
Over the East China Sea, the PLA's J-10S seized the Canadian military aircraft, and the closest distance between the two sides was less than 5 meters

author:Fish Pond Story

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Western countries sending troops to harass other countries is nothing new. Recently, a Canadian military aircraft appeared over the East China Sea. However, Canada did not expect that this time it was attacked head-on by China. The PLA J-10S directly caught up with the Canadian military aircraft, and the closest distance between the two sides was less than 5 meters.

Over the East China Sea, the PLA's J-10S seized the Canadian military aircraft, and the closest distance between the two sides was less than 5 meters

The PLA J-10S and Canadian military aircraft were once in close proximity

A Canadian CP-140 patrol aircraft was on an eight-hour mission in "international airspace" over the East China Sea, the Canadian Air Force said in a statement. During this time, the PLA sent fighter jets to intercept Canadian military aircraft. Not only that, PLA fighters have fired jamming bombs at Canadian military aircraft more than once. The distance between the sides is only five meters or less. In addition, PLA fighters are equipped with air-to-air missiles.

After the incident, Canada appeared to be quite aggrieved. The Canadian military stressed that the plane was in "international airspace" and was on a mission to monitor the shipping lanes in the East China Sea. This is part of an oil embargo on North Korea, not against China. The Canadian military also claimed that PLA fighter jets made "aggressive moves" during the incident. They don't know why the Chinese pilots did this, calling it "unsafe" and "unprofessional."

Over the East China Sea, the PLA's J-10S seized the Canadian military aircraft, and the closest distance between the two sides was less than 5 meters

PLA military aircraft intercepts Canadian military aircraft

In addition, the Canadian military also talked about the release of jamming bombs by the PLA. The country's active Air Force major general claimed that the first illumination flares fired by PLA warplanes were over Canadian military aircraft. Since they are in flight and the two sides keep a certain distance, the impact of this situation is not great. But then PLA fighter jets fired flares at the front of the Canadian plane. He claimed that the Chinese pilots' behavior was "unsafe," "unnecessary" and extremely "aggressive."

Interestingly, the crew of the Canadian patrol plane involved claimed that "most of the behavior" of the Chinese pilots was "compliant." Asked if the PLA warplanes were "provocative," Canada chose to sidestep the topic, saying only that the overall situation was still under control. In addition, Canada released some aerial footage from the time. However, what is shown in the video seems to be very different from what Canada said.

Over the East China Sea, the PLA's J-10S seized the Canadian military aircraft, and the closest distance between the two sides was less than 5 meters

PLA pilots monitor Canadian military aircraft

As can be seen from a video with a length of 1 minute and 30 seconds, the PLA dispatched J-10S fighters, and the whole operation was very exciting and smooth. Due to the fairly close distance on both sides, the Chinese pilots flying the fighters can be clearly seen. Judging by the posture of the Chinese pilots at the time, they were monitoring the Canadian patrol aircraft. The two sides did get close at one point, but there was no "unsafe" or "unprofessional" situation described by the Canadian military. And from the conversations of the Canadian crew at that time, it can be seen that they were obviously a little worried.

There is no doubt that Canada's accusations against China are completely untenable. The incident occurred over the East China Sea on China's doorstep, and Canadian military aircraft were active for eight hours. This move seriously affects China's national security. Since Canada came to China to cause trouble, it is impossible for China not to attack head-on. In fact, even senior Canadian military officials acknowledged that China's interception was predictable given the proximity of the incident to China's coast, and Canada had no objection to some of these situations.

Over the East China Sea, the PLA's J-10S seized the Canadian military aircraft, and the closest distance between the two sides was less than 5 meters

Senior Canadian military officials acknowledged the incident was off the coast of China

The most striking of the whole incident was, of course, the actions of PLA fighters. First of all, the J-10S that came to intercept were equipped with air-to-air missiles. This is the clearest signal warning Canadian military aircraft not to act rashly. Secondly, PLA fighters not only intercepted Canadian military aircraft, but also fired jamming bombs many times, quite actively. This shows that the activities of Canadian military aircraft have aroused strong dissatisfaction from the Chinese side.

And this is not the first time such an incident has happened. Last year, Canada also claimed to have "interaction" with the Chinese military. At the time, Canada also claimed that its military aircraft were on a mission to monitor sanctions against North Korea. The Canadian military has repeatedly accused the PLA military aircraft of being "unsafe" and "unprofessional", but has not said that it actively provokes.

Over the East China Sea, the PLA's J-10S seized the Canadian military aircraft, and the closest distance between the two sides was less than 5 meters

PLA fighters perform tasks

After all, the location of the incident is arguably half a world away from Canada. Who was provoked in this incident? Who is keeping themselves safe? The conclusion is beyond doubt. Now the Canadian side pretends to have suffered a great grievance, and the bad guys first complain, and then accuse China of reasonable and legal practices. This is undoubtedly absurd. China's response was decisive and reasonable, and it was not Canada's turn to call the shots. China's Foreign Ministry said Canadian military aircraft illegally intruded into China's airspace, threatening China's national security. The Chinese side has made formal representations in this regard, and the Chinese military has also taken necessary measures on the spot. #利剑计划#

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