no friends? More than 90 countries in the Human Rights Council support China, and Western-centric theory urgently needs to be abandoned

A comparison of these two events makes it clear that China's international reputation is actually much better than that of some Western countries. So why do some people insist that "China has no friends internationally"? The root cause lies in the fallacy of Western-centrism, which is mainly manifested in the view of the West as the global center and the West as absolute truth. For example, when the United States launched a trade war with China in 2018, some people advocated that China should obey the United States and abandon industrial upgrading; When Huawei was sanctioned by the United States, these people believed that Huawei was sanctioned in violation of US law. In general, as long as China-related issues are related to a Western country, it must be China's fault. Western-centric thinking, which originated from the Second Opium War to the Hundred Days Restoration, pushed China to learn from the West in the late Qing Dynasty, which was partly a beneficial progress. However, today, Western-centric thinking has evolved into "Westernism", and as long as it is the words and deeds of Western countries, it is regarded as absolutely correct. Today, Western-centrism has become an outright fallacy that urgently needs to be corrected.

China has no friends? More than 90 countries in the Human Rights Council support China, and Western-centric theory urgently needs to be abandoned

The reason why Western-centric theory is so prevalent is inseparable from the strong influence of public opinion in Western countries. They occupy the commanding heights of international public opinion and have more resources, giving some people the false impression that Westerners are powerful and China is weak. However, justice is at ease in people's hearts, and a lie, no matter how many times it is repeated, will not become the truth. There are more than 200 countries and more than 7 billion people in the world, and the Western world is only a part of the world family. In recent years, as the power of Western countries has declined, the ugliness hidden under the glamorous exterior has gradually been revealed. The coronavirus pandemic is not under control, police kill civilians wantonly, the rich can enjoy high-end medical care when they get sick, and the poor don't even have access to testing... The shortcomings of the West are done too much, and sooner or later the stuffing will be revealed; And China insists on doing good, the fragrant wind is blowing on the face, and the number of friends will only increase.

China has no friends? More than 90 countries in the Human Rights Council support China, and Western-centric theory urgently needs to be abandoned


In recent years, Sino-US relations have been tense, and the United States and its Western allies have expressed a series of criticism and hostile actions against China, leading some to call China isolated in the international community on the Internet. However, a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council revealed the truth. At the meeting, China received unequivocal support from nearly 100 countries on the Hong Kong issue, accounting for almost half of the total number of member states. In contrast, Western countries are gradually becoming isolated. For example, Canada's action by joining 58 countries in issuing a Declaration against Arbitrary Detention, not all of which actually supported it, made Canada's action seem ironic and embarrassing.

China has no friends? More than 90 countries in the Human Rights Council support China, and Western-centric theory urgently needs to be abandoned

This reminds us that China is not alone in the international community. On the contrary, China's measures to deal with Hong Kong have received broad support, allowing Hong Kong society to restore stability. Thus, rhetoric accusing China of a lack of international friendship may actually be influenced by Western-centrism. This thinking that the West represents the world and represents the truth has led to a wrong view of China.


Justice is in the hearts of the people: Although Western countries have the commanding heights of public opinion, lies cannot become truth. There are many countries and peoples in the world, and Western countries cannot represent the world.

The fallacy of Western-centrism: Western-centrism is a false perception that treats the actions and statements of Western countries as absolutely correct. This thinking needs to be corrected.

Facts speak louder than words: The outcome of the UN Human Rights Council clearly demonstrates China's support in the international community. Actual actions and results are more convincing than rhetoric.


In recent years, relations between China and the United States have been tense, but the outcome of the UN Human Rights Council meeting clearly shows that China is not alone in the international community. In dealing with the Hong Kong issue, China's approach has received the clear support of nearly 100 countries, which has freed Hong Kong society from turmoil. In contrast, the actions of some Western countries have caused doubts and criticism, leading them to a path of isolation.

The formation of this situation is related to Western-centrism, which sees Western countries as global representatives and leads to a wrong view of China. However, justice is in people's hearts, and facts speak louder than words. China's position in the international community does not depend on rhetoric but on deeds and results. As the strength of Western countries declines, their ugliness is gradually exposed, and China's continuous improvement and development will attract more and more friends. Therefore, we should abandon the fallacy of Western-centric theory, view international affairs with an objective and fair attitude, and win more international friendship with practical actions.

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