
After the reverse current in February, Han Xianchu came to the door, Xu Qianqian: How dare you come to see me?

author:Lovely good luck rolling

The article extracts the main meaning: The article describes the story of the Red Army general Han Xianchu who defied power and visited the reviled Marshal Xu Qianqian many times in 1967. At that time, Xu Qianqian was accused of "February countercurrent" for participating in the wrong actions against Lin Biao and other wrongs, and he was wronged. However, Han Xianchu was not afraid of political risks, and because of his respect for Xu Qianqian and his belief in a just cause, he resolutely went to see Xu Qianqian, showing the deep friendship and mutual care spirit between them.

Rearrange the article:

In 1967, as soon as the "February counter-current" turmoil subsided, Han Xianchu, commander of the Fuzhou Military Region, took a huge political risk and resolutely went to visit the reviled Marshal Xu Qianqian.

After the reverse current in February, Han Xianchu came to the door, Xu Qianqian: How dare you come to see me?

At that time, Xu Qianqian was falsely accused of being a "February countercurrent" for opposing the wrong practices of Lin Biao and others, and he was wronged. However, Han Xianchu dared to take risks, and his respect for Xu Qianqian and belief in a just cause led him to overcome all obstacles.

In fact, at the meeting of Huairen Hall, Xu Qianqian resolutely fought against the wrong practices of Lin Biao and others, and paid a huge price for this. They were once heroic generals of the Red Fourth Front Army and established high prestige in the Hubei-Yu-Anhui base area. However, their righteous actions were distorted and accused of "February countercurrent". Chairman Mao made it clear a few years later that he would no longer mention the "February countercurrent," clearing the stigma of Xu Qianqian and others.

After the reverse current in February, Han Xianchu came to the door, Xu Qianqian: How dare you come to see me?

However, at that time, the shadow of the "February countercurrent" had not completely dissipated, Xu Qianqian's reputation was damaged, he was criticized, suppressed, and imprisoned. At this time, Han Xianchu's actions were particularly brave and precious.

The reason why Han Xianchu bravely went to see Xu Qianqian without fear of power stemmed from his deep respect for Xu Qianqian. Xu Qianqian was the commander-in-chief of the Red Fourth Front Army and had high prestige in the Hubei-Yu-Anhui base area. Han Xianchu, on the other hand, was a general of the Red 25th Army, which was subordinate to the Red Fourth Front Army in terms of organization. He admired Mr. Xu's military command level to the ground, and even more admired Mr. Xu's noble character.

After the reverse current in February, Han Xianchu came to the door, Xu Qianqian: How dare you come to see me?

This respect is not simply a superior-subordinate relationship, but a deep respect. Han Xianchu had admiration in his heart, regardless of political pressure, and was always concerned about Xu Qianqian's situation.

Secondly, Han Xianchu is a person who dares to speak and do. At the Lushan Conference, Peng Dehuai, the country's leader at the time, was criticized, and most people turned away from him for fear of political struggle. However, Han Xianchu dared to keep in touch with Mr. Peng, and his boldness and persistence showed his character. In that era of reversal of right and wrong, many of the founding generals were implicated for political reasons, but Han Xianchu dared to lend a helping hand to help those who suffered.

After the reverse current in February, Han Xianchu came to the door, Xu Qianqian: How dare you come to see me?

For example, in order to return Chen Zaidao to work, he boldly proposed to Chairman Mao, and eventually let Chen Zaidao serve as the deputy commander of the Fuzhou Military Region. He is a responsible person who thinks the right thing is right and will stick to it.

In Han Xianchu's heart, Xu Qianqian was an irreproachable leader. He firmly believed in Xu Qianqian's innocence, so even though Xu Qianqian's situation was very difficult, Han Xianchu still insisted on visiting. This friendship transcends all kinds of obstacles and shows Han Xianchu's broad-minded and like-minded side. The friendship between them is not only manifested in Han Xianchu's courage when he visits Xu Qianqian, but also in the small details of daily life.

After the reverse current in February, Han Xianchu came to the door, Xu Qianqian: How dare you come to see me?

Xu Qianqian is a native of Shanxi, and northerners generally like to eat noodles. Han Xianchu, on the other hand, is from Hubei and also likes to eat noodles. Therefore, every time he visited, Xu Qianqian would personally prepare noodles for Han Xianchu. This simple act is a manifestation of Han Xianchu's respect and care. Sometimes, Xu Qianqian would even personally add food to Han Xianchu until he was satisfied. This act of care deeply touched Han Xianchu. This friendship and mutual concern brought the two generals closer together.

Not only that, Xu Qianqian was also specially when Han Xianchu was not in good health

Arrange for people to go to Germany to inquire about medical treatment methods, showing concern for Han Xianchu.

After the reverse current in February, Han Xianchu came to the door, Xu Qianqian: How dare you come to see me?

This kind of concern and thoughtfulness made Han Xianchu feel warm. The friendship between the two servicemen transcended positions and status and became a model to remember. Their relationship is not only a comrade-in-arms, but also a confidant, a symbol of sincere friendship between them.

After all, they all got through that difficult time, Xu Qianqian continued to serve as vice chairman of the Military Commission, and Han Xianchu also retained the position of commander of the Grand Military Region. Their friendship has become even more precious after many twists and turns. Xu Qianqian and Han Xianchu, one is a military genius, the other is a brave and fearless general, their friendship and tenacious character have become a model of Chinese military spirit.

After the reverse current in February, Han Xianchu came to the door, Xu Qianqian: How dare you come to see me?

Their stories teach us that true friendship is indestructible and that true soldiers are fearless.

Opinion-based analysis:

This story is deeply moving. In the chaotic times, Han Xianchu's courage and deep friendship were vividly displayed. He braved political pressure and dared to keep in touch with Xu, demonstrating true military qualities. This kind of friendship and belief is worth learning from each of us. In modern society, we often face various pressures and difficulties, but only by adhering to the truth and maintaining friendship can we go further in adversity.

This story also teaches us that true leaders should be bold and responsible.

In the midst of adversity, both Xu Qianqian and Han Xianchu showed extraordinary courage and determination. Xu Qianqian's integrity and Han Xianchu's courage are the cornerstones of their friendship. Leaders should have firm faith and high moral character to be able to lead the team to victory in difficult times.

Finally, the story also reminds us to cherish friendship. In life, true friendship is precious, it can support us through difficult times, and it gives us strength. Just like Xu Qianqian and Han Xianchu, their friendship not only exists in good times, but also supports each other in bad times.