
Modi wants face, China and Russia gave it today, the United States felt the crisis and publicly supported India's entry into the normal

author:Handsome Old Man He 7

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Recently, the G20 summit was held in New Delhi, the capital of India, which became the successful realization of Indian Prime Minister Modi's wish. However, before that, India hit a wall twice at the G20 foreign ministers' meeting and the G20 finance ministers' meeting and failed to reach an agreement, which was embarrassing for the host India.

The differences between the first two meetings mainly stemmed from the position of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, with the United States and Western countries demanding that the communiqué condemn Russia's aggression against Ukraine, but China and Russia firmly oppose the inclusion of political content in the economic cooperation conference. The disagreement led to the abort of the communiqués of the two meetings, much to India's embarrassment.

However, this G20 summit brought Modi a satisfactory face. The content of the communiqué explicitly does not mention sensitive issues such as "Russia's aggression against Ukraine", but calls on all countries to refrain from using force to acquire territory and prohibit the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons, which is in line with China's consistent position.

Modi wants face, China and Russia gave it today, the United States felt the crisis and publicly supported India's entry into the normal

Another important change is that the communiqué makes it clear that the G20 is the main forum for international economic cooperation, not a platform for addressing geopolitical and security issues, but acknowledging that these issues could have an impact on the global economy. This clear statement reflects China's previous position of refusing to sign.

At the same time, the US side seems to be aware of the crisis and actively takes action. In his meeting with Modi, US President Joe Biden clearly expressed his support for India to become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, and proposed to carry out in-depth cooperation with India in many fields, including defense, semiconductors, artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

This action shows the importance of the United States to India, which has strategic value in the eyes of the United States and the West as a country bordering China and close to Russia. But the Modi government is clearly not easy to woo, and the U.S. efforts may not be effective.

Modi wants face, China and Russia gave it today, the United States felt the crisis and publicly supported India's entry into the normal

In this unpredictable international landscape, India seems to have become a pawn in the spotlight, and the interests pursued by Modi still have more unknowns. However, all these developments are exploring the future direction of global politics and economics.

At the same time, the turning point of the G20 summit has also triggered more profound thinking about the future direction of global politics and economics.

On the one hand, the joint position of China and Russia sends a firm message that the G20 summit should focus on economic cooperation, not be used as a venue for resolving geopolitical disputes. This reflects the principle of multilateral international cooperation and emphasizes the importance of respect for each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity. This view was supported by most members of the summit, including not only China and Russia, but also other developing countries and emerging economies.

Modi wants face, China and Russia gave it today, the United States felt the crisis and publicly supported India's entry into the normal

On the other hand, the actions of the United States show that it is still trying to maintain its leadership position in the international political arena, but such an attempt may lead to more divisions and complexities. U.S. investment and cooperation plans in India may pose challenges to countries such as China and Russia. This also makes people wonder whether the United States, while pursuing its own national interests, can establish a balance with other countries in multilateral cooperation to maintain international peace and stability.

India, as the center of this international political game, faces a major choice. The Modi government needs to carefully weigh the interests of all parties to ensure that India's position and reputation in this global landscape are not damaged. At the same time, India should make full use of its geographical location and international status to promote regional and global cooperation for domestic prosperity and development.

To sum up, this turning point of the G20 summit has brought a new test to world political and economic relations. While pursuing their own interests, countries need to think about how to balance international cooperation and competition to promote global peace and prosperity. The interaction between India, China, Russia, the United States and other countries will continue to be the focus of global politics, and we will continue to follow the evolution of this complex and important international situation.


The events covered in this article and the complex diplomatic relations behind them offer some important insights. First, disagreements and trade-offs in diplomacy and international relations are the norm. At the G20 summit, the positions of the United States and Western countries, China and Russia and other countries on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine were sharply divided. This tells us that in the international political arena, the interests and positions of countries often conflict with each other, and careful diplomatic mediation and compromise are required.

Second, international organizations such as the G20 aim to address economic cooperation issues, but political issues are often involved. This phenomenon underscores the complexity of international organizations and the differing perceptions of States on how they can be used to achieve their political objectives. This is one of the complex challenges that foreign policy makers need to address.

On the other hand, this incident also highlights India's position and importance in international politics. India, as a country with a rich population and geostrategic position, has become the focus of contention between the United States and the West and China and Russia. This tells us that emerging powers such as India play a key role in shaping the international political landscape, and their policy choices and diplomatic tendencies have a profound impact on the world landscape.


At the G20 summit, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi finally succeeded in getting the face he wanted by issuing the G20 summit communiqué. This success depends on a number of factors, including compromise between China and Russia and the actions of the United States.

First, the compromise between China and Russia in the content of the communiqué is one of the key factors. They rejected the content of the "Russian aggression against Ukraine" unequivocally, emphasizing only the general consensus not to use nuclear weapons. This shows that China and Russia are willing to maintain unity on key issues and defend their own positions, rather than acting at the behest of the United States and Western countries.

Second, the communiqué clearly emphasizes the nature of the G20 as a forum for international economic cooperation, rather than a platform for addressing geopolitical and security issues. This reflects China's firm position on upholding the goals and principles of international organizations. The United States and Western countries have been trying to introduce political issues into the realm of economic cooperation, but this time China has successfully blocked this move.

At the same time, the aggressive actions of the United States against India are also a key factor. In his meeting with Modi, US President Joe Biden proposed to support India's permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council and promised to carry out in-depth cooperation with India in many fields. This shows that the United States is willing to see India as a key ally in the Asian region to counter rivals such as China and Russia.

Overall, the events of the G20 have revealed the trade-offs and complexities in international diplomacy. Countries pursue their own interests in the international political arena, but they also need to find common ground in various differences in order to achieve common goals. As a geostrategically important country, India has become the focus of competition among many parties, and its foreign policy will continue to influence the international political landscape. This event reminds us that international politics is a complex and challenging area that requires wisdom and caution on the part of our leaders.

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