
A large number of Il-76s took off from the north, loaded with medical supplies and arrived in China, thanking the brothers for their help

author:Douhua said something

In the emergency of the epidemic, China urgently needs a lot of material support, and Russia moves quickly. Recently, Russia urgently dispatched a large number of Il-76 transport planes from the north, loaded with medical supplies to China. The planes have landed safely, delivering a large number of masks and other medical supplies, sparking gratitude from netizens. Russia's generous assistance is touching and has sent timely help to China.

A large number of Il-76s took off from the north, loaded with medical supplies and arrived in China, thanking the brothers for their help

The outbreak of the epidemic suddenly and during the Spring Festival, many factories have been shut down, resulting in a shortage of medical supplies. Against this emergency background, Russia has provided emergency aid and materials, demonstrating its sincere friendship. This also once again confirms the truth that "adversity sees true love". Chinese people should bear in mind Russia's help.

A large number of Il-76s took off from the north, loaded with medical supplies and arrived in China, thanking the brothers for their help

The Il-76 was used to ensure the smooth arrival of supplies in China. This transport aircraft was a large transport aircraft developed during the Soviet period and widely used in the allies of the Soviet Union. Although this is an aircraft that is decades old, it still plays an important role in the armies of various countries. China is also one of the users of the Il-76, and if it were not for the problems at the Russian factory that could not provide a sufficient number of Il-76s, China would still continue to purchase this transport aircraft. Now, the Chinese Air Force has equipped the Y-20 transport aircraft, which borrows a lot from the mature design of the Il-76 in the design, which can be described as a modernized version of the Il-76. In the rescue against the epidemic, the Chinese Air Force also urgently used a number of Il-76 transport aircraft, which shows that the Il-76 is still the main force of China's air rescue.

A large number of Il-76s took off from the north, loaded with medical supplies and arrived in China, thanking the brothers for their help

Russia's ability to respond to emergencies, especially air transport capabilities, is highly praised. The aid also dismissed talk of Russia's decline. It would not have been possible if Russia were not strong enough to muster so much medical supplies to support China in a short period of time. As a result, Russia is expected to move towards greater prosperity. At the same time, this aid will not only help China's fight against the epidemic, but also benefit Russia's economic development. Russia currently needs Chinese capital and technology to boost its economy, help China weather the storm, and help Russia itself. Chinese people should be grateful for the supplies sent by Russia.

A large number of Il-76s took off from the north, loaded with medical supplies and arrived in China, thanking the brothers for their help

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