
The 73-year-old retired "police tiger" fell from the horse: He once made first-class meritorious service, but he amassed a fortune of 546 million, and now he was sentenced to a suspended death

author:Lovely good luck rolling

The article mainly expresses Li Wenxi's life experience, from a civil servant who originally set out to serve the people, and finally became a corrupt official who accepted bribes. His greed and corruption not only led to his own downfall, but also affected his family. Taking Li Wenxi's case as a starting point, the article calls for the continuation of anti-corruption and clean government work, and expresses the hope that there will be no corrupt officials.

Brand new article:

In the early spring of 2023, China's anti-corruption efforts ushered in a notable victory. Li Wenxi, a highly anticipated "civil servant satisfied with the people," was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve for accepting bribes of more than 540 million yuan.

The 73-year-old retired "police tiger" fell from the horse: He once made first-class meritorious service, but he amassed a fortune of 546 million, and now he was sentenced to a suspended death

This judgment has aroused widespread attention and reflection. Li Wenxi is not only the "first tiger" who fell in 2021, but also the first "huge greed" to be sentenced to a suspended death sentence this year.

Li Wenxi's life experience is legendary. His original intention to do things for the people stemmed from an experience in his childhood. In 1961, in order to seek justice, Li Wenxi's mother repeatedly took 11-year-old Li Wenxi along the railway to walk 15 miles to the township government to report the problem, but in the end she failed to obtain justice. This experience deeply influenced Li Wenxi, who vowed that if he became an official in the future, he would speak up for the powerless people.

The 73-year-old retired "police tiger" fell from the horse: He once made first-class meritorious service, but he amassed a fortune of 546 million, and now he was sentenced to a suspended death

In 1972, 22-year-old Li Wenxi became the deputy director of the Benxi County Revolutionary Committee. He was widely praised for helping others and helping the underprivileged, and was known as "Li Dahu". However, his competitive and aggressive style led to his removal from office shortly after. After experiencing the ups and downs of his career, Li Wenxi reflected on his personality problems and honed his heart by practicing calligraphy. This hobby allowed his character to be cultivated, and he became more rational and rational in dealing with problems.

Li Wenxi was later transferred to the police station as a grassroots police officer, and quickly showed excellent work ability.

The 73-year-old retired "police tiger" fell from the horse: He once made first-class meritorious service, but he amassed a fortune of 546 million, and now he was sentenced to a suspended death

He stopped a fierce conflict and demonstrated his knowledge of hooligans and his ability to calm the storm. This work became the starting point of his career, and he not only rose through the ranks, but also reformed the local public security organs, rectified corruption and unhealthy tendencies, and put forward the slogan "grasp the leading body, lead the team, promote work, and ensure safety."

However, as his power increased, Li Wenxi gradually lost his original intention of becoming an official. His bribery crimes involved more than 540 million yuan, and an average annual embezzlement of nearly 36 million yuan. He was once the "big brother" in the eyes of corrupt officials, but he was eventually blinded by power and wealth and became a two-faced person.

The 73-year-old retired "police tiger" fell from the horse: He once made first-class meritorious service, but he amassed a fortune of 546 million, and now he was sentenced to a suspended death

He was involved in corruption cases, including conspiring with criminal gangs to illegally appropriate other people's assets, which ultimately led to his downfall and sentencing.

Li Wenxi's life experience has learned profound lessons. He went from a civil servant with the intention of serving the people to a greedy and corrupt official. His case calls for continued anti-corruption and clean government efforts to ensure that officials stay true to their original intentions and do not abuse their power for personal gain. The article concludes with the expectation of anti-corruption work, hoping that there will be no more corrupt officials in China, let officials serve the people, and realize the beautiful vision of the people.

Opinion-based analysis:

Li Wenxi's case once again highlights the importance of anti-corruption efforts.

The 73-year-old retired "police tiger" fell from the horse: He once made first-class meritorious service, but he amassed a fortune of 546 million, and now he was sentenced to a suspended death

Corruption not only harmed the interests of the country, but also tarnished the reputation of civil servants. His life experience fully shows that even a civil servant with the intention of serving the people, once greedy inflated, may eventually embark on the road of crime. Anti-corruption efforts should not only hold embezzlers accountable, but also dig deeper into the reasons behind corruption to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

In addition, Li Wenxi's case also reflects China's resolute attitude towards anti-corruption work. Regardless of position, if suspected of corruption, it will be investigated and sanctioned. This zero-tolerance stance conveys to the world the Chinese government's determination to fight corruption, which is conducive to establishing clean politics and safeguarding social fairness and justice.

The 73-year-old retired "police tiger" fell from the horse: He once made first-class meritorious service, but he amassed a fortune of 546 million, and now he was sentenced to a suspended death