
Cold knowledge: Since the beginning of this year, the six giants and five Jews who have promoted the ice-breaking visit between China and the United States

author:Curious Detective Agency

Since June 2023, when U.S.-China diplomacy broke the ice again, five of the six White House bigwigs who visited China who tried to push for a warming of U.S.-China relations were Jewish, except for Trade Secretary Raimondo. (There is more Jewish power behind the business tycoons visiting China)

2023.6.18-2023.6.19, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, American Jew.

Cold knowledge: Since the beginning of this year, the six giants and five Jews who have promoted the ice-breaking visit between China and the United States

2023.7.6-2023.7.9, U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen, American Jewish, Polish.

Cold knowledge: Since the beginning of this year, the six giants and five Jews who have promoted the ice-breaking visit between China and the United States

2023.7.16-2023.7.19, US Special Presidential Climate Envoy Corey, American Jew, German descent.

Cold knowledge: Since the beginning of this year, the six giants and five Jews who have promoted the ice-breaking visit between China and the United States

2023.7.20, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, American Jewish, German.

Cold knowledge: Since the beginning of this year, the six giants and five Jews who have promoted the ice-breaking visit between China and the United States

2023.8.27-2023.8.30, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Raimondo, Italian-American.

Cold knowledge: Since the beginning of this year, the six giants and five Jews who have promoted the ice-breaking visit between China and the United States

2023.10.7-2023.10.9, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Schumer, American Jew, Eastern Europe.

Cold knowledge: Since the beginning of this year, the six giants and five Jews who have promoted the ice-breaking visit between China and the United States

Therefore, many political considerations also need to take into account the attitude and changes of Jewish power.

For example, at the APEC meeting in November, the focus of our meeting with Biden must be the re-entry of Jewish capital into China and the diplomatic deal of the Kazakhstan-Israel conflict.

For China, in the medium and long term, this is a huge benefit, and the Jewish bigwigs who manipulate the United States behind the scenes must compromise and make concessions to China.

But in the short term, perhaps we will unexpectedly encounter a wave of political pressure from Jewish patrons.

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