
Where is the Nine Ghosts? And who is the master there? No wonder Grandmaster Bodhi used it to scare Sun Wukong


Sharp Perspectives Reveal the Mystery of Grandmaster Bodhi and the Monkey King: The Truth of the Nine Ghosts Revealed!

Author: Campbell Storytelling

As one of the protagonists in Journey to the West, the relationship between Sun Wukong's growth process and Bodhi Grandmaster has always attracted much attention from readers. We all know that Bodhi Grandmaster was the first master of Sun Wukong, who taught Sun Wukong's spells and also gave him a unique flying skill, Douyun. However, for a certain period of time, Sun Wukong was reprimanded by Bodhi Grandmaster and severed from the master-apprentice relationship, why is this?

After turning into a pine tree in front of Sun Wukong, Sun Wukong was taught a lesson by Bodhi Grandmaster, and although he felt puzzled, he still asked Bodhi Grandmaster for forgiveness and said that he could not leave. However, instead of forgiving him, Bodhi threatened to relegate his spirit to the Nine Ghosts. So, where exactly is this so-called Nine Ghosts place? How did Grandmaster Bodhi use this to scare Sun Wukong?

Some people will say that the place of the nine ghosts is the eighteen layers of hell, the deepest part of hell. But why didn't Grandmaster Bodhi directly say that he wanted to relegate Sun Wukong's divine soul to eighteen levels of hell? Why do you want to emphasize the nine ghosts? According to some ancient books, the Nine Ghosts is the deepest part of hell and was the place where a great god lived in ancient times. In Chinese mythology, the Yellow Emperor pressed his head under Changyang Mountain and demoted his spirit to the Nine Ghosts, so that he could no longer cause trouble.

Then, Grandmaster Bodhi used the nine ghosts to scare Sun Wukong, most likely implying that his divine soul would be relegated to the deepest part of hell and subjected to endless torture. Such a threat is undoubtedly a great deterrent for Sun Wukong, and can also explain why Bodhi Grandmaster broke off his master-apprentice relationship with Sun Wukong.

Of course, the above is just a speculation, and only he may know why Grandmaster Bodhi chose the Nine Ghosts as the target of Sun Wukong's threat. But for whatever reason, Sun Wukong's admiration and gratitude for Grandmaster Bodhi is self-evident.

From this story, we can see that Journey to the West is not only a mythical story full of adventure and imagination, but also contains many profound philosophies and thoughts. As readers, we can also find a lot of room for revelation and reflection.

Finally, solemnly declare: this article is the original work of Jinbao storytelling, without permission, it is strictly forbidden to wash the manuscript and plagiarism, and if there is infringement, it will be investigated for legal responsibility!

Where is the Nine Ghosts? And who is the master there? No wonder Grandmaster Bodhi used it to scare Sun Wukong
Where is the Nine Ghosts? And who is the master there? No wonder Grandmaster Bodhi used it to scare Sun Wukong
Where is the Nine Ghosts? And who is the master there? No wonder Grandmaster Bodhi used it to scare Sun Wukong
Where is the Nine Ghosts? And who is the master there? No wonder Grandmaster Bodhi used it to scare Sun Wukong
Where is the Nine Ghosts? And who is the master there? No wonder Grandmaster Bodhi used it to scare Sun Wukong