
An American company released satellite photos of the Russian army being bombed at the Saki air base, and the losses were extremely heavy

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After the Russian naval aviation base in Crimea experienced a series of unexplained explosions on Tuesday, Planetary Laboratories, a private Earth imaging company based in San Francisco, California, released a batch of latest satellite images of the Saki air base. It showed that the consequences of the explosion were very serious, and multiple warplanes on the tarmac could be seen destroyed, and this method was very much like a targeted attack.

Nevertheless, unless the ammunition is large, it is impossible to explain how huge craters are formed. Discussions about whether the Ukrainian military may have used previously unknown standoff strike capabilities, including the potential use of a small number of domestically produced short-range ballistic missiles, continues online, and there is no definitive answer.

An American company released satellite photos of the Russian army being bombed at the Saki air base, and the losses were extremely heavy

The Ukrainian Air Force claimed earlier today that at least 10 aircraft were destroyed at the base. And satellite imagery clearly shows that the full statistic may be higher. In addition, the total number of people killed or injured in these incidents has likewise not been confirmed.

Satellite imagery clearly shows that the Saki base suffered significant damage, both under attack and detonated by aerial bombs. Much of the damage was concentrated on and near a large helipad at the southwest end of the base, as well as a series of warplane bunkers around it.

Although these and other aircraft scattered throughout the rest of the base look good on the surface, they may still have suffered significant damage that is not visible in satellite imagery. A video clip appeared on social media yesterday, seen in the tweet below, showing a huge metal beam passing through a civilian car, suggesting that at least some of the explosions were very powerful.

An American company released satellite photos of the Russian army being bombed at the Saki air base, and the losses were extremely heavy

Compared to the base image of No. 9, it looks like at least three Su-24 fencer attack aircraft, as well as one Su-30SM flanker fighter, were destroyed on the open tarmac. Many adjacent buildings appear to have suffered varying degrees of damage.

Satellite imagery also showed a fire raging in open grass northeast of the parapet area and south of the tarmac. According to photos and videos taken yesterday from nearby locations, a large amount of black smoke rose inside the base after the initial explosion.

It can also be seen from satellite imagery that, at least in some cases, the damaged areas within the base look very local. There is also the possibility of using armed drones, perhaps drones carrying improvised ammunition and being operated by personnel at close range.

An American company released satellite photos of the Russian army being bombed at the Saki air base, and the losses were extremely heavy

After the incident, other intact aircraft within the base appear to have moved from the tarmac area to other parts of the base, including the northeasternmost point of the taxiway. This includes a Tu-134UBL aircraft, which primarily provides navigation and radar trainer services and VIP transportation services for bomber crews.

As for the cause of the explosion, Russia and Ukraine have their own statements. Although the exact cause of yesterday's explosion at Saki Air Force Base is unknown, speculation, according to the "War Zone" column of the US "Drive" website, the focus of the damage is clearly concentrated in the area where fighter jets are concentrated, and the large craters created by the main explosion location, these signs further indicate that it was likely caused by a deliberate air strike or some form of attack. In public and non-public remarks over the past day or so, Ukrainian officials said it may be that local guerrillas, in cooperation with special operations forces, attacked the base or used some kind of domestically developed extra-zone weapon.

An American company released satellite photos of the Russian army being bombed at the Saki air base, and the losses were extremely heavy

However, the violent explosion caused heavy losses to the 43rd separate naval attack aviation regiment of the Russian Navy, which will prevent it from providing original support services to the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict. And this incident is also very embarrassing for Russia, because whether this is the end result of the accident or not, the heavy losses are already a fact.


The Saki air base in Crimea was hit by a series of bombings, an incident that sparked numerous speculations and contradictory accounts. From this incident, we can draw some lessons.

First, the incident highlights the complexity of geopolitical tensions. Crimea has been a bone of contention between Ukraine and Russia, and the explosion at the Saki air base has undoubtedly pushed tensions to a new climax. This shows that the resolution of geopolitical issues requires more diplomacy and international cooperation to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.

An American company released satellite photos of the Russian army being bombed at the Saki air base, and the losses were extremely heavy

Second, the incident highlighted the vulnerability of military installations. Whether caused by internal or external factors, such attacks reveal security vulnerabilities in modern military bases. This should remind militaries to strengthen the security of their facilities to counter potential threats.

Thirdly, the impact of this incident on the conflict is clear. Crimea has always been part of the conflict in Ukraine, and the explosion of this base will damage the combat capability of the Russian Navy, which has a direct impact on the progress of the conflict. This underscores the enormous cost of conflict, both for military installations and for personnel.

Finally, this incident once again highlights the importance of information warfare. All parties are trying to shape their own narratives in the events, which makes facts and truth even more ambiguous. This underscores the importance of the credibility of the media and sources of information in order to better understand and interpret complex international events.


The bombing of the Saki air base in Crimea has sparked various speculations and controversies, but we can draw some important conclusions.

First, the incident exposed the fragility of geopolitical tensions. Crimea has been at the center of a dispute between Ukraine and Russia, and the bombing has heightened tensions. This underscores the need for more diplomacy and international cooperation to resolve geopolitical disputes to avoid further escalation and conflict.

Second, the vulnerability of military installations has become the focus of attention. Whether triggered by internal or external factors, the incident revealed security vulnerabilities in modern military bases. Militaries need to pay more attention to the security of facilities to ensure they are effective against threats.

Thirdly, the incident had a direct impact on the conflict. Crimea has always been part of the conflict in Ukraine, and the explosion of the base will weaken the combat effectiveness of the Russian Navy, which will affect the progress of the conflict. This re-underscores the enormous cost of conflict, both for facilities and for personnel.

Finally, the importance of information warfare has once again been highlighted. The parties try to push their own narratives through events, which leads to a blur between facts and truth. This underscores the importance of the credibility of the media and sources of information in order to better understand and interpret complex international events. In the information age, accurate information and transparency are essential to avoid misunderstandings and misleading.

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