
The verdict set back Chinese law by a hundred years, and the trafficker was sentenced to only 5 years, and Sun Haiyang wept bitterly

author:Xiao Chen Xin W

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Recently, a verdict was pronounced in a Chinese court in a case that attracted widespread social attention, which has triggered people to question and reflect on the Chinese legal system. According to the latest media reports, a trafficker convicted of serious human trafficking was sentenced to five years in prison simply for a minor crime, a sentence that set back a full hundred years in Chinese law. When defendant Sun Haiyang learned of the decision on the sentence, he could not control his emotions and cried bitterly.

Behind this case is a shocking story. Sun Haiyang is the child of a rural family whose family is poor and makes a living by picking up garbage.

The verdict set back Chinese law by a hundred years, and the trafficker was sentenced to only 5 years, and Sun Haiyang wept bitterly

By chance, he was targeted by a group of human traffickers and unfortunately became their prey. This organization makes a living from the illegal trafficking of human beings, abducting children and women from rural areas by various means and trafficking them to the urban market for human demand.

In the process of Sun Haiyang being trafficked, he witnessed the fate of countless companions. They are deprived of their personal freedom, forced to perform inhumane labor, and even subjected to abuse and sexual assault. As an innocent child, his life has never been stumbling. Until one day, the police raided the human trafficking gang, and Sun Haiyang was finally able to regain his freedom.

After the case, Sun Haiyang was not silent, he provided valuable evidence to the police, and made great contributions to the arrest of this human trafficking gang.

The verdict set back Chinese law by a hundred years, and the trafficker was sentenced to only 5 years, and Sun Haiyang wept bitterly

However, such a seemingly innocent child was sentenced to only a minor sentence in the face of the law, which not only caused Sun Haiyang secondary harm, but also brought shame to China's legal system.

For traffickers, they are the scum of society, the embodiment of evil. They exploit the vulnerability of vulnerable groups to seek ill-gotten gains through abduction, unlawful restrictions on personal freedom, forced labour and sexual exploitation. The crimes committed by human traffickers seriously endanger social stability and people's happiness and should be punished extremely severely.

However, the verdict in this case calls into question the fairness and sense of justice of Chinese law.

The verdict set back Chinese law by a hundred years, and the trafficker was sentenced to only 5 years, and Sun Haiyang wept bitterly

Traffickers are sentenced to only five years, a sentence that gives the impression that the law is too weak a deterrent to criminals. For countless victims, such sentences leave them feeling helpless and disappointed. The law is supposed to be a solemn sword of justice, not an opportunity for criminals.

China's legal system should show people the power of fairness and justice, and maintain social fairness and order. However, in this case, one cannot help but think of a hundred years ago, when China was in a period of chaos and the rule of law was not well established, and the verdicts were often puzzling and disappointing. Such a judgment is actually a step backwards, a sharpening and challenge to China's legal system.

The verdict set back Chinese law by a hundred years, and the trafficker was sentenced to only 5 years, and Sun Haiyang wept bitterly

We call on the legal profession and all sectors of society to re-examine the verdict in this case and increase the severity of punishment for human trafficking crimes. Human trafficking is a serious crime that not only obliterates the glory of humanity, but also destroys countless families and individuals. We cannot tolerate such evils, let alone allow them to go unpunished. Only by strengthening the law and cracking down on human trafficking crimes can we send a message of justice and fairness to society.

As ordinary citizens, we too can make our contribution. We should actively participate in anti-trafficking activities in all sectors of society, publicize the dangers of human trafficking, and raise public vigilance.

The verdict set back Chinese law by a hundred years, and the trafficker was sentenced to only 5 years, and Sun Haiyang wept bitterly

At the same time, we should also strengthen our care and protection for victims, and give them warmth and hope. Only through the efforts of the whole society can we completely eradicate this social cancer and create a safe and just social environment for every innocent child and family.

Let us stand in solidarity with Sun Haiyang and the countless trafficked victims, and call on the legal profession to pay attention to this case and revisit such a verdict. Let us work together to restore justice to the law and to the triumph of justice and fairness over evil and darkness. Let Sun Haiyang's cry is no longer a helpless accusation, but a urging voice of social progress!

The verdict set back Chinese law by a hundred years, and the trafficker was sentenced to only 5 years, and Sun Haiyang wept bitterly

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