
The central government issued a circular to severely crack down on rural medical corruption and protect the rights and interests of farmers.

author:Jishui officials

The central government recently issued an emergency notice, deciding to fully announce the payment standards of the new rural rural cooperative cooperation, aiming to completely end the phenomenon of medical corruption. This measure will have a profound impact on the medical security of the vast number of peasants, and also send a clear signal to the whole society to combat corruption.

The central government issued a circular to severely crack down on rural medical corruption and protect the rights and interests of farmers.


The long-awaited news has finally arrived! The central government recently took urgent action and announced the payment standards for the new rural agricultural cooperative to completely end medical corruption. This important measure will greatly improve the medical security of the broad masses of peasants, and it also shows us the resolute attitude of the central government towards corruption. Let's take a look at the specific content of this policy!

According to the payment standards announced by the central government, the payment of the new rural cooperative will be paid in proportion to income, ensuring the fairness and sustainable development of the medical insurance system. At the same time, some unreasonable fees will be abolished, and the fees of medical institutions will be regulated, eliminating some additional fees that exist in order to make huge profits. The introduction of this policy will undoubtedly effectively curb the breeding of medical corruption and protect the vital interests of the peasant masses.

The central government issued a circular to severely crack down on rural medical corruption and protect the rights and interests of farmers.

As we all know, medical corruption has always been a persistent problem plaguing rural medical security. In the past, some unscrupulous businessmen colluded with medical institutions and relevant departments to seriously infringe on the medical rights and interests of farmers through false reimbursement, drug price increases, quality control of medical devices and other means. In this case, even if farmers are included in the medical insurance system, it is difficult to enjoy the protection they deserve.

However, with the central shot, we finally saw the light! The payment standards announced by the central government will ensure the health care of farmers in a fair way, and more importantly, it will not spare the corrupt. The government will strengthen the supervision of medical institutions, crack down on corrupt practices such as false reimbursements and drug price increases, and protect the vital interests of farmers.

The introduction of this policy not only means that the rural medical security system will be comprehensively optimized, but also a clear warning against medical corruption. The central government's urgent action sent a clear signal to the whole society: medical corruption must be completely ended! Through open and transparent payment standards and strict regulatory measures, the government has set a clear bottom line for the whole society, and any behavior that goes against it will be severely punished.

The central government issued a circular to severely crack down on rural medical corruption and protect the rights and interests of farmers.

For the broad masses of peasants, this is undoubtedly good news. They will enjoy fairer, more reasonable health care and will no longer suffer from unreasonable costs. This also further enhances farmers' sense of gain and happiness, and provides a solid guarantee for the realization of the rural revitalization strategy.

In short, the central government's urgent announcement of the payment standards for the new rural agricultural cooperative is to completely end the phenomenon of medical corruption and protect the medical rights and interests of the vast number of farmers. The introduction of this policy will effectively improve the rural medical security system and provide strong support for the rural revitalization strategy. It is believed that under the resolute leadership of the central authorities, farmers will enjoy better medical security, and the haze of medical corruption will eventually be completely dispelled.

Let us all look forward to the full implementation of the new rural cooperative payment standards and the complete end of medical corruption! Only in this way can our farmers truly enjoy the medical security they deserve and realize the beautiful dream of a well-off society in all respects.

The payment standards of the new rural cooperative have been announced, and medical corruption must be completely ended." Welcome to follow and forward, and look forward to the landing and implementation of this policy together!

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