
4 topical medicines for hemorrhoids, how to use them correctly?

author:Critical Medicine

Author: Lin Hong

Reviewer: Chen Chuxiong

Unit: Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University

Source: Yixian Pharmacy

Hemorrhoids are a common disease, especially in sedentary and standing groups, and hemorrhoids can worsen with age. In fact, hemorrhoids are not sores, but a venous lesion of the area, mainly manifested as blood in the stool, the nature of blood in the stool can be painless, intermittent, blood after stool, blood dripping during stool or blood on the paper, constipation, drinking alcohol or eating irritating food aggravated.

Hemorrhoids are divided into internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids, mixed hemorrhoids, inflammatory external hemorrhoids and thrombotic external hemorrhoids...

4 topical medicines for hemorrhoids, how to use them correctly?

At present, the three major clinical treatment principles for hemorrhoids are:

1. Asymptomatic hemorrhoids do not require treatment;

2. Symptomatic hemorrhoids focus on reducing or eliminating symptoms, rather than curing them;

3. Non-surgical treatment is the mainstay.

Therefore, the general hemorrhoid patients do not have to think of surgery first, but should choose the appropriate drug according to the symptoms, only when the drug treatment effect is not good, such as hemorrhoids in the anus protrusion is serious, excessive blood in the stool, only need to go to a regular hospital for surgical treatment.

In the choice of drugs, topical drugs do not pass through the digestive tract and directly reach the disease, so the adverse reactions are relatively small and the efficacy is relatively fast, which is the preferred treatment for hemorrhoids.


Topical drugs are commonly used

1. Ma Yinglong Musk Hemorrhoid Cream

4 topical medicines for hemorrhoids, how to use them correctly?

Made from musk, bezoar, pearl, calamine (calcined), borax, ice chips, amber. Ma Yinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Cream has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, activating blood and reducing swelling, and removing saprophytic muscle, and is mainly used for hemorrhoidal swelling and pain, fissure pain. It is characterized by a significant pain relief effect.

If it is a stool bleeding, pain or falling feeling caused by fissures and external hemorrhoids, the ointment can be evenly applied to the affected area, a small amount of multiple times, and it can be quickly effective.

4 topical medicines for hemorrhoids, how to use them correctly?

2. Tai Sticker

4 topical medicines for hemorrhoids, how to use them correctly?

Made from ground elm charcoal, fivefold seed, ice chips, berberine hydrochloride, papaverine hydrochloride, etc. Tai Patch can cool blood and stop bleeding, clear heat and detoxification, dry and wet sores, reduce swelling and relieve pain. It is used for blood in the stool, swelling, and pain that occur in internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids, mixed hemorrhoids, etc.

However, the patch does not apply medicine to the area, but to the navel. Before use, wash the skin around the umbilicus (Shenque Point), dry it, then separate the medical tape (non-woven substrate) from the PVC sheet, align the tablet with the umbilicus, and stick it firmly; Take 1 tablet at a time, 1 time per day.

4 topical medicines for hemorrhoids, how to use them correctly?

3. Bear bile hemorrhoidal ointment

4 topical medicines for hemorrhoids, how to use them correctly?

Made from bear bile powder, ice chips, calamine, mother-of-pearl, bile sugar paste, egg butter, etc. Bear bile hemorrhoidal ointment can clear heat and detoxification, reduce swelling and pain, collect sores and build muscles, relieve itching, and stop bleeding. For internal and external hemorrhoids, or with minor bleeding.

Wash the anus before use, then apply the ointment to the inside and outside of the anus twice a day.

4 topical medicines for hemorrhoids, how to use them correctly?

4. Compound carragene suppository

4 topical medicines for hemorrhoids, how to use them correctly?

A compound carragonate suppository is a compound preparation containing carragelate, titanium dioxide, and zinc oxide each. It can be used for symptomatic treatment of pain, itching, swelling and bleeding caused by hemorrhoids and other diseases; It can also be used to relieve discomfort after local surgery.

1 piece at a time, 1-2 times a day. To use, it is necessary to insert the suppository into the anus. Step 1: Remove the plastic plate containing the compound carragene plug from the box and tear off one of them. With the thumb and forefinger of both hands, pinch the tip of the plastic film and tear it apart. Step 2: Wear the finger sleeve included in the box on the finger (index or middle finger) that delivered the medicine. Remove the suppository. Step 3: Squat with your body in full. Gently tuck the suppository into the anus about 2 cm to make sure it doesn't slip out.

4 topical medicines for hemorrhoids, how to use them correctly?

Topical drugs can only temporarily reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids, can not cure hemorrhoids, when the hemorrhoids are serious, should immediately seek medical attention, and the doctor to evaluate whether to carry out surgical treatment.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

1. Good bowel habits

In daily life, to develop the habit of regular bowel movements, diet should also be kept as light as possible, eat more fiber-rich foods, drink more water, promote stool discharge; At the same time, go to the toilet to concentrate, while going to the toilet while looking at the mobile phone, will unconsciously prolong the time people squat in the toilet, make the anus congested, cause varicose veins, and finally may lead to hemorrhoids, so the time of squatting in the toilet every day 3-5 minutes is enough.

2. Pay attention to cleaning

As we age, there will be many folds around the anus, and it is easy to leave feces, so to prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to clean the area after using the toilet to avoid inflammation.

3. lifting exercises

If you have to sit or stand for a long time due to the needs of work on weekdays, it is easy to cause blood circulation in the area to be unsmooth, causing varicose veins. Therefore, you usually need to be active, do not keep a posture unchanged all the time; At the same time, you can also do some lifting exercises, it is recommended to do 30 lifting exercises a day, slowly contract the anus, and then slowly relax the anus for 1 time.


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