
The latest reform of the Health Commission has said goodbye to excessive medical treatment, and ordinary people do not have to worry about expensive medical treatment

author:Satoru 11125

#Autumn Life Punch Season#The latest reform of the Health Commission, farewell to excessive medical treatment, and ordinary people do not have to worry about expensive medical treatment.

There has always been tension between doctors and patients on the mainland, the most important of which is over-medical treatment. Excessive medical treatment not only brings a heavy financial burden to patients, but also affects the image and professional ethics of doctors. In order to improve this situation, the mainland health commission recently issued a new reform measure: doctors' salaries are no longer linked to the income of drugs, laboratory tests and other businesses. Such reforms would allow doctors to focus more on saving people, rather than overtreating for financial gain.

The latest reform of the Health Commission has said goodbye to excessive medical treatment, and ordinary people do not have to worry about expensive medical treatment

Let's start with an example of a doctor overdoing it. There is a doctor, in order to get a commission, deliberately prescribes expensive imported drugs to patients, instead of domestic drugs that are more cost-effective. In the process of getting the drug commission, this doctor completely ignored the patient's financial ability and actual condition. This is not an isolated example, and many doctors have deviated from professional ethics because of financial gain.

Another example is a doctor who deliberately exaggerates the condition in order to get the patient to do more tests, causing the patient to do many unnecessary tests. Such behavior not only increases the financial burden on patients, but can also lead to distrust of doctors in patients.

The latest reform of the Health Commission has said goodbye to excessive medical treatment, and ordinary people do not have to worry about expensive medical treatment

However, this is about to change. This reform measure by the Health Commission has eliminated the economic incentive for doctors to overdo medical treatment by eliminating the financial incentive for doctors to overdo medical treatment. Doctors will pay more attention to the patient's condition and will no longer engage in unethical behavior for financial gain.

This reform has received enthusiastic support from a wide range of patients. Many patients say that such reforms have made doctors more focused on seeing a doctor and saving people, allowing them to see a doctor with more peace of mind. At the same time, the reform has given doctors more confidence that they can focus on treating and saving lives, rather than deviating from professional ethics for financial gain.

The latest reform of the Health Commission has said goodbye to excessive medical treatment, and ordinary people do not have to worry about expensive medical treatment

This reform measure of the mainland health commission is of great significance to improve the doctor-patient relationship and eliminate the problem of excessive medical treatment. Doctors' compensation is no longer linked to business income, allowing doctors to focus more on saving lives and giving patients more peace of mind. Do you support such reforms?

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