
"Whoever moves my dog, I fight with whom!" Dog lovers have fallen into madness, human life is not as good as dog life?

"Whoever moves my dog, I fight with whom!" Dog lovers have fallen into madness, human life is not as good as dog life?

Dogs, human pets since ancient times, I don't know when they became creatures equal to people in the eyes of some people...

When we open the textbook, we will find that the words related to dogs are almost all derogatory: dog fights people, dog eyes look down on people, dog head military master...

This illustrates the fact that since ancient times, the dog has been a subhuman being, just a livestock.

"Whoever moves my dog, I fight with whom!" Dog lovers have fallen into madness, human life is not as good as dog life?

Recently, because of the continuous fermentation of the two-year-old girl being bitten by vicious dogs, there has been a wave of catching stray dogs and not leashing dogs across the country. Unexpectedly, it provoked dog lovers.

The war between human rights and dog rights is about to break out...


The cause of this national "dog beating" originated from a two-year-old girl in Chengdu who was bitten by a vicious dog and seriously injured. Let's take a look at what happened:

On October 16, a two-and-a-half-year-old girl went to kindergarten under her mother's escort.

On the way, a stout Rottweiler dog set eyes on the poor girl.

Without warning, the vicious dog attacked Sugar Candy. The next scene is terrible:

Sugar Candy's mother desperately protects her daughter behind her, but where is she a rival to an adult Rottweiler? The mother was easily overturned to the ground, and the young sugar candy was frantically bitten by the vicious dog...

"Whoever moves my dog, I fight with whom!" Dog lovers have fallen into madness, human life is not as good as dog life?

If it weren't for the surrounding neighbors who heard the sound and drove away the vicious dogs together, Sugar Candy would probably have killed the dog.

"Whoever moves my dog, I fight with whom!" Dog lovers have fallen into madness, human life is not as good as dog life?

However, it is regrettable that after being attacked by vicious dogs several times, Sugar Candy was seriously injured, and the coat was torn and shredded!

After the hospital identification, the sugar sugar injury is serious:

Multiple dog bites all over the body, multiple skin lacerations on the chest and back, fluid accumulation in the chest cavity, fracture of the right rib, and the most serious rupture of the right kidney with hematoma formation.

As soon as the video was released, it quickly set off an uproar on the Internet, and netizens were extremely angry!

A "dog-fighting storm" swept across the country.


The vicious dog that bites the sugar candy deserves to die, but even more abhorrent is the dog owner.

His own dog went out to do evil bites, and he chose to be silent! After realizing the seriousness of the matter, the dog owner was pressured to take responsibility. And by this time more than a dozen hours had passed.

"Whoever moves my dog, I fight with whom!" Dog lovers have fallen into madness, human life is not as good as dog life?

This is not complicated, and the reason is very clear:

1. Vicious dogs have their own bestiality and are extremely dangerous.

2. The dog owner neglects management and does not prevent problems before they occur.

Since the reason can be found, it is not troublesome to deal with:

1. Dogs with owners should strengthen management, and they must be leashed and muzzled when they go out, otherwise they will catch the dog and punish.

2. Ownerless dogs are hunted down intensively.

Swift actions were launched across the country, and many places took compulsory measures against illegal dog ownership and stray dogs.

"Whoever moves my dog, I fight with whom!" Dog lovers have fallen into madness, human life is not as good as dog life?

This in itself is an effective measure to protect passers-by from vicious dogs, but I did not expect to anger dog lovers.

They even raised the "dog right" in a grand manner, and even talked about functional dogs such as military dogs, search and rescue dogs, and guide dogs. What's more, it has fallen into madness, claims

"Whoever moves my dog, I will fight with whomever it is!" If you don't convince, you can come to war! ”

"Whoever moves my dog, I fight with whom!" Dog lovers have fallen into madness, human life is not as good as dog life?

The words reveal a provocative taste!

When many netizens saw this, it was "gas explosion even liver and lungs, crushing teeth in the mouth!" ”

So, is there any truth to the rhetoric of dog lovers?

Let's analyze them one by one.


The reasons why dog lovers oppose the dog fighting movement are none other than the following:

"Whoever moves my dog, I fight with whom!" Dog lovers have fallen into madness, human life is not as good as dog life?

1. If a dog bites a person, will all dogs suffer with it? Is it true that one person commits a crime and everyone else is sentenced to death?

In the eyes of dog lovers, the fault is the Rottweiler that bit the girl, and the other dogs are not guilty.

But I want to ask dog lovers, is there only one dog injury incident? According to statistics, tens of millions of people are bitten by dogs in China every year!

The so-called "one dog bites people, all dogs suffer" This statement is untenable, and there are more than tens of millions of dogs that bite people...

Comparing dogs with people is even more nonsense.

"Whoever moves my dog, I fight with whom!" Dog lovers have fallen into madness, human life is not as good as dog life?

2. Most dogs have a docile personality and do not actively attack people.

It may be true that most dogs do not actively attack people, but how do we determine which dog is docile and which dog is vicious?

Since it cannot be distinguished, it means that every dog without safety measures has the possibility of attacking people.

In order to ensure the safety of human life, is it wrong to carry out indiscriminate strikes on dogs without owners and safety measures?

3. It's the person, not the dog, who is wrong

If a master dog hurts people, the dog owner naturally cannot escape the connection. But it doesn't get in the way of dealing with injured dogs!

It turns out that every reason for dog lovers is untenable. When they elevate dog rights to the height of human rights and personify dogs, they are actually demeaning themselves and disrespecting humans.


"Whoever moves my dog, I fight with whom!" Dog lovers have fallen into madness, human life is not as good as dog life?

"Chengdu vicious dog bites little girl" The world has sounded the alarm for dog owners and people across the country.

Regulate civilized dog breeding and stay away from large dogs without safety measures, which everyone should keep in mind. More importantly, we should reflect on the role and status of dogs in society.

Although dogs are humane animals, they are good companions and pets. But in the end, it is also livestock, and it should not be elevated to equal status with human beings under any circumstances.

Finally, I want to remind dog lovers that civilized dog raising is the greatest love for dogs!

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