
【Technical dry goods】According to the age of obtaining the ID card, novices can also get it in 2 minutes~

author:SoFlu software robot

As programmers, we often need to deal with all kinds of data, including ID numbers. Extracting age information from ID numbers is useful for some applications, such as conducting user authentication, risk assessment, etc. This article will discuss how to obtain the age based on the ID card from the perspective of the Java language, mainly including function design and implementation.

【Technical dry goods】According to the age of obtaining the ID card, novices can also get it in 2 minutes~

Function design:

The function of obtaining age according to the ID card should have the following characteristics:

1. The input parameter is an ID number string.

2. The output is the age expressed as an integer.

3. The validity of the ID number should be taken into account, i.e. the input is verified to ensure that it complies with the rules of the ID number.

4. The case of leap years should be taken into account to ensure that the calculated age is accurate.

The following is a functional design scheme for generating code with FuncGPT (Wisdom Function) based on the above features:

Enter the following requirements

Function function: Get age according to ID card

Class name: Fun Test

Access: idCard

Argument: int

FuncGPT generates the code:

Class name: FunTest

Function name: getAgeFromIdCard

Function function: Get age according to ID card

POM dependencies: None

import java.time.LocalDate;

import java.time.Period;

public class FunTest {


* Age obtained according to ID card

* @param idCard ID number

* @return Age


public static int getAgeFromIdCard(String idCard) {

if (idCard.length() != 18 || !idCard.matches("\\d{17}[0-9X]")) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ID card format"); The ID card format is incorrect and throws an exception


String birthdayStr = idCard.substring(6, 14); The birthday part of the ID number, in the format: yyyyMMdd

LocalDate birthday = LocalDate.parse(birthdayStr); Converts the birthday string to the LocalDate type

LocalDate currentDate =; The current date

Period period = Period.between(birthday, currentDate); Calculate the length of time from birthday to the current date

return period.getYears(); Returns age



Function example

Get an age example based on your ID card

Entry parameters: idCard, ID number

Appearance: age, age

Call example:

// String idCard = "11010119900101234X";

// int age = FunTest.getAgeFromIdCard(idCard);

// System.out.println(age);

Output: For example, the age calculated from the ID number "11010119900101234X" is: 31

The output is: 31


Tips: The above code is generated by FuncGPT, please use the file for compilation and packaging.

【Technical dry goods】According to the age of obtaining the ID card, novices can also get it in 2 minutes~

So whether the above function code is good or not, see what Wen Xin says~

The quality of this code is relatively high, because it implements the function of obtaining the age based on the ID number, and uses the date and time API introduced in Java 8 to make the code more concise and easy to read.

In addition, this code has the following advantages:

1. Input verification: The code uses IllegalArgumentException to throw an exception, if the input ID number is not 18 digits or does not conform to the format of the ID number, it will cause the program error, which helps to ensure the correctness of the input data.

2. Date processing: The code uses the LocalDate class and the Period class to calculate the age, both of which are new date and time APIs in Java 8, which can simplify date processing operations and improve the readability and maintainability of the code.

3. Exception handling: The try-catch statement block is used in the code to catch possible exception situations, such as ParseException, etc., which helps to handle correctly when an exception occurs and avoid program crashes.

4. Documentation comments: JavaDoc comments are used in the code to explain in detail the function, parameters, return values, and usage examples of the method, which helps other developers quickly understand what the method does and how to use it.

【Technical dry goods】According to the age of obtaining the ID card, novices can also get it in 2 minutes~

In summary, this code has high quality and advantages, can easily get the age based on the ID number, and adopts Java 8's date and time API, as well as mechanisms such as input validation and exception handling, making the code more robust and easy to use.

Using FuncGPT (Wisdom Functions), users can describe Java function requirements through natural language, and the system instantly generates high-quality, easy-to-read Java function code. The generated code can be directly copied into IDEA, or imported into the Java automatic development tool library with one click, which provides great convenience for function development; At the same time, it helps developers break down the boundaries of capabilities and improve themselves. If you want to unlock more complex function requirements, you can download and use FuncGPT: for free


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