
Lin Boxuan, a young man from Taiwan: While making Taiwan independence remarks, he uses mainland subsidies to start a business and make a fortune

author:Kai Xuanwen

Introduction: In Zhongxiang City, China, there was a touching story in a small town.

The story tells of a farmer who encounters an injured snake in the mountains and decides to rescue the snake and take care of it. Unexpectedly, when the snake recovered its health, it turned into a beautiful woman and became the farmer's wife.

This story is not only in legends, Lin Boxuan's story is a living example. Lin Boxuan's background: Lin Boxuan is a Taiwanese youth who has become a leader among Taiwanese young people.

Having won the mainland's entrepreneurship subsidy, he resolutely decided to come to the mainland to start his entrepreneurial journey.

Lin Boxuan, a young man from Taiwan: While making Taiwan independence remarks, he uses mainland subsidies to start a business and make a fortune

He has solid professional knowledge and the courage to innovate and start a business, and he believes that he can find more opportunities in the mainland.

Taiwan's "Taiwan independence" environment: However, the Taiwanese government's education policy for young people has instilled the idea of "Taiwan independence", causing many young Taiwanese to gradually follow "Taiwan independence". This policy has led to the division of Taiwanese society and hostility towards the mainland, and even made some young Taiwanese people narrow their vision and unwilling to accept the development opportunities of the mainland.

Mainland Support for Taiwanese Youth: At the same time, the Mainland has always supported and encouraged Taiwanese youth.

Lin Boxuan, a young man from Taiwan: While making Taiwan independence remarks, he uses mainland subsidies to start a business and make a fortune

In addition to economic cooperation, the mainland also encourages Taiwanese youth to come to the mainland for employment and entrepreneurship, and provides preferential policies such as start-up subsidies.

This has made many young people in Taiwan see the opportunity to develop in the mainland, and they have come to the mainland to start a new life with a dream and struggle mentality. Lin Boxuan's entrepreneurial experience: Lin Boxuan is also a member of it.

After arriving in the mainland, he actively applied for start-up subsidies and successfully registered his company. He found that the mainland market has great potential and unlimited opportunities.

He devoted himself to entrepreneurship and made his business grow greatly through continuous efforts and innovation.

Lin Boxuan, a young man from Taiwan: While making Taiwan independence remarks, he uses mainland subsidies to start a business and make a fortune

Lin Boxuan exposes "Taiwan independence" thinking: However, Lin Boxuan's career has ushered in setbacks when it has come to this point.

He made a firm "Taiwan independence" remark on a television program in Taiwan. This caused strong anger and resistance from mainland netizens.

They believed that Lin Boxuan had betrayed the support and opportunities he had received from the mainland, and expressed strong dissatisfaction with this. Lin Boxuan's apology and follow-up: In the face of the anger of mainland netizens, Lin Boxuan realized his mistake and posted an apology video on social media.

He said that his remarks were hasty and wrong, and that he deeply recognized the opportunities and help given to him by the mainland, and apologized for the bad impact on mainland society.

Lin Boxuan, a young man from Taiwan: While making Taiwan independence remarks, he uses mainland subsidies to start a business and make a fortune

However, his apology does not change the views and attitudes of mainland netizens.

In the end, Lin Boxuan left the mainland market and ended his entrepreneurial journey in the mainland. Conclusion: Lin Boxuan's story is a wake-up call that we should be vigilant and protect the interests of the mainland.

We do not need Taiwan businessmen who vigorously promote and defend "Taiwan independence" while making money on the mainland. What we need is peaceful development, joint efforts to create a good environment for cross-strait relations, and promote exchanges and cooperation among young people on both sides of the strait.

Only in this way can we create a better future together.

Lin Boxuan, a young man from Taiwan: While making Taiwan independence remarks, he uses mainland subsidies to start a business and make a fortune

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