
"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

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"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

Text|Explorer-No. 8

Editor|Explorer-No. 8


"I'm so popular, what should I do?" shows us how a female high school student coped with an unexpected rise in popularity and how this change affected her life.

The film explores the life of a young heroine whose transformation from ordinary to popular arises with a series of challenges and emotional conflicts.

Today I will take you to explore the plot, characters, emotions, friendships, and love relationships of the film to reveal the deep connotation of the storyline and themes in the movie.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

Movie plot and main characters

The movie "I'm Too Popular, What to Do?" tells the story of a high school girl who suddenly becomes popular, and she must deal with sudden attention and emotions while maintaining her personal life and friendships.

There are many main characters in the movie, but the most important ones are the protagonist and her friends, family, and crush.

The protagonist, we might call her "protagonist", is the focus of the film. She started out as an ordinary high school student, relatively unobtrusive. However, her life suddenly changed one day.

She began to become popular, boys rushed to pursue her, and girls envied her. This change had a profound impact on her life, leaving her confused and overwhelmed.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

The character development of the protagonist is the core of the film, and the audience can witness her growth and change in the film.

The protagonist's friends play an important supporting role. One of them is a close friend of hers who often shares bits and pieces of her life with her. This friend has been supporting the protagonist and helping her cope with the sudden popularity.

There are other friends, some who are jealous of her popularity and others who try to take advantage of her popularity.

The reactions of these friends form part of the plot of the film, reflecting the various emotions and motivations of different people in the face of the protagonist's sudden popularity.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

The protagonist's family also plays an important role in the film. She has parents and siblings, who play their part in the life of the protagonist.

Her parents provide her with support and guidance, and the siblings have a kinship relationship, which provides the protagonist with additional emotional support and bond.

There is also a special character in the movie, which is the protagonist's crush. He has been silently watching the protagonist, but after she becomes popular, he is also troubled by the competition of other boys.

His character shows the love clues in the film and how the protagonist handles the emotions with him.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

The plot of the film includes how the protagonist adjusts to her new life, how she handles sudden attention and emotions, and how she maintains her personal life and friendships.

The story is full of emotional, comedy, and coming-of-age elements, and the audience can see the complex relationship between popularity and self-identity from the perspective of the protagonist.

Through the interaction of the main characters, the film shows how friendship, family and love play an important role behind this popularity.

The protagonist not only learns to cope with challenges, but also becomes stronger and more confident, which is a highlight of the film.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

The movie "I'm Too Popular, What to Do?" Captivating audiences with its engaging plot and deep character development, while also providing an interesting and insightful exploration of the relationship between popularity and self-identity.

The film vividly presents a story full of emotion and growth through the protagonist and the characters around him, which leaves a deep impression on the audience.

The relationship between popularity and self-identity

Popularity and self-identity are a pair of interrelated themes, and they are used in the movie "I'm Too Popular, What to Do?" has been discussed in depth.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

Starting with the sudden rise of popularity of the protagonist, the film reveals the complex relationship between popularity and self-identity.

Popularity is a social phenomenon that can affect a person's self-identity. In the film, the protagonist goes from being a relatively unobtrusive high school student to a popular focus.

This sudden popularity put her in a state of contradiction.

On the one hand, she begins to enjoy the feeling of being welcome, and on the other hand, she develops doubts about her identity and authenticity.

This doubt manifests itself in doubts about whether she is truly popular and whether she is popular because of her appearance or other superficial factors.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

This self-doubt is part of the close relationship with self-identity, as popularity can have a profound impact on an individual's self-worth.

The protagonist's popularity also provoked reactions from others that further affected her self-identity. Some friends feel jealous of her popularity, and some try to take advantage of her popularity.

This interaction puts pressure on the protagonist's self-identity, and she must learn to distinguish between true friendship and hypocritical relationships.

Her self-identity is constantly challenged in the process, as she needs to determine whether she is popular because of her charisma or because of external factors.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

The film also deals with the impact of social media and outside reviews on self-identity. The protagonist finds herself in the spotlight on social media in the film, where she is liked and followed, but also receives criticism and negative comments.

This external evaluation had a profound impact on her self-identity, causing her to fall into emotional fluctuations.

This partly reflects the impact of modern social media on an individual's self-esteem and self-identity, as well as the vulnerability that individuals may feel when faced with external evaluations.

As the plot of the film develops, the audience can witness the growth and recognition of the protagonist. She came to understand that popularity isn't everything, and that true self-identity should be built on intrinsic values and authenticity.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

She learned to distinguish between true friendship and hypocritical relationships, found her own voice, and was no longer swayed by outside evaluation.

This process shows that the relationship between popularity and self-identity is complex and dynamic, and that individuals need to go through growth and reflection to find a balance.

