
Putin's front foot has just taken the back foot of the US side, and a new trend is emerging between China and the United States

author:By Dian Finance


In recent years, China-US relations have encountered unprecedented difficulties and challenges, resulting in a serious lack of trust and cooperation between the two countries.

Under such circumstances, how to restore and improve Sino-US relations has become an issue of concern and consideration by both governments and all sectors of society.

But interestingly, Putin rushed over as soon as the front foot left.

In order to seek breakthroughs and progress in China-US relations, the two sides have conducted a series of communications and dialogues at different levels and channels.

Putin's front foot has just taken the back foot of the US side, and a new trend is emerging between China and the United States

Among them, the most notable was the 1.5-track dialogue between China and the United States on October 19 this year.

The two sides held constructive discussions on "strengthening communication and cooperation, managing contradictions and differences, and jointly exploring the correct way for China and the United States to get along in the new era".

U.S.-China "Track 1.5 Dialogue"

In addition to the dialogue at the official level, the two sides also had some contacts and exchanges through unofficial or semi-official means.

These approaches are often referred to as "Track 1.5" or Track 2 dialogues, which are dialogues involving government officials and private experts.

Putin's front foot has just taken the back foot of the US side, and a new trend is emerging between China and the United States

Such dialogues are more flexible and open than formal intergovernmental dialogues, can cover more topics and perspectives, and can also provide some ideas and suggestions for intergovernmental dialogues.

The dialogue was a "Seminar on U.S.-China Relations" co-sponsored by the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Asia Society of the United States, which was held online on October 19.

The seminar invited people from various sectors such as governments, think tanks, academia and business circles of the two countries, with a total of about 50 people attending.

Among them, the most notable is that former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, chairman of the Asia Society of the United States, and former US Treasury Secretary Paulson, also participated in the seminar and delivered speeches respectively.

Putin's front foot has just taken the back foot of the US side, and a new trend is emerging between China and the United States

The seminar covered the current situation, challenges, opportunities, prospects and other aspects of China-US relations.

He also had in-depth and frank discussions on cooperation and differences in the fields of climate change, economic and trade cooperation, people-to-people exchanges, and regional and international issues.

Why the Track 1.5 Dialogue

So why is there such a "Track 1.5 Dialogue"?

This dialogue is definitely aimed at maintaining and enhancing communication and dialogue between China and the United States.

Putin's front foot has just taken the back foot of the US side, and a new trend is emerging between China and the United States

At a time when Sino-US relations are at a low ebb, communication and dialogue between the two sides are particularly important and necessary.

Only through communication and dialogue can the two sides enhance mutual understanding, reduce misjudgment and suspicion, seek common interests, and resolve differences and crises.

As an informal or semi-formal approach, the Track 1.5 Dialogue can provide a more liberal and relaxed platform for both sides.

So that the two sides can express their positions and demands more frankly and directly, and can also respond to some sudden or urgent problems more flexibly and in a timely manner.

Putin's front foot has just taken the back foot of the US side, and a new trend is emerging between China and the United States

To explore and promote the improvement and development of China-US relations, both sides now need to find a new model and path to adapt and respond to the changes and needs between the two countries.

This new model can not only give full play to the cooperation potential between the two countries, but also properly handle the differences and sensitive issues between the two countries.

As a way to include government officials and civil society experts and scholars, the "Track 1.5 Dialogue" can provide a broader and more diverse perspective for both sides.

Examining and analyzing the issues and opportunities in China-US relations from different angles and levels can also provide some innovative and pragmatic ideas and suggestions for both sides.

Putin's front foot has just taken the back foot of the US side, and a new trend is emerging between China and the United States

Of course, this dialogue is also to demonstrate and convey the willingness and signal of cooperation between China and the United States.

In the current situation where the relationship between China and the United States is affected by various negative factors, both sides need to send some positive messages to the outside world.

What is the highlight of this 1.5-track dialogue

Both sides of the Sino-US "Track 1.5 Dialogue" sent high-level and high-standard delegations to participate.

These personnel have rich diplomatic experience and profound academic background, and their views and suggestions have a certain degree of authority and influence.

Putin's front foot has just taken the back foot of the US side, and a new trend is emerging between China and the United States

Both sides have shown a certain degree of sincerity and openness, and both expressed their willingness to continue to maintain communication and dialogue to promote the stable development of China-US relations.

He also emphasized the important role of China-US relations in maintaining world peace and development, as well as the shared responsibility of the two countries in dealing with global issues.

At the same time, they also touched on a number of topics and issues of great significance and impact.

For example, new models, new opportunities, and new challenges in Sino-US relations, these issues and issues are the core and key to Sino-US relations.

Putin's front foot has just taken the back foot of the US side, and a new trend is emerging between China and the United States

What can be achieved in the end

The results of this Sino-US "Track 1.5 Dialogue" are manifold. Because this dialogue is an outcome in itself.

It reflects the common will and efforts of the two countries in maintaining and improving Sino-US relations, and also creates some positive atmosphere and conditions for formal diplomatic dialogue between the two countries.

For example, the two sides had frank and constructive exchanges on some differences and sensitive issues, which provided some ideas and suggestions for the two countries to solve these problems in the future.

Forward-looking and innovative topics have been explored and attempted, providing some possibilities and opportunities for the two countries to expand cooperation space in the future.

Putin's front foot has just taken the back foot of the US side, and a new trend is emerging between China and the United States

In short, this China-US "Track 1.5 Dialogue" is a successful and meaningful dialogue, which provides an important platform and opportunity for China-US relations, and also brings some hope and confidence to the two peoples.

We hope that the two countries can take this opportunity to continue communication and dialogue and properly handle differences and challenges.

Actively seek cooperation and win-win results, jointly promote the stable and healthy development of China-US relations, and make greater contributions to world peace and development.

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