
In 1941, He Zizhen went to visit Qian Xianren, and after entering the door, he was scolded by a Soviet woman: You are too rude

author:South drunk breeze

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Better meet the daily needs of mother and daughter. Although He Zizhen's garden is small, it is full of green vegetables, and her garden has become a miracle in the eyes of the Soviets and an important reliance for their mother and daughter to live in the Soviet Union.

In 1941, He Zizhen went to visit Qian Xianren, and after entering the door, he was scolded by a Soviet woman: You are too rude

He Zizhen's story is full of emotion, especially in such a strange country as the Soviet Union, in the face of all kinds of difficulties and dangers, she has never given up and has always worked hard to create a better life for herself and Jiaojiao. Her persistence and hard work are not only a struggle for life, but also a struggle for destiny.

In 1941, He Zizhen went to visit Qian Xianren, and after entering the door, he was scolded by a Soviet woman: You are too rude

In this special historical period, He Zizhen and Jiaojiao mother and daughter, like all Chinese in the Soviet Union, experienced countless hardships and felt the great pressure brought by the war. However, unlike others, He Zizhen always found solutions to problems and always maintained a positive attitude, which also allowed her to gain a foothold in the foreign country of the Soviet Union.

In 1941, He Zizhen went to visit Qian Xianren, and after entering the door, he was scolded by a Soviet woman: You are too rude

He Zizhen's experience also reflects the tenacity and bravery of the Chinese of that era, reflects their difficulties in the Soviet Union, and reflects their deep attachment to the motherland. Although He Zizhen once struggled with whether to return to China, her heart was always closely linked to the motherland, which was also an important reason why she finally decided to return to China.

In 1941, He Zizhen went to visit Qian Xianren, and after entering the door, he was scolded by a Soviet woman: You are too rude

It is worth noting that He Zizhen's experience in the Soviet Union also made her understand and cherish the motherland more. At that time, although China was also facing various difficulties and challenges, for He Zizhen, the motherland was her ultimate destination and the place she most wanted to return to. She knows that only by returning to the motherland can she truly find her roots and truly realize her value.

In 1941, He Zizhen went to visit Qian Xianren, and after entering the door, he was scolded by a Soviet woman: You are too rude

In short, He Zizhen's story is not only a difficult history, but also a history worthy of our deep consideration. In today's era of peace, we should cherish and appreciate those who have contributed to the country and the nation in difficult years, and cherish and protect our happy life today.

In 1941, He Zizhen went to visit Qian Xianren, and after entering the door, he was scolded by a Soviet woman: You are too rude

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