The movie "I'm Too Popular, What to Do?" delves into the relationship between popularity and self-identity. Popularity can affect a person's self-identity, but it can also lead to self-doubt and challenges.

Through the protagonist's upbringing, the film emphasizes that true self-identity should be based on internal values and authenticity, rather than relying on external recognition.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

This story provides viewers with deep food for thought about the relationship between popularity and self-identity and how individuals respond to social pressures and challenges to find their true selves.

Emotions, friendships and love relationships

The movie "I'm Too Popular, What to Do?" "profoundly shows the key role that emotions, friendship and love relationships play in the life of the protagonist.

These relationships are closely intertwined throughout the film, helping viewers better understand the protagonist's upbringing and emotional experiences.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

Emotional relationships are one of the important elements in movies. The protagonist is a relatively unobtrusive high school student at the beginning of the film, and the emotional relationship does not seem to stand out for her. However, once she became popular, the relationship began to become more complicated.

She began to be admired by the boys, which inspired all kinds of emotions. Some boys express their emotions in different ways, and the protagonist has to deal with the influx of these feelings.

This emotional cue shows how popularity can trigger emotional conflict and emotional chaos, while also highlighting how important emotional relationships are to one's life.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

Friendship plays another key role in the film. The protagonist has a close friend who is always by her side, supporting her and encouraging her to cope with sudden popularity.

The presence of this friend provides the protagonist with a safe support system with whom she can share her emotions and confusion.

The protagonist also discovers that some other friends begin to show jealousy and hypocrisy after she becomes popular.

The complexity of these friendships shows how friendships can be tested under the pressure of popularity, and the protagonist must learn to recognize and value true friendships.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

Love is also a key element in the film. The protagonist has a crush on a boy, and this boy also plays an important role in the movie.

The popularity of the protagonist sparked interest in the boy, but she also faced competition from other girls.

Love clues show how popularity affects love relationships, as well as how emotions and competition are handled.

This section highlights the strong connection between love and popularity, and how emotional relationships play an important role in growing up.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

The movie "I'm Too Popular, What to Do?" Through the vivid presentation of emotions, friendship and love relationships, it deeply depicts the protagonist's growth and emotional experience.

Rise to challenges and grow

The movie "I'm Too Popular, What to Do?" Through the protagonist's growth and the process of facing challenges, it deeply explores the difficulties in life and how individuals can cope with these challenges, and ultimately achieve inner growth.

The protagonist in the film, after experiencing sudden popularity, not only faces external pressures and expectations, but also copes with internal self-identification challenges.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

The process is full of emotion, confusion and maturity, showing how she finally found her place.

At the beginning of the film, the protagonist is a relatively unobtrusive high school student whose life seems relatively uneventful. One day, however, she suddenly became popular and became the focus of the school.

This change was a challenge for her as she had to adapt to new social pressures and expectations. She not only has to deal with the pursuit from boys, but also faces jealousy from girls.

This challenge forced her to re-examine her self-identity, to think about how she was really seen and whether she was truly popular.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

This challenge manifests itself not only externally, but also internally. The protagonist begins to doubt her popularity, and she fears that people will only focus on her appearance and not her inside. This inner struggle and self-doubt made her uneasy and uncertain.

Her journey of growth involves her self-identity, and she must learn to accept herself and not be swayed by external evaluations in order to find her true self.

The process of facing challenges not only makes the protagonist stronger, but also strengthens her self-confidence. She came to understand that popularity isn't everything, and true self-identity should be built on intrinsic values and authenticity.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

She learned to deal with the complexity of friendships, distinguishing between real friendships and false ones. She also experienced difficulties and competition in her relationships, which further emphasized the importance of her maturity and self-identity.

The end of the film presents the peak of the protagonist's growth and self-identity. She found her voice, no longer swayed by external evaluations, and maintained true friendships and emotional relationships.

She becomes a stronger and more confident individual, which is a positive and inspiring message of the film.

Viewers can learn from the protagonist's upbringing that coping with challenges is part of life, and that true self-identity is built on intrinsic values and authenticity.

The movie "I'm Too Popular, What to Do?" Through the protagonist's growth and the process of facing challenges, it deeply explores the difficulties in life and how individuals cope with these challenges.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity

The protagonist becomes stronger and more confident in coping with the challenges of popularity and self-identity, and she finds her place and is no longer swayed by external evaluations.

The author's opinion

The author believes that the movie "I'm too popular, what should I do?" Through the protagonist's growth and self-identification, it deeply reflects the confusion, challenges and maturity in real society.

Popularity has a complex effect on an individual's self-identity, both inspiring self-confidence and leading to self-doubt.

Through the experience of the protagonist, the film reminds the audience that true self-identity should be based on internal values and authenticity, rather than relying on external recognition.

"I'm so popular, what should I do?" uses the protagonist to show true self-identity


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