
"Cai Man" and "Rice Meat", the unbearable behind the heyday dynasty.

author:Float 99
"Cai Man" and "Rice Meat", the unbearable behind the heyday dynasty.

When it comes to the Qing Dynasty, everyone will think that it is the last dynasty of feudal society, which has prospered and declined, have you ever heard of the "rice meat" and "vegetable people" of Kang Yong's prosperous era? Let me share such a poem with you.

The vegetable man mourned

Order: The years are hungry, and people sell themselves as meat in the city. If there is a certain family, his wife neglects to hold money of 3,000 with her husband, so that she can return quickly. He has gone in tears, his husband has broken his arm, and he is hanging in the market.

The couple starved to death every year, and it was better to go to the vegetable city as a concubine.

If you get 3,000 money, you can travel one mile.

The texture of the hibiscus is fragrant, and the milk is used as wontons.

The two brachials first cut off the slaughterhouse, and Xu cut the stock to hold it for soup.

Don't let the life be fresh meat, piece by piece into the hungry belly.

Male meat is not eaten, female skin fat condenses less sweat.

Three days of flesh and one soul, ask for a husband where the sun is dusk.

A natural woman is a good cook, and can make her husband return to old age.

There were a few people in the intestines of the burial, but fortunately the black kite pecked early.

The vegetable man is not "the one who cooks the vegetables", but the "one who cooks the dishes", and rice meat, not "meat made of rice", but "meat that eats rice". In years of war and famine, ordinary people are forced to go to the market and sell themselves as meat, and such people are called "vegetable people". Every word portrays a bloody picture, and for the sake of her husband's entanglement in returning home, the wife sells herself as a vegetable and suffers the pain of lingling, both cheap and guilty. Women and children as "vegetable people", this was the harsh reality of the time.

"Cai Man" and "Rice Meat", the unbearable behind the heyday dynasty.

"Rice meat" in the TV series "The Granary of the World"

Without food, the people would rise up and rebel. The most prominent is the Ming Dynasty, Shaanxi famine, the disaster people had no food to eat decided to take risks, although the Ming Dynasty responsible for suppressing the peasant army generals were talented, but the beacon of the uprising has not been extinguished, and finally Li Zicheng led the rebel army to attack the city of Beijing and destroy the Daming Dynasty.

According to the records of the late Qing dynasty, there were 571 prefectures that ate people due to famine from 1851 to 1910. Behind the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty was a bleak scene of hungry people everywhere, each of whom received an average of only about one pound of food rations per day, and when taxes were removed, they would inevitably live in malnutrition. But this is only part of what we don't know, there were famines in various dynasties, and the Qing dynasty's concealment of the truth in the history books is tantamount to covering up the ears and bells, and it reflects the chaos behind the Qing rule.

"The Sorrow of the Vegetable Man" vividly shows the cruel scenes. If a country falls into a food crisis, then it is unimaginable, and the country's social contradictions must intensify. Today, if it were not for the great achievements of Mr. Yuan Longping, "vegetable people" and "rice meat" would often appear in our new China. Mr. Yuan, through the ages!

"Cai Man" and "Rice Meat", the unbearable behind the heyday dynasty.