
Fighting, the Houthi missile hits the American warship, which will not be able to return!

author:Top secret searchlight

After the Palestinian-Israeli conflict began, the United States immediately sent an aircraft carrier formation to the Middle East, the purpose of which was to set fire to Israel's murder. But what he never expected was that with the decline of his national strength, several countries in the Middle East did not seem to take the Americans seriously, but launched a blow to the United States.

The day before yesterday, the Houthis launched some missiles and drones at the United States, and eventually all of these missiles and drones were shot down by the United States. The United States released information that these missiles and drones were flying towards Israel, and the United States intercepted them, without indicating that the real target was itself.

Fighting, the Houthi missile hits the American warship, which will not be able to return!

This shows that the United States itself does not want to directly conflict with Middle East countries, and he sent aircraft carriers to the Middle East this time to scare people. It's just that the Houthis simply did not use the power of American warships and launched missile attacks in recent days, one of which hit a US warship. The warship was once a formidable warship, but now it may not be able to return.

According to foreign media reports, the Houthis claimed that they attacked a US warship patrolling the coast of Yemen, and we will wait and see how the United States will respond to this challenge.

Fighting, the Houthi missile hits the American warship, which will not be able to return!

In response to the Houthi attack on the US Navy, they used 4 missiles and 8 drones to strike at a US destroyer in succession, which was a powerful and strategic attack.

This attack showed that the Houthis have a certain anti-ship strike capability. The Houthis may have chosen to attack U.S. warships out of political and military considerations. Politically, the Houthis hope to demonstrate their resolve and strength through this attack in order to win more support from the international community.

Fighting, the Houthi missile hits the American warship, which will not be able to return!

From a military point of view, the Houthis use advanced weapons such as missiles and drones to launch attacks, which can not only effectively improve the accuracy of attacks, but also reduce their own losses.

How the United States will respond to this challenge is a key question. As the world's most powerful military power, the United States must respond forcefully to the attacks of the Houthis, otherwise it will affect its prestige and status in the world.

Fighting, the Houthi missile hits the American warship, which will not be able to return!

Now it depends on what the United States should do next, and will it be announced that these missiles are bound for Israel, and that American warships are just blocking the flight path of these missiles? If this is the case, then the military power status of the United States is bound to suffer a heavy blow. But if it attacks the Houthis, the United States will be caught in the flames of war, which the United States does not want to see.

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