
The 51-year-old aunt went on a blind date to find true love, scaring away the honest uncle in the countryside: give my 13-year-old son 5,000 more a month

author:Curious Brian loves clips

Older people attending blind dates to find a partner to solve their own problems of loneliness and loneliness have become commonplace in our society.

And in this process, the efforts between husband and wife should be mutual and mutually supportive. Just like this Aunt Yang we are going to talk about today.

Aunt Yang, 51 years old this year, is already a widow. She had a son and needed a partner who could take on parenting responsibilities, so she decided to sign up for a TV blind date show in hopes of finding a suitable partner.

Aunt Yang gave several conditions for finding a partner during the interview, one of which was that the future partner could afford her son's tuition expenses, which required 5,000 yuan per month.

The 51-year-old aunt went on a blind date to find true love, scaring away the honest uncle in the countryside: give my 13-year-old son 5,000 more a month

This condition is indeed not easy to achieve, but for Aunt Yang, this is a very important and real need.

She wants her future partner to take on this responsibility instead of focusing solely on her own interests. However, during the blind date, Aunt Yang met a man named Uncle Xue.

Uncle Xue's conditions were far from her expectations and could not meet her requirements for her partner. Faced with such a situation, Aunt Yang resolutely decided not to pursue this relationship.

She understands that they can only work together and spend their old age together if their living conditions and expectations match each other.

The 51-year-old aunt went on a blind date to find true love, scaring away the honest uncle in the countryside: give my 13-year-old son 5,000 more a month

We can see from Aunt Yang that whether it is young or old, blind dates are to solve their loneliness and loneliness.

Only when husband and wife give and support each other can a stable family relationship be established. Aunt Yang's example shows us that it is very important to find a partner who can take on your responsibilities so that you can face the challenges of life together.

In this noisy society, we can't help but wonder: do we need to put aside our interests and find partners who are truly willing to give for us and spend the rest of our lives with?

The 51-year-old aunt went on a blind date to find true love, scaring away the honest uncle in the countryside: give my 13-year-old son 5,000 more a month

Aunt Yang's story has given us a good inspiration and reminded us to cherish those around us who are willing to walk with us. In short, the purpose of blind dates is not only to solve the problem of loneliness and loneliness of the elderly, but also to place expectations on mutual giving and mutual support in the relationship between husband and wife.

Aunt Yang's experience tells us that it is necessary to find a responsible partner and match the living conditions and expectations to truly build a happy family. Whether young or old, blind dates are something that needs to be carefully considered, because only by finding someone who really suits us can we truly move towards happiness.

The 51-year-old aunt went on a blind date to find true love, scaring away the honest uncle in the countryside: give my 13-year-old son 5,000 more a month