
Aunt Liu lost a building by playing cards, worried about the old house at home, and was angrily slapped by her husband

author:The finch god Zhong Ma

On October 22, 2023, at 9:32 a.m., something shocking happened in Aunt Liu's life. Aunt Liu is an ordinary housewife, and there are almost no major events on weekdays except taking care of her family and playing mahjong.

However, today's card game gave Aunt Liu an amazing result - she actually lost a building! This building was earned by her hard work over the years, and it was the result of the hard work of Aunt Liu and her husband. Now, the building has slipped out of her hands, which makes her desperate.

Aunt Liu was heartbroken, and when she returned home and looked at the old house, her thoughts were full of thoughts. This old house bears witness to the happiness and hard work of their family. Countless days and nights they spent in this home, experiencing laughter and tears together. The old house has been with them for many years, and it is their spiritual sustenance to return to simplicity.

Aunt Liu lost a building by playing cards, worried about the old house at home, and was angrily slapped by her husband

However, just when Aunt Liu was worried about losing everything, her husband mercilessly slapped them both in the mouth. The husband was so angry and disappointed that Aunt Liu lost the family's property, that he couldn't help but vent it.

This slap broke Aunt Liu even more, not only because she lost everything, but also because of her husband's attitude towards her. For many years, she has been quietly giving for the family, taking care of her husband and children, but she has not been respected and cared for. This game lost everything, and it seemed that the pain in her heart was revealed.

However, Aunt Liu was not defeated by all this. She decided to face the difficult situation positively and find a solution to the problem. She thought calmly, no longer complaining about her husband's actions, but began to look for ways to change the status quo.

Aunt Liu lost a building by playing cards, worried about the old house at home, and was angrily slapped by her husband

Aunt Liu decided to restart her life with a positive attitude. First, she began to look for a job again to stabilize her family's income. She believes that if she works hard, she will be able to re-establish a stable life for her family.

In addition, Aunt Liu also actively sought legal aid, hoping to recover the lost property through legal channels. She understood that she needed professional help to deal with this case, after all, the amount involved was huge and she could not give up easily.

Aunt Liu also decided to write a book about all this experience, hoping to attract more people's attention and help. She hopes that through her own experience, everyone will be reminded to protect their hard-earned property and not trust others easily, especially in risky behaviors such as gambling.

Aunt Liu lost a building by playing cards, worried about the old house at home, and was angrily slapped by her husband

Aunt Liu knows that difficulties and setbacks in life are inevitable, but she also believes that as long as you maintain a positive attitude and face them bravely, you will always find a way out. She hopes that through her own efforts and perseverance, she can restore the harmony and happiness of her family.

Whether it is Aunt Liu's loss of a building or her husband's angry slap on their mouths, these are just temporary difficulties in life. For everyone, the dilemma is not terrible, the key is how to face and solve it. With her strong will and optimistic attitude, Aunt Liu believes that she will be able to overcome the current storm and rebuild the happy life of her family.